Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! 🐇

Part 29 of my posts to try and get D4 improved. Hopefully these can gain some upvotes and dev attention or comment! I was going to just do one post but it would have been way too big. Please upvote and keep it positive guys!!

Pets added back in game. These pets pick up gold and other parts for you and they also have a bit of utility as well. Pets only pick up gold in the PVP zones and have no utility.

Pay shop would have versions of each of the ones below that are automatic drops from themed quest lines or other unlocks so no P2W here. I dint do numeric values as these are hard to balance.

10 examples.

  1. Mimic (DROP) / Mini Mimic (PAY): X% Larger pickup radius.
  2. Ghost (DROP) / Spectre (PAY): Lucky hit - X% chance to immobilize enemies when you hit them.
  3. Jackal (DROP) / Hyena (PAY): Increase your bleed damage by X%.
  4. Shrunken Squirt (DROP) / Shrunken Deckard Cain (PAY): X% experience bonus.
  5. Floating Eyeball (DROP) / Beholder (PAY): Periodically casts random basic skills at X% of your attributes and damage.
  6. Treasure Goblin (DROP) / Treasure Gremlin (PAY): X% more gold dropped.
  7. Vulture from SC (DROP) / Blue Vulture from SC (PAY or special Starcraft unlock): Gain X% movement speed.
  8. Living Whirlwind (DROP) / Living Tempest (PAY): Gain X% attack speed.
  9. Crawling Card (DROP) / Gold Crawling Card (Legend Rank in Hearthstone): X% Bonus Lucky Hit Chance
  10. Zombie (DROP) / Starr the Pink Zombie (PAY): X% Poison Resist and Y% Max poison resist.

Thanks for reading and as always be happy, get a shiny new BC, and collect everythang!

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Pet who picks up very fast is best option I think. Players love pets. Bliz should be selling them. Base versions are avail without $$$. Everyone wins.

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People like pets so naturally Rod didn’t want them in the game. We need medicine, not sugar.

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