Old School DPS looking for Raiding Guild (Spriest/Ele/Fury) "Savior of Azeroth" era

Long time player coming back from around a 5 year break.

I’m not world first, but can do mechanics. I hate when people can’t.
I won’t be top of the world dps charts (I will be competitive), but I won’t miss my interrupt either.
I come prepared with knowledge of my class, properly enchanted, study fights, etc
I’m always almost as competent with my off spec as my main spec (healer didn’t show, the party can go on, I got you).

I’ve almost exclusively played Spriest over the years but looking to possibly change it up with Fury Warrior as well. Ele Shaman is also in the mix and I will heal when necessary but don’t prefer to.

Looking for 8:30-9:30EST start times 2-3 nights per week.

Reply here or my Btag: ddixon1979#1112 or Discord: suggartwon8433

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Hey Hogchops! Please consider our new guild, the new Tyrrish Rebellion! We are looking to raid and achieve AOTC in The War Within but at the end of the day just having a fun group to play World of Warcraft and possibly other games together is the main goal.

Our raid schedule for TWW is Wednesday/Thursday Evenings 8:30 to 10:30 Eastern.

We are grown adults with Kids that don’t have all the time in the world to play like we used to. We understand things come up, we understand raiding isn’t for everyone. We value yours and our limited free time and don’t want to squander that or have it filled with unnecessary drama.

Let me know if you are interested or have any questions :slight_smile:

Discord: Faiery
Battle.net: Faiery#1306

Greetings Hogchops!!!

We are Left Unsupervised, a Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild on Thrall looking to build up our roster for Mythic raiding in The War Within. In previous expansions we mainly focused on AOTC but this expansion we are looking to push further into the Mythic scene. We have multiple members within our raid group that have a ton of mythic raiding experience.

We also have multiple mythic key push groups that aim at medium to high end keys every season.

Our raid days and times are as follows:
Tuesday - 8-11EST
Wednesday - 8-11EST

Raid requirements:
Method Raid Tools

What we are currently looking for a few DPS to round our roster:
Shadow Priest

If your class isn’t on this list but are interested, then please feel free to reach out via Discord or Bnet:
Discord - Beefy2002
Bnet - Beefy#1165

Greetings Hogchops!

We love mechanics! Remember, your dps is 0 when you are dead.

Check us out:

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30-11p EST
Thursday 8:30-11p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques.

“Special snowflake” accommodations, safe spaces, and “preferred pronouns” not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If a participation trophy is the peak of your existence, or if direct and blunt personalities, such as ex-military leadership, are a source of trauma for you, our healers can’t triage that. They fix health bars, not your emotional damage.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
BNET: Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)
Discord: zoobee27 (zoobee#8147)

Hello Hogchops! I invite you to The Illidari Scourge! We are a guild that does RAIDS,M+,PVP and really just anything you can do in WoW, If you feel interested and want to have a blast in the upcoming expac TWW then here is my BNET! ( FluffyBÙllet#1401 )

Hi Hogchops! Would end times at 12:30a EST work for you? If so, then we might be a good fit. We’re currently looking for DPS and could use a warrior. Though we are open to ele or possibly spriest. I’ll leave our info below for you to consider:

We raid Wednesdays and Mondays (10pm - 12:30am EST / 9p - 11:30p CST / 8p - 10:30p MST / 7p - 9:30p PST) with a focus on AOTC.

If we sound like what you are looking for, then feel free to reach out with any questions or get started by filling out our quick app. Good luck in your search!

The basics: [H] <TM> 13yr guild | 2-day 10pm EST | 3/9M Amir; 3/9M Aberrus; 3/8M VoI | LF DPS/Hybrids!
More info: themetalguild(dot)com