What do you want to see in this developer update?

There are many topics that could be discussed in the next developer update.
But what do you want to see?

their tactic is that we wont talk ‘what we want to see in it’ but ‘when we will see it?’

Hanzo nerfs
And an official apology for the Hanzo rework.

I just want them to at least acknowledge Mercy. It has been a year of saying the rework is a bad idea, even before it left the ptr, and NOTHING has been said in return

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Mercy rework or a buff if they don’t have enough time to discuss everything.

Info on the torb rework

maybe a new social feature (pleeeeeease bring back prefer this player with the ability to remove yourself from others’ lists. It’d make solo Q a thousand times better)

New arcade stuff would be nice. the modes we have now are kind of repetitive

‘storm arrow no longer has headshot bonus’
‘sombra’s translocator bugs are all fixed’
‘torbjorn’s rework’
‘brigitte can no longer self heal through inspire OR her shield is brought down to 400 hp’

Mercy, Symm and Roadhog addressed. The Torb rework. New social feature announced

Likely changes:

  • Torb rework
  • Small pharah buff
  • Mercy bandaid fix
  • Symmetra primary fire a little faster/stronger

Ideal changes:
Stuff grey is thinking about
𓂀 Pharah ideas thread
🕊️ [Mercy] Minimalist rework
🛡️ [Brig] Replace Stun with Dizziness
[LFG] 9 wins = 3 Lootboxes, weekly

“Today we’re fixing the mercy problem for good.”

Cue mafia style execution where Jeff is making mercy dig her own grave.

Torbjorn’s rework and Hanzo and Doomfist changes.

(Also POTG 2.0)

I want the Junkers to be meta again.