Stuff grey is thinking about

Hog 20-50% less Ult to enemies and teammates

Reaper more damage to armor, better shadow step.

  • 0.3m prjectile size on grenade when fired, and 0.2m after the first bounce.
  • 90 damage on the edge of the concussion mine explosion.

That smurf accounts ruins my game and i hate it - #2 by GreyFalcon-11737

I backfilled directly into "Defeat" twice today

Let's be honest here, are we still having fun? - #3 by GreyFalcon-11737

Try a single hero per team ban system for Diamond and above comp.
-Maybe 1 protection from ban per team
-And cannot ban two heroes from same role, or same subrole.

Gonna start posting some random stuff I should probably make into a more well formatted post later. If anybody is curious what I’m thinking about, well here you go:

A feature that allows streamers to easily censor their characters name, and the names of players on his team. (i.e. “Enemy Winston” in red, “Winston” in green)
That way he could stream it with less worry about stream sniping.
Allow popular streamers to register their account with the Overwatch team, which grants them whitelisting on automated bans (Can still be done manually), and the ability to change their in-game username as often as they would like.

make a role queue that has similar aspects of LFG.
For instance,

  1. Pick the comp pattern/patterns you want.
  2. Pick what role/roles you want in each comp.
  3. Once the team is formed, the match starts by everyone holding spacebar. (Possibly with some AFK detection).
  4. Create an interface that allows two teammates to swap roles/heroes/location.
    (Which can be done without having to go back to spawn).
    [Need graphics for this]

Add a less RNG version of Mystery Heroes

Buffs to less urgent heroes like Reaper/Orisa/Junkrat

More mobility for Pharah, probably retire old post and repost concept ideas with some new additions

Add some social feature like Clans/Guilds

Turn that OWWC thing into a recording feature
Maybe go super crazy and turn it into a 3d version of Twitch for popular streamers

Console friendly features (expanded quickchat menu, like Payday 2), maybe some customizable messages

Mei/Tracer - Reduce Ultimate cast time by 0.2sec without changing the attack animation, to better compensate for lag.
(Or do a “Favor the Ult Caster” netcode rule).

Mei iceblock getting stunned/hooked/killed out of it

Junkrat, either * A) 0.3m when fired, 0.2m after bounce * B) 90 minimum damage at the edge of concussion mine, 120 damage at the center

Kolorblind bastion wanted a “low ammo sound” for Bastion.

Something to make it so that LFG doesn’t go into the game if trolls quit right as a game match is found.

Doomfist probably got overnerfed. Wonder what they are going to do to balance him back.

Sombra - Skull above hacked target/Wallhax on hacked target given to teammates/Vocal line about hacked target/0.05sec beam-stays-connected-when-broken that ends 0.05sec before hack completes

Bastion - Better damage at range (spread/headshots/falloff etc), Lower damage tank mode on E, damage boost and damage resistance on Q

Torbjorn - Whatever they are going to do for rework, or just build and repair at the same time

Symmetra - Faster charging primary fire, Faster teleporter deployment speed
Make teleporter activate when using the Jump key. With a toggle to make it use-key-only in the options.

Roadhog -
Hook instantly cancels all sideways momentum.
Consistent spread pattern on every shotgun blast.
Hook pulls targets a bit closer.
Shotgun ignores some or all of the damage mitigation from Armor.
Secondary fire changed back to it’s former high damage, slower fire rate. (Reduce ammo by 1 if needed)

Reaper - Full damage or mostly to Armor and Invulnerability on first half of ShadowStep

Mei/Tracer - Reduce Ultimate cast time by 0.2sec without changing the attack animation, to better compensate for lag.
(Or do a “Favor the Ult Caster” netcode rule).

Bug fixes for everybody!

Other than that, here’s what the game needs:

  • Fix Bugs: (Sombra bugs, Projectile Ults, Mei Cryo, Doomfist bugs etc)
  • Add new character/maps/skins occasionally
  • Fix Mystery Heroes
  • Add some social feature like Clans/Guilds
  • Make the LFG system more streamlined and desirable to use (Perhaps weekly lootboxes)
  • Streamer Friendly features. Like recording, and anti-stream-sniping features.
  • Console friendly features (expanded quickchat menu, like Payday 2)

I think these changes would go a long way to fixing Overwatch.


I’d rather just have no HS damage.

Revert her hack cast time buff and passive hack buff, add back ult charge off of health pack hacking.

That or added HS back and tighter spread, IC starts when he transforms, 30% IC in tank form.

Then she needs a reduction on her bowling ball damage.

I think the current momentum is fine, just bug fixes and more reliable hooking distance.

I don’t understand

Revert Mercy to before her rez invuln buff.


I can’t quite put my finger on why, but this is the most optimistic and light hearted thread I’ve seen from GreyFalcon!
Haha it’s probably because he’s always arguing with stats and charts and pie graphs and data.
Seeing a “what I would do” is nice :heart:
Uuhh yeah, I agree with your choices

Maybe you just see me in Mercy threads more often?

🏝 Pharah needs a fun skin and a Vacation (There's always next year :c)


Hehe maybe…

you think its bad with 5 arrows, now you want to condense that burst damage to 3 arrows? lol people would freak out. being one shot by a storm arrow

no communication is a skill and a part of the game. call out your hacks.

theres a reason sombra is a must pick in pro play right now, people know how to communicate

youre kidding right? the solution to heros like bastion is not swapping their abilities.

its giving them less damage and more mobility.

tank on e would have the same problem as turret on shift.

its easy to avoid.

No, that’s just giving in to the power creep. Hanzo became exponentially better when he got mobility + a scatter replacement.

Tank on E would work, since the problem with sentry currently is that it offers him no protection from his team, and his damage is so awful because of the spread.

Technically speaking, Tank on E would work with your definition, since it’s more mobility + less damage.

Making Reaper’s shots ignore armor.


I actually wouldn’t mind this since majority of tanks have armor, and increasing his damage, spread, etc, will make him just hurt other heros more than tanks.


Why do Sombra mains want a skull above hacked targets when Discord needs to be cslled out and does that already? What makes them think it will make an iota of difference? Just get in coms.

How visible is Discord and how visible is the hack.


I am saying adding the skull would change nothing. Discord is super visible and still needs to be called out. Communication is key.


You don’t actually need to call out discord as you can just as quickly switch it to whoever’s being attacked at the moment. There’s no cooldown to it so even with an uncommunicative team, you can still make it work.

Need might be incorrect but it helps a ton. It’s like “hey you can get tgis guy and get more for it! Win-win!” Sure that can work but it’s time he could be shooting and requires him to constantly readjust. Just food for thought.

So for the heroes being discussed here, the only ones I really have some playtime on are Hanzo, Sombra, Roadhog, and Torb (though I don’t really consider myself to know all that much about the nuances of playing Torb), but I’d still like to give my thoughts on the changes GreyFalcon is suggesting so here we are! I’m not saying I agree with all his suggestions or that my ideas would be good for them either, but any feedback is good honestly so here we go:

This would hurt Hanzo too much imo. Most of the Hanzos I see are lucky if they land half the shots in Storm. And if they do, then it’s either a headshot that their target walked into (because of how long the hitboxes are), or it’s on a tank (and even then, most if not all tanks have an ability they can use to mitigate Storm’s damage + healers too). Reducing his arrow count to 3 would only give him a max of 210 dmg (420 on all headshots, but let’s face it, that’s almost never going to happen). Which means if he wants to use Storm on a Genji who is jumping all around him, he’d be better off just using his primary.

Not sure if Sombra needs this or if she just needs more damage/consistency, but I’d be willing to give this a try. I really can’t think of much else to add here. Maybe a bigger indication of when someone destroys her translocator like giving the same sound that Sym gets when her turrets are destroyed?

I don’t play Bastion all that much but imo, I’d like to put more power into Recon so it isn’t just “find another place to set up in Sentry Form”

Again, I don’t play Torb all that much, but I do play him quite a bit more than Bastion. What I’d want for him is to put some more power in his gun. His Rivet Gun is already pretty powerful in the right hands, but I see too many Torbs rely way too much on his turret so giving them an incentive to not focus so much on the turret I think would benefit him in the long run. Make it to where the turret more supplements his kit, where he can still sustain without it so the turret becomes more of an added defense or something to be used as a fallback position or to protect the backline, etc.

Maybe making the hitbox of her primary slightly larger at the start too? Kinda spitballing ideas here honestly. Sym mains know what she needs better than I do.

I disagree with these changes. The Hook changes don’t really solve his problems. The main thing Hog needs at this point is to fix the bugs with his hook so it no longer breaks despite the target still being in full LoS. Other than that, he can still do his job. So long as he pulls a squishy in with the rest of his team, they’re as good as dead. Even pulling a tank in gets them out of position and can disrupt their push.

I would also say to reduce the volume of the voiceline when he uses Shadow Step so it’s not as obvious to the enemy when he is using it.

A little more visibility won’t hurt.

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tank on e in my eyes would be rooted just like turret on shift also reworking ults into basic abilities is not what you should do to make a hero stronger. it made mercy way too strong for a while, and then she still had lingering problems after it was nerfed. shes been a must pick for 6 seasons

To fix bastion i think they should give him headshot’s again. But make the damage multiplier much lower than normal.

We want her M1 reverted back. We didn’t care about eating shields or having greater damage. Before the rework, we just wanted simple buffs and QoL changes. Other changes I am sure everyone would like(as far as Symmetra mains care) is for the orb to go through barriers again. The speed of it is also kinda too fast, but we also don’t want it going as slow as before. So maybe make it 15-20 instead of 10 or 30. It can still blow up on impact with a player. And other players have been complaining about her new sentries because they do more damage. That is because she can only hold three! If you want them to do less damage, then we should be able to deploy more. And a shorter CD on Sentries is needed, no matter what! The switch to her teleporter and photon barrier was also a wrong decision, and I still feel that it should change back. Let her have back her shield generator, but do 100 shields instead on a smaller radius. If they insist on keeping her PB as an ult, then make it give enemies a slow debuff when passing through. I’m sure I could list more if I have the time, and I am also sure that other Symmetra players have thought of other things, too.