Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 🩸

IF Aoz was an experiment then this is what needs to happen to salvage it into something on eternal as I believe it has many issues:

1] Each player gets 1 rez. Checkpoint is one screen back from your death. There is no rezzing other players. You immediately respawn on death.

2] Players that die twice are ghosts for the rest of the run and are rezzed if the team still wins.

3] Glyph experience is now reduced by 25% per Bloodseeker you were not in the dungeon for or were killed while you are a ghost. 5% bonus glyph XP per member of a team present for all bloodseeker kills. This is to prevent just being in dungeon at the end for parties.

4] You earn bonus glyph experience and items if you did not die in a run.

5] Tears of blood is no longer a normal glyph. This is because it rekts your paragon board to stick 25 points into this is a feel bad moment. You know its right thing to do but it sucks.

Tears of blood is now a blood glyph and is slotted into new blood paragon boards and gives you one of the 4 keystones of that board. (one in each corner so its your chosen starting point on that board) These boards gain 1 blood paragon point per glyph level. Leveling gives bonus blood paragon point on level 10 (+1), 20 (+2), 30 (+3), 40 (+4), and 50 (+5). Glyph level has no other effect except blood paragon points. The max level of this new glyph is 50 as 200 new blood paragon points would be too op!

6] Main entry cost is sigil powder but also has alternates depending on tier with 3 examples.
Tier 1 = FREE (see below)
Tier 2-3 = Iron
Tier 10-12 = Fiend Rose
Tier 25 = Uber Soul. Uber souls are gained from salvaging ubers. You gain a lot of uber souls per salvaged uber.

7] There are now 6 sets of cosmetics to earn in AoZ. One at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

8] There are now 16 blood uniques to earn in AoZ with higher tiers giving more chance at these new uniques. Blood unique is an identifier telling you it drops only in AoZ.
Blood Uniques have 4 normal affixes and 1 blood affix in red text that only works in AoZ.
3 examples:

A] Ring of Pure Infusion. (Blood Unique Ring).
%All resists (inherant)
%Max Globe (%Max Health and %Max Resource on one affix)
%All Resists
+All Stats
Blood Affix: %Buff Duration (makes temp buffs last longer including shrines)
Pure Infusion: Lucky hit - 5% to gain Infusion for 4-8 seconds. This gives 15% bonus to resource generation, movement speed, attack speed, all resists, armor, and all stats.

B] Phoenix Crest (Blood Unique Helm {this item has higher than normal armor])
(This item can be used by anyone and not just sorc)
Fire Affinity (When hit by damaging fire has a 10-30% chance to heal you instead. Also counts as 60% fire resist.)
% Lucky hit while an enemy is burning
Max Health
Bonus to All core skills
Blood Stat: + Blood Paragon Points
Phoenix Rebirth - IF you would die, instead rain down as a llarge AOE fire phoenix and be reborn at full life and resource with fire shield for 2-4 seconds base on your overcapped fire resist. This has a 60-90 second cooldown.

C] Hover Graft Boots (Blood Unique Boots)
+Evade Charges (inherent)
Movement Speed
Resource Cost Reduction
% Damage Reduction while moving
% Dodge
Blood Affix: Grafted - Using evade restores 10% max life and resource.
Hover Mode: You take 25-50% less damage from ground effects for 2s after evading.

9] Zone now contains 1-3 Restoration Fountains. These restore your resource, health, potions, and give you a suppression shield for 5 seconds.

10] Blood Seekers now spawn every 1/3 of completion of a run and not all three at once.

11] Tier 1 is now an entry level tier that has no cost to enter. This tier gives a small amount of XP (500). This is to ensure progress for all builds even if slowly.

12] AoZ Rarities. Opening up a new AoZ has a chance for that AoZ to have a rarity and changes:
50% - Common - same as now
28% - Magic - Random buff for player like dungeon. (You deal 15% bonus lightning damage as an example)
16% - Rare - Random buffs for player like dungeon. Bonus item at end.
5% - Legendary - Two random buffs for player like dungeon. Bonus two items at end. 50% more glyph xp.
1% - Mythic - Three random buffs for player like dungeon. Three bonus items at end. 100% more glyph xp. 1 Extra Shrine. 150% more chance at unique item.

13] Blood Butcher. At tier 6 and above The Blood Butcher can spawn in your AoZ level at the same rate as the butcher in dungeons now. This boss is very difficult but always drops at least 1 blood unique (higher tiers = higher item power).

14] AoZ can drop prime versions of rares and legendaries. These have a purple highlight on map and outline in inv. These have at least 1 max affix with a chance at up to 4 max affixes. The chance for a prime item is 0.05% to 3% depending on tier level. Tier 1 does not drop prime items.

Any gud stuff here guys?? :pray: Please give your thoughts!!


its not going to eternal. its gone at end of season


You dont know for sure what is planned. This is a just in case post and by a miracle a dev reads it. I know i know like 1 in a million…

I put alot of time into this. You like anything in here? Too much text and dint read because ran out of snickers?

Get some snickers in yah mouff and reads it!!!

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Insert another TLDR post here

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Say it aint so my Keyblade joe. I formatted it all nice and clean though. Y u no like besides the 15000 word length?

:sob: :sob: :sob:

The devs already said its gone at the end of the season. Cant see them backtracking on that.

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Just remove NM dungeons and replace it with AoZ from T1 to T125.

T1 would be like NM 1 right now.
T101 would be like AoZ T1 right now
T125 would be like AoZ T25 right now.

Less revives better drops.

  • 0 revives 500% extra drop rate
  • 4 revives 100% extra drop rate

Every run is equivalent to doing a Duriel run meaning you can get an Uber with 1% chance (assume 1%).

So if you pick mode with 4 revives, your drop rate is becomes 2% because another 100% of 1% is 2%. If you pick 0 revives, you increase the chance to 5%.

Higher tiers give higher drop rates too…

Btw, you can still do the traditional Duriel if you don’t want to farm these dungeons for Ubers.


Very nice list of recomendations, but i think the game have 3 big problems Right now, they need fix first after all:

1- Change Build is a nightmare, i farming open World with the same build for AoZ, because respec is boring and slow, you need change the skill tree, change equiped ítems and change all paragon boards, this affect you too for the lack of stash tabs where you need keep it aspects and equip for different build.

2- Lack of Stash space, omg is a pain try to build more than One character, become a nightmare try to make altérnate build for the same class, this thing is a giant problem.

3- Balance between classes and builds is bad, the diference of the best builds and the others option is abysmal, check any class the best build is a far superior compared with all others build, Many things are underperforming with a lot difference.


Thank you kind Madam!

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There are many things they can do to improve things ,PTR would be one of them . Seems to me like Dev’s are just using us to beta test. Blame it on whoever you like, devs, management corperarate greed it doesnt really matter.
I’m sure it will improve at some point but until itemization is in place they game will get dull and boring. Season 2 was a big improvement,but the games still lacking in social activity. If all they want is for peeps to have 30-40 hour seasons what can you do.

This is what I would do, make it 4 deaths like Ancestral NDs, each person who dies in AoZ counts against the 4 like it does now.

Make T1 equivalent to ND60, T2 equivalent to ND70, T3 equivalent to ND80, T4 equivalent to ND90, T5 equivalent to ND100. From T6 and up ratchet up the difficulty. This still allows everyone who has completed the season journey access to get a small taste. Just like M+ in WoW. The first few tiers in M+ are totally accessible by most without carries. Once you get into the teens it can be difficult for most WoW players.

I kind of like the 1 death challenge. But some circumstances blow. Had a fire exploder die to trigger the seekers, as I dashed out of the explosion, i dashed right into the lightning lamding of a seeker and died. If the room was more open i could have dashed anywhere, I was in a tight cooridor with one way to escape.

“But it’s gone at the end of the season”
You guys can’t even read the first few words it’s amazing

He’s not talking about the current AoZ. He’s talking about what the dev team could make and change in the future out of this test run that it’s AoZ

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I play rubbish, it’s not worth the effort of asking and trying to help, they only do what’s easy or what makes money…,

Thx for support! I think AoZ is headed in some way to eternal and want them to have some ideas how to improve it with the off chance a dev reads thread.

You know the sad thing is urza, is that without playing it, I think these are great suggestions - but then from a standpoint of never playing it…why weren’t these considered lol and then if so why not implemented from a design standpoint.

These are all Terrible Ideas and hes trying to turn it into a Childsplay mode rather then be difficult

…and for Solo? What perks, bonuses, boons?

…orrrrrrrrrr… they make them back into greater rifts, which is uncapped deaths with a timer reduction when you die functioning as a death limit. ta dah.

especially something with this deep of a grind, nobody would have cared if they just functioned exactly like GRs did, except for blizzard/PR who would have appeared to be phoning it in by just cut+pasting an old system in as “the new endgame.”

Have i made one post u like?

To be perfectly honestly not really your posts have ideas that dumb down the game and make it more casual or ad complexity for no reason. Some are just straight up non sence

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