Is there really a lot to complain about rn balance wise?

Supports are probably the best they’ve ever been. DPS is a mess. Tanks are alright.


I didnt expect to get a mamrie hart gif as a response but thats good too

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Ah, you know her.

You have good taste ^.^

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Mercy is undertuned relative to other supports and now has one of the worst matchups statistics-wise against Ana, but otherwise everything is good on that department

Tank-wise Roadhog is still getting the hose from developers which is pretty unrad from them and players haven’t found ways to break Hammond or then he’s just a bit undertuned. Otherwise they’re in a very good spot

In DPS there are still multiple valid and staple choices to pick from. Some of the DPS are just very sub-optimal unless it’s their niche situation which makes players mad by either getting constantly asked to switch or having to play with sub-optimal teammates

Maybe “mess” is a strong word, but yeah. Torb, Bastion, Sombra are kinda on the weak side, to put it generously. Hanzo is probably a bit too strong. Symmetra depends on who you ask, I think she’s alright, but I could be wrong.
Oh and Brigitte, it’s hard to judge that one. Her overbuff stats seem OK but then you get people climbing 1000 SR with her in a week.

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This stuff mostly.

Stuff grey is thinking about


I agree with all of these, actually! Are you a wizard???


yeah, she is probably undertuned and also more boring than ever. right now I don’t really care because she ruined the game since her horrible rework began and im just now getting a break and having fun on my main (ana). but i do hope she becomes more fun, i have a lot of mercy main friends, i just dont want her to be low risk high reward like she was.

Bastion could use a rework after torb.

could possibly rework mercy or something after that.

I totally agree with those hero choices

The heroes I play are all either buggy, complete trash, or both.

All depends on who you main…

We’ll be forced to sit through endless mercy/ complaint threads until the day this game is no longer around lol

Supports and tanks are great except Hog and Mercy; Rein is buggy but there’s lots of fixes coming soon.

For DPS Hanzo and DF aren’t the problem, they’re the symptom; ever since S5 pretty much every support has been substantially buffed, and the newly introduced ones are balanced relative to that buffed state. Too many DPS just don’t have the damage to chew through all that power, but everything is balanced so we sorta have to give small buffs to a large part of the DPS roster.

Looks at Roadhog

until reaper is playable in plat+ - yes

I’d say supports are good, aside from Mercy. Half the DPS roster is unusable

Tanks are really brittle

Tanks were never bad. Supports are closest to balanced that they’ve ever been, imo. DPS could hardly be balanced any worse.

I think DPS is mostly there.

Hanzo is just a bit too dominant.
Soldier is meh tier, so maybe he’ll get that +1 damage back
Reaper needs some work.
Symmetra needs buffs. Torb needs buffs.
Might even hazard to say Junkrat might want some of his grenade radius nerfs reversed. Atleast while the projectile is airborne before bouncing.

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Roadhog says hello.

As for supports, is it really right that there’s little counterplay to Brigitte’s shield bash stun when you’re a Reinhardt? Many times she can just shield bash stun Reinhardt through his shield barrier, too easily. Mercy’s rework is still a common discussion, primarily because it wasn’t right from the start all the way to this day.

I agree about damage dealers though, that is a mess.

Knowingly smacking a hornets nest
(I don’t play a lot of DPS) What in particular is out of balance in the DPS category?