Sombra - Skull above hacked target/Wallhax on hacked target given to teammates/Vocal line about hacked target/0.05sec beam-stays-connected-when-broken that ends 0.05sec before hack completes
Bastion - Better damage at range (spread/headshots/falloff etc), Lower damage tank mode on E, damage boost and damage resistance on Q
Torbjorn - Whatever they are going to do for rework, or just build and repair at the same time
Symmetra - Faster charging primary fire, Faster teleporter deployment speed
Roadhog -
Hook instantly cancels all sideways momentum.
Consistent spread pattern on every shotgun blast.
Hook pulls targets a bit closer.
Shotgun ignores some or all of the damage mitigation from Armor.
Secondary fire changed back to it’s former high damage, slower fire rate. (Reduce ammo by 1 if needed)
Reaper - Full damage or mostly to Armor and Invulnerability on first half of ShadowStep
Mei/Tracer - Reduce Ultimate cast time by 0.2sec without changing the attack animation, to better compensate for lag.
(Or do a “Favor the Ult Caster” netcode rule).
Bug fixes for everybody!