Goblins Two.oh! 👺

Part 34.

We all know goblins are boring. They do not even measure up to D3 goblins. This will fix that and introduce some new and exciting goblins and adventures.

The following goblins would be added to the game with this idea:

Goblin Name: Name of goblin
Goblin Color: Color of goblin
Goblin Rarity: This is the relative rarity of the goblin within the goblin pool. Categories are common, rare, legendary, mythical where our current treasure goblins are common.
Common - Should find 1-5 of these per play period
Rare - Should find 1-4 of these per day
Legendary - Should find 1-3 of these per week
Mythical - Should find 1-2 of these per month.
Goblin Running Drops: What goblin drops while running.
Goblin Defeated Drops: What goblin always drops on defeat
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: What goblin sometimes drops on defeat
Goblin Favored Region: This is where the goblin likes to live. Extra chance to be found in this area.

Goblin Name: Adventurer. This goblin is tied into each season and drops season specific currency.
Goblin Color: Teal
Goblin Rarity: Common
Goblin Running Drops: Seasonal currency
Goblin Defeated Drops: Large amount of season currency
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% to drop huge amount of season currency
Goblin Special Power: TBD
Goblin Favored Region: Season Areas

Goblin Name: Trinket
Goblin Color: White
Goblin Rarity: Common
Goblin Running Drops: Random Rare jewelry
Goblin Defeated Drops: 1-3 jewelry legendaries
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% for extra 1-3 amulet legendaries
Goblin Special Power: These goblins will also drop large amounts of temporary gold at distant range to distract you.
Goblin Favored Region: Near undead mobs

Goblin Name: Cinder
Goblin Color: Pink
Goblin Rarity: Common
Goblin Running Drops: Extra chance for meteors to spawn around him
Goblin Defeated Drops: 50-150 cinders
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% to drop a skeleton key. This key will open any mystery chest for free and then be consumed. Stacks up to 9.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will occasionally open hell portals and an elite and 10 normal enemies will stream out. Up to 3 elites and 30 normal mobs max. These portals cannot be damaged and close after 3 summon waves.
Goblin Favored Region: Helltide

Goblin Name: Angry. Drops from angry goblins can be picked up by anyone.
Goblin Color: Red
Goblin Rarity: Common
Goblin Running Drops: Red Dust
Goblin Defeated Drops: 1500-5000 Red Dust
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% for a goblin ear. The goblin ear can be sold at a merchant for 10k red dust.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will occasionally tro to stun everything around it up to distant range for 3s. If you are stunned you drop on the ground 25% your red dust in 3-7 stacks.
Goblin Favored Region: PVP Zones

Goblin Name: Acrobat
Goblin Color: Orange
Goblin Rarity: Common
Goblin Running Drops:
Goblin Defeated Drops: Drops 1-3 Talismans. These talismans can be used to warp to a boss or legion event. Stacks up to 25.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% for a Mystical Talisman. If you have a mystical talisman in your inventory and fail a dungeon, you will respawn instead and lose 1 mystical talisman. Stacks up to 12.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will occasionally cast Sprint giving it 30% movement speed and evade for 4s or until damaged.
Goblin Favored Region: Likes to spawn during events

Goblin Name: Aged
Goblin Color: Gray
Goblin Rarity: Common
Goblin Running Drops: Small Experience orbs. This gives small amounts of character experience.
Goblin Defeated Drops: Experience orbs. This gives character experience.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 10% for an experience shrine spawn. Gives 25% bonus to XP for 1 hour.
Goblin Special Power: Will occasionally cast Oily Skin. This prevents the next 3 attacks from the player dealing damage to the goblin. When broken this will slow players in close distance for 3-5 seconds.
Goblin Favored Region: Cellars

Goblin Name: Baron
Goblin Color: Gold
Goblin Rarity: Rare
Goblin Running Drops: 100k gold
Goblin Defeated Drops: 2-8 million gold.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 25% for a large hoard of gems.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will gain a large boost of speed for 2s if it runs over gold piles.
Goblin Favored Region: Open World

Goblin Name: Obal
Goblin Color: Blue
Goblin Rarity: Rare
Goblin Running Drops: 5 Obals
Goblin Defeated Drops: 100-200 Obals
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% chance for an Obal Cache. This cache drops 500-1000 obals. 5% of obal caches drop a Mystical Obal. This increases your max obal capacity by 200. Max 1 use per character.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will occasionally cast Obalport. This teleports the goblin some distance and leaves behind 25-50 obals.
Goblin Favored Region: Near Events

Goblin Name: Cursed
Goblin Color: Black
Goblin Rarity: Rare
Goblin Running Drops: Random cursed rares
Goblin Defeated Drops: Drops many cursed rares. Cursed items have an extra cursed affix shown in black color. Cursed items break after you die once and cost 5x to repair. Cursed affixes cannot be rerolled or changed in any way.
5 examples of cursed affixes:

  1. Sluggish: X% damage resist but X% movement penalty.
  2. Sleepy: X% crowd control duration reduction but X% attack speed penalty.
  3. Drunk: X% max health but X% attack speed and X% movement speed penalty.
  4. Sketchy: X% movespeed but X% all damage reduction penalty.
  5. Greedy: X% pickup radius increased but -X% all resists.
    Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 5% to spawn a circle of 3 cursed shrines or chests.
    Goblin Special Power: Cursed players within close or distant range with Weakness = -25% movespeed, attack speed, and damage.
    Goblin Favored Region: Cursed chests / shrine waves

Goblin Name: Gambler. The gambler goblin drops slot tokens. 1 Slot token is used at new slots vendor to play slot machine 1 time for legendary and rare items of high item power. Center line is win line. Omega slot tokens have extra uniques on their slot wheels.
Goblin Color: Shimmering Clear
Goblin Rarity: Rare
Goblin Running Drops: Large amount of gold
Goblin Defeated Drops: Slot Tokens
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 10% for 1 omega slot token.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will occasionally go completely invisible for 2-4s. Damage it in AOE to reveal it.
Goblin Favored Region: Near cities

Goblin Name: Glyph
Goblin Color: Seagreen
Goblin Rarity: Rare
Goblin Running Drops: Chance to drop 1 glyph you are missing.
Goblin Defeated Drops: Glyph XP Orbs. These give some experience to all your glyphs when collected.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 2.5% to drop Glyph XP Up Arrow. This can be used on a glyph to level it up by 1. This item stacks up to 3.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will summon yellow polarity bubbles at distant range it will try to run through. These last 2-4 seconds. Damaging any enemy in a polarity bubble heals it instead of damaging it. Healing yourself in a polarity bubble will hurt you instead.
Goblin Favored Region: Any Dungeon. Higher is better.

Goblin Name: Shapeshifted. The shapeshifted goblin true identity is a secret until defeated. It will behave like another goblin until this time. It can be any legendary, rare, or common goblin. So even if it is shown as an Angry goblin and behaves like an Angry Goblin it could actually be an Aged goblin when defeated! It will then drop loot like a defeated Aged Goblin. Its running loot would be from an Angry goblin. The shapeshifted goblin cannot be a cube goblin.
Goblin Color: See goblin
Goblin Rarity: Legendary
Goblin Running Drops: See goblin
Goblin Defeated Drops: See goblin
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: See goblin
Goblin Special Power: See goblin
Goblin Favored Region: See goblin

Goblin Name: Cube
Goblin Color: Purple. This goblin is like the D3 gelatinous sire but instead splits into 3 random goblins of equal or lesser rarity and then 3 goblins of equal or lesser rarity again for a total of 9 goblins. The cube goblin cannot be a shapeshifted goblin.
Goblin Rarity: Legendary
Goblin Running Drops: See goblin
Goblin Defeated Drops: See goblin
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: See goblin
Goblin Special Power: See goblin
Goblin Favored Region: Swamps

Goblin Name: Mercenary
Goblin Color: Same as unique items
Goblin Rarity: Legendary
Goblin Running Drops: Does not run
Goblin Defeated Drops: 1 Unique Item
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 1% to drop uber unique
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will attack you and is a powerful elite like the butcher but not quite as strong.
Goblin Favored Region: Dungeons Tier 85-99. Very small extra chance at 100.

Goblin Name: Platinum
Goblin Color: Flashing Platinum
Goblin Rarity: Mythical
Goblin Running Drops: Platinum
Goblin Defeated Drops: 25%-40% sale coupon for use in Cosmetic shop. You can only have 1 max of this on your account. Use before you lose. You have 1 hour to buy something in shop when used.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 1% for random cosmetic item you dont own.
Goblin Special Power: Each time a platinum goblin is damaged it will summon a random common or rare goblin to distract you. Up to 5-8 goblins total.
Goblin Favored Region: Open World

Goblin Name: Rainbow
Goblin Color: Flashing Rainbow
Goblin Rarity: Mythical
Goblin Running Drops: Turns enemies it runs through into random goblins up to rare. The rainbow goblin can run through enemies. (Doesnt change rainbow summons).
Goblin Defeated Drops: Rainbow Portal to special loot filled unique dungeon. You have 3 lifes in this dungeon. This dungeon can drop the rainbow colored weapon cosmetics, rainbow colored portal, rainbow colored mount, rainbow colored mount armor, rainbow colored armor piece (5 total), and the Living Rainbow Pet. Save all 3 lives for extra loot chests.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 10% chance for Rainbow colored character portrait.
Goblin Special Power: This goblin will summon killable rainbows that attack the player with rainbow blindness. (random circles in screen just show shimmering rainbows for 2 seconds). These summoned rainbows drop legendary items with max aspects.
Goblin Favored Region: Open World

Goblin Name: Random DEV Name. These special named goblins pay homage to dev team. This is the rarest goblin in the game. You will be lucky to see this one time per season. When revealed on the map this goblin will start running.
Goblin Color: Pulsing Holographic from bright to ultra bright
Goblin Rarity: Mythical+
Goblin Running Drops: Random uniques (not uber). Drops 3-5 total.
Goblin Defeated Drops: Tears of Deckard Cain. Each character can use this once. This gives 3 paragon points, +3 skill points, 300 obals max, 3% max life and 3% max resource. This item is account bound. Stacks up to 1.
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops: 25% for Deckard Cain Cosmetic Portal (shows his head and mouth is portal part).
Goblin Special Power: This goblin is very slow to run and you should have no trouble dispatching him or her.
Goblin Favored Region: The 01100100 01110101 01101110 01100111 01100101 01101111 01101110. This dungeon can only drop from uber bosses. It contains 50 resplendent chests and no enemies.

Hope you like D4 players. Please comment on your favorite (My fav is Cursed as its brand new and could be incorporated into cursed events as well!). Please post more ideas. You can use this template:

Goblin Name:
Goblin Color:
Goblin Rarity:
Goblin Running Drops:
Goblin Defeated Drops:
Goblin Defeated Chance Drops:
Goblin Special Power:
Goblin Favored Region:


holy uninstall…

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Lol… I have to admit you are good at brainstorming. I hope someone from Blizzard can find something useful from your posts.

The goblins in D4 are very disappointing combined with the boring itemization.

  1. holy uninstall.

20 characters.

i saw a new ‘key’ item (skeleton), and thought oh great my “key” inventory is already taken by potions, sigils, season quest pieces and its already more full with crap and that would just take up even more space…

hope they add ‘goblin storage’ kill this goblin get a potion tab, key tab, seasonal quest tab, extra bank tab and a max roll unique tab

Why are ppl upset with a coupon from the platinum goblin that lets you buy stuff u might want at a discount?

This goblin can drop cosmetic items and drops platinum while running. Its mythical rarity. You might only find 1 a season. Save it for that must have cosmetic. You would rather pay full price???