Season 3 has turned into a yawn fest. šŸ„±

How many of you are falling asleep trying to keep playing D4 Season 3?

None of my friends are on much anymore.

Vaults gets boring after 100 and all glyphs to 21. Vaults also removed dungeons as content as who wants to do a dungeon instead of a vault since traps dont exist anymore?

Nobody has made an offer on my 50 items on in a week.

Last legion I went to had 1 other person.

Last world boss I went to had 2 other ppl.

Season is already winding down bigtime. WE need something big to sink our teeth into and challenge builds. Gauntlet is not going to do this.

Season goes on until something like april 25. That is 2 months of content needed. We are all twiddling our thumbs here. Give us something juicy!

WE are at a bad spot right now. Please do something fast! Bring back a fixed type of AoZ maybe.

We need new paragon boards and new skill tree as well.

Thoughts S3 players?


The reality is there is nothing to do.

You either farm Duriel all day or do nothing.

Thereā€™s nothing to chase, no builds, no skills, no paragonā€¦nothing after level 100.

No point rolling an alt to do the same thing all over again.

The loot totally sucks you cant build a toon you like, thereā€™s hardly any synergy between loot and builds outside a handful of items.

The skills are uselessā€¦choose one of two options.

Been saying for months the entire core of the game needs to be rebuilt.

I just play other games and wait for the Devs to get it together with Diablo 4. I have little faith in them at this point.

Is Diablo 4 a good game?..Nope its pretty rubbish and not much has changed since launch coming up to 1 year now. Diablo 1 was better than this.


I still have 2 seasonal objectives to complete. Helltide Cinder Shards, and a Tier 90 Dungeon, then Iā€™m officially done. Iā€™ve been taking my time, as I agree itā€™s gotten stale and boring. You figure aside from the Uber bosses weā€™ve been doing the same thing since launch.

Seasonal Gimmicks can only do so much, and while S3 has the vaults which are great in my opinion, theyā€™re just a better version of NMD and not worth doing once youā€™re 100 and have maxed out your glyphs.

Thereā€™s just nothing to do in the game to keep me interested in playing. I donā€™t farm Uber Uniques, itā€™s just not for me, and that would be the only thing I could see people doing aside from making an alternate character. I havenā€™t even fought Malphas yet honestly, guess Iā€™ll do that one of these days.

Curious to see what they say tomorrow, but I doubt itā€™ll make me want to play anymore than I already do. Leaderboards just donā€™t interest me personally. Iā€™ll try the gauntlet out, but in no way will I be competitive. If I was a streamer or still in my 20ā€™s without a care in the world I have no doubt Iā€™d probably be more interested.

Right now we need more content in general but on all levels. Itā€™s not just end-game content, we need more QoL, an actual crafting system, skill reworks, itemization (obviously in the works), etc. We have the bare minimum to call this an ARPG, but by todays standards it just falls short on every aspect.


Its been a week since Ive logged in myself. Just not much to do. I think I got close to 15 runes to 21, even started leveling blue runesā€¦ for the ā€˜funā€™ of it.

I wouldnā€™t worry about auctioning. Money is easy to get and used on next to nothing, itā€™s over inflated and worthless.

A lot of people are waiting for season 4, and the new changes.

Welcome to ARPG without leaderboards. Once you get gear your done. This is completely normal game design and behaviour


Stop crying about how much you hate the game. You should spend more time playing other games if you hate diablo so much. You have 3.5k posts complaining about these games yet you just keep playing them and crying on forums. Letā€™s not turn diablo into retail wow. The game is fine the way it is. No need to change it!

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I say ā€¦

If your bored and/or done with Diablo 4 thenā€¦well you can stop playing. You can play other games/ do other things.

I do believe nobody is forcing you to continue to play Diablo 4.

You should wait until mid season or season 4 to come back.

Leaderboards donā€™t matter if thereā€™s nothing to keep your interest beyond them. Theyā€™re quite literally a small portion of the player base that are competitive, thatā€™s it. The majority wonā€™t care about the leaderboards they just want more content in the game regardless.


I dont get this concept that you have to be married to one game. Who says you have to play one game until the end of time? There is only so many times you can relevel characters in the same world until it gets old. I do the season journey then move on. I played last epoch for a bit and now am practicing on WWE2K23 while waiting for 2K24 to rekease. When S4 releases Ill rinse and repeat.


I actually like retail WoW more than classic hahaā€¦

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yup, like me ! I want more content to grind for !. I was hoping leaderboard would be some content that I can spend more time in. It might be, until they announce it tomorrow, could be something to tie me over to S4 =p

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Idk I took a few days break but ended up going back in. Iā€™m yet to hit lvl 100 on my only s3 char so I still have a bit to do

Itā€™s mostly boring if I play for more than 30-45 mins in one hit. I havenā€™t yet finished the season journey thing cause I havenā€™t bothered doing duriel or malphas or Lilith or a t90 nmd or gotten cindersā€¦

Iā€™ll probably get there by the end of the season tho

Maybe people already bored and finished all there is to finish should either play less or roll a diff game once theyā€™re done

I actually think itā€™s a bit much to expect thousands of hours of playtime for 60-100$, with hundreds of hours of fresh content every quarter (Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s what there is, there isnā€™t. Iā€™m saying thatā€™s what people want)

all i read was ā€œleaderboards donā€™t matterā€ and I stopped. How come players with 5k post counts always complain about how leaderboards donā€™t matterā€¦ Of course they donā€™t matter to people who donā€™t play the game and use forums all day complaining about games they donā€™t even play :rofl: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Iā€™m surprised any one stuck with it past the first week.

Minion necro not fixed, season mechanic pet & trap dungeon is bad.


Join us and play Last Epoch, Grim Dawn, PoE, Torchlight 1 or 2, Titan Quest, I mean the list can go on a bit for solid action rpgs. PoE is the only one that some people find hard to get into and yea I can see why but it is not that difficult.

Edit: D4 had a solid campaign and it was fun, but it lacks in itemization, endgame, and just the heart of an action rpg. Chaosbane is honestly better.

Play other games like Joe Piepiora said.

This problem isnā€™t new, itā€™s been that way since launch. End game is boring AF and Iā€™d rather do literally anything else. So the answer is this: Play other games.


This is the worst comment about a product in business history.
How can somebody say this without getting fired instantly?

They should place all energy into the product and make every Diablo fan love it.

Imagine you are the boss of a handful of salesman.
ā€œsorry boss. sales are bad.ā€
ā€œwhy that?ā€
ā€œcustomers complained about some aspects of our productā€
ā€œok. but what did you tell them?ā€
ā€œIf you dont like it. Buy somewhere/thing elseā€

Why not say:ā€œSorry (you wont never ever hear this word from Blizzard) for the inconvienence. Thank you for the input. We will communicate with our dev-team to improve the product.ā€

He probably shouldnā€™t have said it.

But for players who are familiar with seasonal models, especially for aRPGs, heā€™s speaking in a ā€œyou know it I know itā€ kinda way and perhaps suggesting that itā€™s healthier for both the players and Blizz themselves if the players donā€™t burn out themselves to death and expect too much from Blizz.

Itā€™s been 2 months. Iā€™m surprised people still play. ā€œMid-seasonā€ patch will bring a bit of refresh, but untill S4 not much people are going to come back. Itā€™s just how seasons work, I thought people got used to it/understand it by now.