NEW IDEA - Pawn Shop Vendor! 💡

Here is an idea for a new vendor in the game. A pawn shop vendor.

The Pawn shop vendor lets you trade a whole host of items for other items or materials.
The Pawn shop vendor can make items with greater affixes.
Random items have a power level of the average of input items or near your level if no input items.

Here is the complete massive list!

5 resplendent sparks → 1 Uber (moved from occultist recipe)
50 sparks —> Unique of your choice (You now gain 1 spark when you salvage a unique with +1 spark per GA.)
500 sparks —> Unique of your choice with at least 1 Greater affix

1 Obal - 5k gold
100 Obals → Random elixir
250 Obals → Random legendary (25% better rolls on aspect and the random range)
500 Obals → Random unique
750 - Obals → Scroll of Disenchanting. This scroll can be used to remove an affinity from an item. See below. While this scroll is in your inventory you will automatically convert all rares put in your inventory to crystals.
1000 Obals → PIT materials cache
1500 Obals → BOSS materials cache
2500 Obals → Resplendent Fragment. 5 Fragments = 1 Resplendent Spark

Any 2 royal gem → 1 royal gem of choice
Any 2 royal gem → Random legendary with max aspect
Any 3 royal gem → Random unique
1 of each royal gem and then 3 royal gems → Prismatic Gem (of 3 royal gem color). Prismatic gems are added to your account so you can use them on multiple characters. They are not better in any other way. Example you put in 1 of each royal gem and 1 extra ruby in pawn vendor. You will get 1 prismatic royal ruby.

Any item + royal ruby = Ruby affinity. More likely to roll max life or overpower damage on enchanting. Other gems follow this same pattern helping certain rolls according to gem. Affinity is permanent but can be replaced with another affinity. Affinity can be removed completely with a scroll of disenchanting.

Any 3 legendary items → Random legendary item (could have GA but very low chance)
Any 3 legendary items with same aspect → Random legendary item with same aspect at max
Any 3 legendary items with 1 GA → Random legendary with 1 GA
Any 3 legendary items with 2 GA → Random legendary with 2 GA
Any 3 legendary items with 3 GA → Random legendary with 3 GA
Uniques follow this same path as legendaries

Any 4 matching → random matching legendary or unique. This then follows the formula above so as an example any 4 focus with 1 GA will give you a random focus with 1 GA, ect.

Any 5 matching → Same as any 4 matching but also adds 150 to item power and max slots.

2 boss mat → 1 related boss mat. Example 2 eggs → 1 shard

5,000,000 gold → Random item. Could be legend. Could be unique. Could be mats. Could be rare. Could be gem fragments or herbs. ect.

400 cinders or 10 Rusty keys → Helltide key. A helltide key will open any helltide chest one time.
40 cinders → Rusty Helltide Key. This allows you to quickly spend cinders if you are running out of time in helltide.


Many good things this does to equalizing value of items to making useless items with GA giving you another yahtzee roll to changing boss mats to crafting needed uniques.

Any more good vendor formula you can think of? :thinking:

Thoughts on this idea? Wonderful :pray:


Why do none of your ideas have anything to do with playing the game outside of vendors and menus?

oh really.

Table of Contents
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs 👁
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard! 😂
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occultist = Improved Occultist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖
x25. Sage Vendor = The NEW Sage Vendor turns your duds into thuds! 😱
x26. DPS dummies = We Need some Mmmm Crash Test Dummies 🪆
x27. Blessing Vendor = Bless me Vendor for I want to sin. 🙅‍♂️
x28. Hero Variants = By the Power of Greyskull here are Powerful Hero Variants! 💀
x29. Pets = Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! 🐇
x30. Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
x31. Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval
x32. Affinity = 3 NEW Affinity Types give players more choices in powering up. 🤔
x33. NEW Gear Affixes = 20 NEW Affixes. PLEASE comment even if you no like. 🤔 - #23 by Urza-1177
x34. NEW Goblins = Goblins Two.oh! 👺
x35. Locations = TBA
x36. Implicit Affixes = NEW Implicit Affixes for all items now Iggified 🆕
x37. Cellars = New idea for cellars 💩

NEW Boss and UBER distribution idea = NEW Boss and UBER distribution idea. 💡
Mount Racing = Mount Racing. Get your hoof on! 🏇
Unique Enchanting = IDEA - Unique Enchanting! 🦄
Region Economic Buffs = IDEA - Region Economic Buffs. 🦾

Yawnfest S3 = Season 3 has turned into a yawn fest. 🥱
Infernal Helltides = Infernal Helltides (Warning inc essay!) 🔥
10 New Affixes = Bonus 5th Affixes (10 total) make you go wut in the wut wut!? 😕
50 Omega Tips = The 50 Omega Tips Thread (Many for new players) 💁‍♂️
AoZ fixes and ideas = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 🩸
The Bone Thrall Ballista Thread = The Bone Thrall Ballista 3 Emoji Thread 🏹
Potion Thread = The Toil Trouble Cauldron Bubble Potion Thread 🧴
Runewords reloaded = Runewords reloaded! 🔢
Gauntlet 2.0 = Gauntlet 2.0 🧤
New Solution for Gauntlet = Solution for gauntlet problems = FIXED / OPEN version 🥊
10 Elephants =
Steel chest solution =
D1 Remastered =
Auction House =
NEW Cellars =
Tempering 2.0 =
Pawn Shop Vendor =


why do all your ideas always include resplendent sparks or uber uniques? just :stop_sign: man

1 obol per angelbreath

Nah that is way too easy. Make around 25-50.

You must be new. Never call Urza out on what his ideas entail, he has the receipts.


I’ll just say I don’t like the idea of even more currency items. I don’t want even more sparks for normal Uniques, I like your idea further down below though.

You say ‘Obals’ but did you mean ‘Obols’ or is this a new currency? Regardless I’m ok with the ‘Obols’ having more options to buy things. I think the Resplendent Fragments shouldn’t be there personally, I get that eventually you’d be spending 10,000 Obols for a Unique, but we get them (obols) fairly quickly now, I’ve capped out faster now on the Live servers then I ever have before.

Anyway to trade in gems for another type of gem I’m ok with. I don’t think we need them to be worth anything else though (as in trade in for legendary/unique), just my personal opinion.

Your any item + royal ruby sounds a lot like the cube in D2, just saying. Little too complicated for what you’re asking for. Would be too many small things people would nitpick over.

Legendaries and Uniques = likewise items I’m ok with.

Any 5 matching, where it adds 150 to item power is out. They won’t increase item power through a method like this.

Boss mats I’m ok with.

Don’t need the 5m gold = 1 random item, we’ll get that soon enough with Obol gambling come the next Season. No one would use this anyway, gold is too precious even when you trade for insane amounts of gold, you just end up spending it anyway.

Going to assume these Helltide keys persist beyond Helltides? Not a bad idea, I’d still rather have just a cap on Cinders and have them persist between Helltides though, don’t need more junk to collect.

Yes obols.

Any item plus royal ruby or other gems just helps u get certain enchants.

Adds 150 power still caps at 925 power.

Yes keys persist.

thx for thoughts.

What a load of nonsense. Get lost dude.

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Reported spam like always

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100,000 obols for 1 paragon!

Dang I wish I could be so entertained by imagining how a vendor could work.

i don’t mind some of these, but these ? i’am against.
the first one would allow people to RMT uber unique and simply get them through gold…so no thanks
items especially like this, should be earned through playing, ACTUAL playing.

as for the second one : it would be a double problem :

  1. it’ll make people hoard like crazy and even sell “junk” 3GA for lot of gold/actual money.
  2. it’ll make 3GA something guaranteed which , in my opinion shouldn’t be the case.

I really appreciate your enthusiasm Urza, but I think the only way we can make a difference is by jumping in the hate bandwagon. (again)

Or we could just go for an AH and overlay map instead of trying to have them make entirely new things that won’t have much of an impact on the game.

We’re just spit balling ideas at the moment, we know Blizzard would never implement them.

It’s def much better to put zero effort into discussing and brainstorming and just log in for the daily complaint post, stop by a discussion post trying to be proactive or have some fun(#FunBadIllegal) - tell em how it sucks and log out, daily quota met.

“Hi would you please take this survey to tell us how your experience was?”
You suck
“Thank you for your input. Could you please tell us why “We suck”?”
cuz your Bad
“Are there any changes you’d like to see, things We could do to make your experience better? Anything specific you were dissatisfied with? What made your visit an unpleasant one?”
stop sucking and being bad
“We greatly appreciate and value your feedback, we will pass along your suggestions. Have a nice day!”

Its their job to come up with the good ideas. If they can’t then lets play a game Developed by a team that can. Why waste time coming up with ideas they can’t code, or don’t want to because it would have players streamline faster through their content, and hurt the shareholders investment.

i like it Cool idea . Great Goal made with ideas And imput