Aftermath of grav dragon/stun meta

I’m not even gonna talk about how unfun this meta was but what happened to the cast because of it.

Hanzo - multiple nerfs

Zarya - Unnecessarily nerfed.

Brig - multiple nerfs

Mercy - multiple nerfs

Widowmaker - nerfed

I’m not gonna say if I think all of these nerfs were deserved or not but can we please avoid metas were a number of heroes get gutted?

I hate to see metas form and untapped potential in heroes and strats result in heroes getting nerfed were as they probably wouldn’t have if that meta never formed.

If anything I want to see more balanced free flowing metas and seeing just how bad or UP some of the cast are so that way more heroes can get help from the devs instead of them spending more time nerfing them

All of those listed heroes are still very viable though.


snipers can finally be outdamaged through a mercy pocket? sounds great

snipers can finally be more consistently challenged by dive tanks? great

zarya’s overall strength got buffed and she’s less defined by her ult? great

other supports are finally played on a regular basis and we have more support diversity than we ever had since prerework mercy? fantastic

all these changes are pretty awesome tbh

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I won’t speak on if I like the nerfs or not. I just wanna see more heroes being balanced to avoid all the nerfs. Wanna see Blizz spend more time fixing up heroes who desperately need it instead of having to come up with ways to punish broken ones etc

Well here’s what I want to bring the rest of those heroes up to balance.

Stuff grey is thinking about

This is kind of the crux of every issue in the game now. Frankly, we would have gotten the same results if the supports were all outright buffed

I like those changes!

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