[H] <TM> 14yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 3/8H LoU; 2/8M NP | LF DPS/Hybrids!

The Metalocalypse
’ themetalguild . com ’
Est. 2010 in Undermine (connected to Anvilmar, Alterac Mountains, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Warsong, Xavius)
Progression & Camaraderie for adults

Looking for a raiding team in a guild that truly values your happiness? We may be the home for you!

▬▬▬ About Us
Currently (TWW): 3/8H LoU; 2/8M NP
DF: 3/9M 9/9H in Amir; 3/9M 9/9H Aberrus; 3/8M 8/8H Vault.
SL: 11/11H Sepulcher; 10/10H Sanctum; 2/10M CN.

TM is a PvE-oriented Horde guild with a relaxed atmosphere and a friendly, mature community. Prior to WoD, we focused primarily on 10m raiding & fielded multiple teams for years. Since then, we swapped to 20m raiding and have finished each expansion with all AOTCs plus many mythic kills including 13/13M HFC and 5/11M Antorus. While we were a semi-hardcore group through Legion, as of BfA we began taking a slightly less demanding approach; our focus is now on heroic raiding (and some mythic if time/group allows) as well as M+ dungeons. At the end of BfA we were 5/12M 12/12H Ny’alotha.

Currently we’re recruiting skilled players who prefer a lighter schedule of 2 raid nights a week. However, people of all playstyles are welcomed, including those who are only interested in M+ or playing casually.

Off-night activities include: frequent M+ groups, casual PvP, achv/mog/pet runs, & more. We also play together outside of WoW – Overwatch, D3, Steam, HS, mobile games, etc. For our social community we host events like our yearly Secret Santa (in-game & IRL), fantasy football league, and various contests.

We have been an active guild on the server for 13 years under the same caring, experienced leadership core. Although we push to finish the latest content & appreciate server competition, we feel having a good time with each other is of utmost importance. As laid-back adults with busy schedules during the day, we look forward to both pleasant and efficient groups.

▬▬▬ Raid Schedule

10pm - 12:30am EST / 9p - 11:30p CST / 8p - 10:30p MST / 7p - 9:30p PST

Normal/Heroic: Wed + Mon

Please note we ask our raiders to be logged in at least 10 min before raid.

▬▬▬ Recruitment Criteria
As a well-established, tight-knit community, we’re recruiting for long-term core spots. That said, we also accept casual players who only want to fill in and social members looking for a place to hang out. The ideal recruit:

  • 18+ required, 21+ preferred
  • Respectful, friendly, & mature
  • Continuously works on improving gear & performance
  • Able to give advance notice of availability
  • Understands his/her class well & keeps up with changes
  • If a hybrid class, maintains a DPS set & is comfortable using it when needed (example: healer & DPS or tank & DPS)
  • Shares our goal of enjoyable progression
  • Comfortable with constructive criticism/feedback

:diamonds: Recruitment is open to ALL classes! :diamonds:

However, we are most interested in the following:

  • rDPS: priest / (dev or aug) evoker / hunter > others
  • mDPS: monk / DH / rogue > others
  • HEALS / DPS HYBRIDS: priest / druid / monk
  • TANK (off-spec tank only): DH / monk
    All hybrids must be able to DPS as needed.
    All exceptional players would be considered regardless of the above needs. Skill and personality are more important to us. If we’re a good fit, we’ll make it work!

▬▬▬ Contact Info & Where To Apply
Officers: Ripndip, Slagdecay, Critolis

If interested in joining, please apply here: https://forms.gle/FGuWbxCMFEM4dqy36

For questions, feel free to whisper/mail any of us listed above or /who and ask for an officer. Battletag info available upon request. To contact us outside of WoW, you can e-mail us at ’ metalocaguild@gmail.com '. Comments here will be checked regularly as well. Our GM’s Discord info is Crit#2960 (please include your class/spec in your message).

TM has been a successful guild for years because we’re friends as well as teammates. If you’re not willing to take both the ups and downs together (including the wipe-a-thons of new bosses) or if you are only here for the professor plums and not the camaraderie, please don’t waste your time or ours. We’re in it for the long run, and you should be too!

tldr; tired of banging your head against the wall with pugs or jerks? come headbang with us.
serious raiding for laid-back adults, also beer.™


Love this guild! Also excited about our secret santa gift exchange this year! Come join us if you enjoy raiding and shenanigans on off-nights

Looking for more! Come join us for SL.

Come join for all the shenanigans, both in and out of raid!

Recruiting mage, ret pal, shadow priest, and more!

Hey - i’d be interested in joining as a hybrid (holy/shadow priest). Happy to chat more if you want to message me on bnet (Theflame#1115)

Hi Lmont! We could still work with a priest (shadow with holy off-spec would be best at the moment for our group). If that works for you, here is where you can find more info about the guild and where to get started with our quick app:

I’ve also sent a friend request earlier tonight in case you had any questions. Hope we can connect soon!

Looking for mage to round out our roster

All roles welcomed for dungeons. For raid recruitment needs, see the first post on this page.

Still recruiting for Shadowlands raiding!

Still recruiting!

Recruiting DPS and Hybrids!

Hey there, I’m a returning mage. Looking to get into a guild for some dedicated raid time. Feel free to add me – Napalm#1333

Good day. Saw your guild forum post. The guild as a whole sounds like a great fit for me. I have been a AoTC with some mythic kills here and there since WOD. I ended nyalotha at 6/12m. I was wondering if you guys could fit in a DH tank . i have tanked exclusively since Legion launch. Adult player that enjoys having fun. And also playing my butt off come raid time.

Horizon(Xionsfalling)#3517. Is my discord.

Hi, Kellevraa! We could still use a mage. You can find more info about us on our website linked above, and if we sound like a good fit for you then you’re welcome to apply. I’ll be able to add you tomorrow likely after work hours in case you have any questions. Thanks for your time!

Hey there Dark, unfortunately we don’t have an opening for a full-time tank, but we appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. Best of luck to you!

Looking for a skilled mage

Currently have an opening for a priest! Shadow as main-spec would work best

Hi there! 208 DH here (love and play both specs) along with an Ele Sham friend of mine who is 206. Both are 10/10N and 4/10H and looking for a new home. Raid times are exactly what were use to, and the overall theme of the guild is exactly what were looking for.

Would love to talk to someone if you guys might be open to bringing us both in, feel free to tag me here or add my battlenet, MrRicter#1338

Thank you in advance!

Hey Akuma! We could work with a DH+shaman duo if raiding as DPS primarily works for you both (though we could certainly use another tank in m+). If that sounds like something you both would be interested in, you and your friend are welcomed to apply on our website.

I’ve added you in case you had any questions. :slight_smile: Hope we can chat soon!