Let's be honest here, are we still having fun?

After all the rehashed events, terrible decisions on hero changes, and the dominance of the Overwatch League, we all have to answer this question.
Are we still having fun with Overwatch?
Honestly, i’m not. Playing tanks isn’t fun when you keep getting hardscoped by the 2+ snipers on their team. Yeah, that many snipers. There’s a lot of Widowmakers around now, and its not fun.
If you’re not having fun with Overwatch, just don’t play it. Let the game die, because it clearly isn’t gonna improve any time soon.


In a word no.

The concept of overwatch is appealing but the execution… horrendous. It just doesn’t work. Laughably or more shockingly is the money involved with OWL.

I do not know how or why people sponsor this? It’s a mess of a game.

Yes great for a few rounds but to be taken seriously?! Someone has lost their marbles


I think the game is great. But the method for finding somewhat reliable and accountable teammates is difficult.

Looking forward to role queue, lfg 2.0, role limits, guilds or whatever they are going to do.

Or you know, being able to access and edit the note feature for the battlenet friends feature while ingame. So I have the slightest clue who that player I friended last week was, even though we haven’t played together since.


Yes I am at the least. Hammond and Ashe are really fun and enjoyable heroes to play overall.


For sure. I don’t care about the events, the awesome hero changes make brig and doom fair, and OW league has the replay viewer for seeing games however I want.

Love it


Not. At. All.

Hence why I deleted it.


Terrible, terrible hero balance and lack of heroes.


Yeah i still have fun but this new event is a let down, not because of the content though, it’s because of the recoated blizzard world map being disabled and the bug where the yeti will just randomly transform in yeti hunt without meats.

I’m still having fun. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here.


Yeah I’m still having fun with the game. I don’t play as much because I’ve been working and playing other games, but I do enjoy the game and have fun when I play it.

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I’m still having fun, yeah. I wouldn’t still be playing Overwatch if I weren’t.

Yes, if i wouldnt have fun, i wouldnt play it,. However, i play it less than i used to because the game gets really stale due to lack of new content.
Just some new skins and a rehashed event isnt doing it for me.

Why are you posting on the forums? I’m genuinely curious

Only fun when I play with my friends or late at night just being a OTP whatever for that night.

The fewer dps i see in a game, the more fun i have. I am not having fun.

I’m having fun whenever Total Mayhem is in the arcade. Other than that…


Yeah, mostly. And it’s mostly when I have bad teammates when it’s not, and the game can’t really do anything about that.

Because I want Overwatch to be good. I love the heroes. I love the lore. I think Overwatch has potential to be the best game ever. I like to take part in discussions about Overwatch and balance, etc.

I love the game. The game is just in a really really terrible state IMO. I will always stay on top of news/discussions in hopes that someday they will actually start making some good changes for the game.

I like to read the forums and see other peopls thoughts/opinions and ideas about the game and sometimes you even learn things on the forums lol

Also, so many people post great ideas on here. (there are a lot of bad ones too) but yea… thats pretty much it.

Short answer: I hate playing the game, but I like to talk about it.

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Could not have said it better myself. With all the new hero’s, they are constantly having to tweek or update and it’s just making the overall experience mundane. I don’t play video games to watch the pro’s, but the launcher forces that stuff on me. And now we are forced to see the action figures being pumped out every month? Can we go back to when it was just a video game or have we completely gotten away from that?



I still am…
I like team based game and having played back in the days before match making was even in games I understand that matches get wonky. I’ve taken breaks from playing for a few months but I would not be level 1500+ if I wasn’t having fun in game.

I still mostly play QP, still play main tank for most of those games. Team work isn’t perfect but whatever. I’m thinking I might go back into comp so I can get a SR number again (was meh 3k) so I can play in pugs on Jayne’s discord channel for that stuff.

I don’t really know what people expect out of team games anymore.
At least Overwatch is unique and not another pew pew pew modern gun based shooter. We really fell into fell into a rut there for something like 10 years or so of WWI, WWII, spec ops, semi-future spec-ops etc themed games.
I like a game with a random gorilla and some soul less ice devil creature that takes on human form etc etc.

I think the main reason fortnite and overwatch have been so popular is they are something different, finally.