3 NEW Affinity Types give players more choices in powering up. 🤔

This idea is inspired by diesforth oil post:
Make the { POTIONS } into " oils " and apply to each piece of gear? - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

My idea based on this are affinities. Each affinity is unlocked with craft parts or special requirements and is then permanently available for selection at the affinity vendor for a gold and gem cost after .

Affinities are broken into 3 categories. Ones for weapons, armors, and jewelry. Each has a different way they end. An affinity that has ended must be reapplied using the affinity vendor and paying the gem and gold cost again but not the unlock cost.
Weapon - Execute based proc effects. End on death.
Armor - Status based proc effects. End on item breaking.
Jewelry - Wealth based effects. Special unlocks. End on failing a dungeon.

Each affinity has 4 levels of cost, gem needed, and power based on your selected world tier. I tried to make these as fun as possible and not just more stats but with effects. I made several examples for each category of affinity.

Affinities can be put on all items. There is no restriction like there is for uniques which cannot have aspects.

Weapon affinities do not affect players. IE Your character is not going to be targeted by hunt spiders or hit with magmabombs.

2H weapons can have 2 weapon affinities.

The same affinities do not stack.

WT 1: 5k, crude
WT 2: 10k, chipped
WT 3: 25k, normal
WT 4: 50k, flawless

Righteous Affinity: Lucky Hit - 10-25% to execute injured enemies which then explode into a holy nova. Holy novas make demons, ghouls, and skeletons vulnerable for 3 seconds and deal holy damage. Holy damage cannot be resisted.
Unlock: 5 Angelbreath, 10 Fiend Rose, 16 Demon Hearts, 30 Gallowvine
Gem: 3 Diamonds

Hunt Affinity: Lucky Hit 10-25% to execute injured enemies which then release 2 spiders. These are considered summons and last 8 seconds. These spiders deal poison damage, cast web, and are immune to poison.
Unlock: 5 Lifesbane, 10 Howler Moss, 20 Crushed Beast Bones, 150 Rawhide
Gem: 3 Emeralds

Igneus Affinity: Lucky Hit 10-25% to execute injured enemies which then turn into a volcano for 5 seconds. Volcanoes emit a magmaball at random enemies each second. Magmaballs deal very high stacking burn damage and destroy walls (waller affix).
Unlock: 20 Reddamine, 30 Gallowvine, 50 Silver Ore
Gem: 3 Rubies

Underdark Affinity: Lucky Hit 10-25% to execute injured enemies and release a shadow nova. Shadow novas make knights, bandits, and cultists vulnerable for 3 seconds and deal shadow damage. Shadow novas bypasses barriers, reduce time on buffs, and slow for 4 seconds.
Unlock: 5 Baleful Fragment, 10 Paletongue, 20 Gravedust, 25 Blightshade
Gem: 3 Amethysts


Ice Affinity: When you become frozen, cast an ice trap, summon a Frozen shade for 6-9 seconds, or cast an ice lance with your bonus lucky hit % to do all three. You are frozen for 15-30% less duration.
Unlock: 50 Biteberry
Gem: 1 Sapphire

Poison Affinity: If you would die to poison, automatically consume a health potion instead. This has a 12-20 second timer.
Unlock: 50 Lifebane
Gem: 1 Emerald

Electric Affinity: Gain 10-20% attacks speed while slowed.
Unlock: 15 Scattered Prism
Gem: 1 Topaz

Fire Affinity: You have lucky hit 5-15% to summon a Volcano while channeling and suffering damage over time. See Igneus above.
Unlock: 50 Reddamine
Gem: 1 Ruby


Goblin Affinity: Defeated goblins close or distant from you drop extra 10-40% gold and items with higher chances for uniques for all players in your party. (doesnt stack with other players)
Unlock: Defeat 50 goblins
Gem: 2 of each gem.

Claustrogoldia Affinity: While there is a monster wall summoned, monsters drop 150-250% more gold.
Unlock: Defeat 25 elites with waller
Gem: 5 Skulls

Crystal Affinity: When a forgotten soul or abtuse sigil drops also drop 2-5 veiled crystals.
Unlock: Collect 500 Veiled crystals.
Gem: 5 Topaz

Hope this is good! What you think folks??