The Toil Trouble Cauldron Bubble Potion Thread 🧴

Inspired by a post by Tron (love name) here → Add Mana potion drops - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

Here is something they could do to spice up potion drops with different colors and effects. All of them stack with others and itself which adds duration.

Rarity Scale:

Black - Legendary - Summon undead skeleton archers, mages, or warriors on defeated elites. Duration 5 min. Max summons is 7 of each.

Blue - Common - Restores 10% resource. No duration as its instant.

Brown - Uncommon - Gain 50,000 thorns for 1 minute.

Clear - Legendary - Random effect of another legendary or less rare potion but at double duration.

Copper - Uncommon - 100% non-boss material drops for 1 min.

Gray - Rare. The next elixir you use will have triple duration and double effect. Does not expire until an elixir is used.

Green - Uncommon - Adds poison damage to attacks. Chance for poison nova on defeated elites. Gain 75% poison resist and 10% max poison resist. Duration 20s.

Gold - Epic. 1000% Gold drop. Chance for explosions of gold on defeated elites. Duration 45s.

Orange - Uncommon - Adds fire damage to attacks. Chance for flame nova on defeated elites. Gain 75% fire resist and 10% max fire resist. Duration 20s.

Pink - Epic. An invulnerable pink orb follows you and copies all your attacks for 1 minute.

Platinum - Legendary, 100% item find for 3 min. Chance for explosions of items on defeated elites.

Purple - Uncommon. Restore health and resource to full. Break CC and become unstoppable for 5s.

Rainbow - Mythical. Effect of all other potions except yin-yang and for 2 min if duration is shorter.

Red - Common. Current Health Potion

Silver - Rare. Refresh CD on your ultimate and and then gain 50% reduced CD for ultimate for 45 seconds. Your ultimate does 500%x more damage.

Teal - Uncommon - Adds lightning damage to attacks. Chance for lightning nova on defeated elites. Gain 75% lightning resist and 10% max lightning resist. Duration 20s.

White - Rare. 100% movement speed. Gain Flickerstep unique effect. Duration 30s.

Yellow - Rare. Double experience on defeated enemies for 30 seconds.

Yin/Yang - Mythical. Gain 15 to all stats on first use, 1 skill point on second use, and 1 paragon point on third use permanently. Your character can only use 3 of these.

There is no option to create these potions at an alchemy table as that would have a drastic effect on pvp. These potions like the current red heal one just have a chance to drop from defeated enemies.


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That name reminds me of that Chappelle Show episode.

-“Is that your son?”
“Nah I just bought this baby, CASH!!” :hamster:

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Maybe include some substance with your off the topic addition? What you think about this idea?!?!?

IT looks like this post has died a horrible death!

Nobody cares!

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Haha, glad you like my name!

I like the thought of more potions being dropped in the world, for sure! Devs might be able to use different bottle shapes, too, to help make potion purposes easier to identify at a glance.

Although your list is quite thorough, I think it might be too much. What about just sticking to a few main ones?

I was thinking about which ones I’d want after reading your idea but before reading the details of your list, and was glad to see your list has the main ones I was thinking…

  • Like, orange (temporary fire benefits), teal (temp lightning benefits), green (temp poison benefits).
    • These would be simple for players to remember.

Anything much beyond that and I feel it probably gets too complex for the more intended casual design of the game. I think the only other colors I’d personally add are black, gold, and white, and they would be quite rare (maybe even super rare).

Black and White should be along the lines of what you brainstormed, imo. (A five minute benefit sounds too long, though, imo.) But, for me, I think a Gold magic bottle (maybe have sparkles drifting off it) should just be an immediate burst of coinage falling at your feet, rather than a prolonged effect with cool-down.

Perhaps one other color could be a mystery bottle. You either get a benefit, or some damage or negative effect (like slowness or frozen for a couple seconds, or the like).

  • Ooh, actually, the Black potion might be good for this one. Like black magic sort of thing. You either get those undead creatures, or you get cursed.
  • Or the Green one could instead be the mystery bottle. Either get poison benefits to your blade for a period of time, or you get sick for a bit.
  • In either case, maybe what, a 25% chance of bad effect and 75% chance of good effect, so players are willing to roll the dice?

If by drop you mean like the white globes in D3 than I don’t like it.
We need to see less clutter on screen not more. Multiple colours of globes would look cartoonish like X-mas lights.

If you mean real item like D3 legendary potions with extra effects that is still a no, would work weird with stuff like + potion capacity etc.

And if just like regular potions, its pointless everyone picks the strongest for their build and rests get ignored pretty much.

Though would not put it past Blizzard to make Season of Potions and include this as a season mechanic so who knows. Still seems like effort for minimal gains.

I would have linked the video but it breaks all of the COC.

I told you that a long time ago.

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:rofl: :sob: :rofl:

Bob came out of the woodwork and got me good!