PLEASE MAKE Diablo 1️⃣ Remastered

D2 Remastered has been a massive success. I suggest Bliz follow up on this and update and release Diablo 1 Remastered for all the masses that never got to enjoy this masterpiece.

They should base it on the highly successful Hellfire mod as well.

They could easily sell this updated version for $49.99.

I would then update the game with these updates:

Bard and Barbarian with much of their game files already there are finished and released. Necromancer is also added in as a summon based character and the only character summon skill books will drop for. Priest is added as a mix of healing, anti undead, and melee combat. In D1 each hero had a base favored stat and skill they could use. WIS is a new added stat to balance stats for the heroes. WIS reduces cooldowns.

STR: Warrior, Barb, Bard
DEX: Rogue, Monk, Bard
MAGIC: Sorc, Necro, Priest, Bard
WIS: Priest, Monk, Bard

Innate Skill - Repair items.
Stat - STR
Notes - Balance of strength and defense. Very tanky. Every 4 points in STR gives 1 VIT.
Repair item now improves as warrior levels. Bonus block chance with shields. Bonus damage at full life. Resistant to stuns. Start with Shield Bash level 2.

Innate Skill - Hide in Shadows. Deal 10-50% (level 50 =50%) more damage with the next attack when hidden. Automatically hide when out of combat. The disarm skill was useless so this replaces it.
Stat - DEX
Notes - More focused on damage than defense. Bonus damage with Daggers. Bonus attack speed with bows. 10% bonus move speed. Start with Execute level 2.

Innate Skill - Recharge staves.
Stat - MAGIC
Notes - Start with charge bolt level 2, firebolt level 2, and teleport level 1. Damaging spellbooks can reach max level 16 instead of 15. +3 Spell levels for spells cast from items.

Innate Skill - Turn Undead. This stuns (chance to destroy) all undead the first time they enter your light radius for a moderate amount of time.
Notes - Defensive magic focus. Can use shields. Bonus damage with maces. Every 4 WIS adds to 1 to VIT. Turning ability improves as priest levels. Start with healing, holy bolt, and holy light level 1.

Innate Skill - Glory of Combat - 1% bonus damage per corpse.
Stat - STR
Notes - Uses 2 hand axe weapons in one hand but cant use any magic. Mana bar is rage bar. Rage bar builds up as barb deals or suffers damage. AT full gain 25% damage for 5 seconds and heal 100% life over 5s and then reset to 0 of 100. Glory of Combat improves as Barb levels up = 2% per corpse at level 50. Start with Anger Level 1.

Innate Skill - Inner Calm - Can see enemies farther away. Can see invisible enemies. +1 WIS and DEX per seen enemy.
Stat - DEX and WIS
Notes - Bonus damage with staffs or unarmed. Bonus armor when wearing light armor. Bonus damage with DEX. Bonus armor with WIS. Inner Calm improves as monk levels = +2 WIS and DEX per seen enemy at level 50. Start with Search and 4-Sided Strike level 1.

Innate Skill - Soothing Song - Quickly restores health and mana for entire party while out of combat.
Stats - All stats
Notes - Can duel wield 1 hand weapons. Can use shields. Balanced magic and fighting power. Bonus Song effects with INT. Bonus Song duration with WIS. Bonus damage with STR. Bonus Movement speed with DEX. Soothing Song improves as bard levels and with WIS. Bonus damage with 1H swords. Songs do not stack from different bards. Start with song of heroes level 1.

Innate Skill - Summoning
Summon Skeletal Warrior - Skeletal warriors meant to distract and gain aggro. 1 summon per 7 levels. (8 at 50)
Summon Skeletal Mage - Skeletal mages casting charged bolt or firebolt and rarely lightning. 1 summon per 10 levels. (5 at 50)
Summon Lich - Lich casts spells lightning and rarely chain lightning or fireball. 1 summon per 25 levels. (2 at 50)

Summons are automatically cast for free every 6s for warrior, 10s for mage, and 30s for lich. This time is reduced by VIT to limit of 3s for warrior, 5s for mage, and 15s for lich.

Stats - MAGIC
Notes - VIT adds to minion life. MAGIC adds to minion damage. WIS adds to minion skill cooldown.

New skill books are added for and meant for each class. Some examples:

Warrior Only - Shield Bash. Moderate damage and stun all enemies in an arc. Cooldown
has a 50% chance to reset when you block.

Rogue Only - Execute. Strike a stunned enemy with a finishing blow dealing massive damage. Works with melee or ranged weapons though melee will do more damage.
Moderate cooldown.

Sorc Only - Archon. Change into a highly damaging archon for a short time. Skill has a high cooldown and mana cost. Book is a rare drop.

Priest Only - Holy Light. Increase your light radius size by a large amount. Your light radius slows projectiles.

Monk Only - 4-Sided Strike. Quickly strike 4 different enemies + 1 at level 5, 10, and 15. This has reduced cooldown while you have a staff equipped or are unarmed.

Barb Only - Anger. This skill is cast with rage. Gain 33% more rage for 5s + 1s per level. Cooldown of 45 seconds -1s per level.

Bard Only - Song of Heroes. 1% per level Damage, 1% Movement Speed, and 1 Mana per 5 seconds Regeneration buff. This skill is passive and is always on for the entire party for no cost.

Necro Only - Command Aura. All minions gain 25%+1% per level speed and damage for 6s +1s per level. Cooldown of 30 seconds.

40 New uniques are made.

14 UBER unique items are added to the game only available in hardest difficulties at hardest levels of game from elemental portals. (1 uber per class, and 7 for all)

New Prismatic Elixir added as very rare drop = +1 to all stats, armor, mana, and health. A character can use this up to 10 times.

New Infernal Power Book added as a uber type rare drop - +1 all known spellbook skill levels but lose half your gold. A character can only use this once.

New Shady Dealer Vendor added that gives random items for gold.

New Enchantment Vendor can enchant items for gold. Enchanting an item reduces its max dur by 1.
54% - 10% boost all stats
25% - 20% boost all stats
15% - 30% boost all stats
5% - 40% boost all stats
1% - 50% boost all stats

New elemental focused areas added to game - Halls of Elemental Portals. These portaled to large open areas full of enemies are meant as the absolute hardest content in the remastered version meant for the best heroes. Portals are Wind, Earth, Ice, Fire in that order of difficulty. Get an elemental essence of each boss to travel to Conflux Portal and fight the prime elemental boss, Young Malphas.

Any good forum goers??



They teamed up with GoG and made it accessible to more modern PC’s along with fixing various bugs and other things. You should go check it out.

The GOG-enhanced version offers several quality of life additions, including minor audio fixes, up-scaling support for resolution and refresh rate control, and compatibility fixes. Please note that this version cannot connect to and only supports multiplayer via LAN and P2P connection.

For more information.


I would not consider this a remastered version. Thx though.


It’s about as remastered as you’re going to get sadly. They even threw in Hellfire which wasn’t even a Blizzard product to begin with. I would say there just isn’t a market for D1 honestly. D2R made sense, especially when D4 was still 2 years out at the time it was released.

It scratched that nostalgia itch for those who didn’t like D3, or just wanted to go back to D2. D1 is just clunky by comparison though. There’s nostalgia there, but not enough to warrant going back to.


I think they could easily release D1 and make a lot of money with these updates and additions. So much new content that everyone who orig played would want to try new characters and get new items and explore new content. It makes it a brand new experience. Could make millions of $.

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it’s a pretty short game, lol. I don’t think ppl really remember.

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I wonder how many of the new kids to D4 even know anything about the original Diablo from 1997.


They wouldn’t make new content for it. There would be QOL updates and a graphics overhaul, but that’s it. No new content, no new classes, nothing.

And they wouldn’t make enough to justify it.

The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


I admire your optimism, even if I don’t share it. I just don’t see it happening. I personally wouldn’t buy it myself. If I want a reminder of what D1 was like I’ll look up a youtube video and remind myself. It’s like asking for a remastered version of Burger Time for the NES. If you haven’t played that, you sure weren’t missing out.


As a kid who blew a ton of quarters on Burger Time I resemble that remark :wink:

I was also thinking recently that a D1R would be cool, but not in the way the OP is thinking and certainly not for 50 bucks because even I wouldn’t touch it for that price. That’s even more expensive than D2R which I thought was also very overpriced for an old game. A simple remaster like AOE2 which only cost around $15 is more of what I was thinking.

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dont see it either. while d1 is a great game for its time, i dont see a big remaster happening.

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I mean they waste money on worse efforts so, a graphical and movement upgrade like D2 minus the online updates ladders etc, would be all that is needed, release it on gog and steam etc as a stand alone remaster would be great. I would buy it for sure. Such a small game to, so doesn’t have all the outdoor environments etc to worry about.

Lol. also why i want to be able to take, any skills and keep my starter attack, so i can pretend i am playing D1 have one skill on the Bar at a time, and hit with my weapon.

EDIT- Sadly the moment i equip a Skill even from gear ranks i loose it automatically. Because of streamlining, Almost got it man almost. Still a Basics skills and one Skill bar Build is pretty close, make the outline on items blue and i get nostalgia dopamine so pretty good.

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id for sure buy it myself but yea, i dont see it being able to sell as well as d2 myself ^^

I agree, it wouldn’t but it would be niche. But its also a fraction of the cost since its all underground dungeons on above ground map and some tunnels, so you know it just completes the series having up to date graphics.

Movement might be a issue as i would prefer D2s movement but then that take work and programming. so even with the stiff 90s hobble i would still enjoy it tbh :smiley:

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i mean, isnt there a d1 modding community as well? (im not quite sure, i only know the d2 one to be fair)

Probably is tbh. I haven’t looked into it, i have it on gog when i am in the mood for it. good enough in reality so yeah. When i want diablo souls i play it lol.

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Do a google search for DevilutionX. It appears to be a fan revamp with better graphics and other tweeks and includes Hellfire.


Cool i will check it out thanks.

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nice! didnt hear about that before =D might even try it just for the nostalgia ^^

Some people just deluded by nostalgia.