Role q? what?! who?! why?!

Raises hand

I… I thought it was a good idea. I still do actually.


A huge portion of the playerbase and the developers of the game

2 minute queue times

Dead game

Get some new material

To maintain the integrity of having separate SR’s per role


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


Because a gold tank swapping to a diamond+ dps is suuuuch a great idea…

Even with current group SR limits, a silver tank swapping to their plat dps would be ridiculous. If a swap mechanic would be implemented I would want extremely limited SR range for the swap to be possible.


About 70% of the community, Blizzard and almost universally anyone who covers the game.

if you don’t like the game then its time to move on, or accept playing in Arcade mode.


This is from August 2018

Originally I was thinking of more of an LFG queue.

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I’ve been wondering the same about the Game up to now being run without the structured system

Lags: Not much to be done about that… try and play the game as Torb maybe since Lags affact ALL roles and make it harder… If your aim feels off… either work around it and queue for something else in the next match or be a smart little nugget and turn on Skirmish to warm up your DPS… the Queue for it is long enough to get some nice aim training going.

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Role Q brings more positives than negatives.


No more losing at hero select because you don’t have a decent team comp and the enemy team does

No more going in to play a specific hero or role, but never being able to without it creating an unworkable team comp

No more solo-tank or solo-heal comps, which gets everyone else killed as soon as the solo-tank/healer goes down.

No more being pressured to fill when you don’t want to.

No more having to play as the only tank/healer, which is a often very frustrating/stressful job that shrinks your hero pool down to a miniscule size, burns you out and sucks the joy out of playing.

No more teams where one or more of your teammates is playing an entire elo or more below everyone else, because they’re filling on a role they normally don’t play at your SR… And it only takes one dead weight to lose a match.

No more getting screwed over by your tank or healer (who may be the only tank/healer) swapping to DPS mid-game, and creating chaos with a round of “team comp chicken” where everyone agrees that someone should swap to fill the now-empty role, but no one wants to actually do it.

With role-specific SR, ranking up on ladder will now reward you with better teammates, all of whom want to play their role and are therefore putting in real effort instead. No more resentful fill players half-@$$ing it.

Another role-specific SR bonus: you can branch out and try different roles without risking your SR on your main, no alt accounts needed.

Yet another role specific bonus: if you have a friend who is much higher or lower on the ladder, you can both play together without creating a smurfing session. Have the high-rank player play the role that they genuinely have the lowest skill rating on.

And arguably the most important one of all: With a garunteed workable team comp, you can finally practice a role or hero without constantly getting side-tracked by bad team comps creating stomp-conditions, or having to fill.


You can’t swap roles mid-match
A bit longer que times for dps


You’re in the minority here.

A very small minority.

Most of us feel as if this has brought back life and fun into the game.
I’m having a great time.


More and more people are actually starting to complain about this system than complementing it. And they are stating the the exact problems are happening what people who were against this, warned about…

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No, it’s all the same people who complained about it before it even was implemented, them and their 10 alt accounts.


And those who supported the system didn’t have 10 alt accounts…? Sure.


Role Queue is the best thing ever.

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There are about 1 to 2 new topics an hour with someone having role queue and saying it’s wrong, horrible and will be the death of the game. Each topic has countless support for role queue. Goes to show how much the over all community likes this addition.

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Depends on what is long. How many hero released did you miss? Where you around for Goats? Ext Ext.

As the game expands and more tanks and supports are added Utility starts to out weigh damage and dps become less relevant and certain over powered hero combinations push out a majority of the hero cast from being usable.

2-2-2 makes balancing the game and heros easier. It also vastly improves the experience of Tank and support players while also benefiting dps players with stable TEAM comp.

I can see why your surprised. Give it a try and see how you feel after a few weeks or don’t. Either way a lot of people are dancing in the streets and having a ton of fun

You mean all the casual players, that didn’t really follow the big news surrounding the game are starting to create new accounts to complain. Mostly because they were blindsided by the addition of role queue. Same thing happened when no limits was removed. Nothing came of that. Players have just got to get use to it.

Blizzard didn’t add 2-2-2 just because they felt like it or because of a bunch of dudes on a forum wanted it. Blizzard more than likely used a bunch of research data, and determined role queue to be the best thing for the game in the long run. It also helps that streamers are praising it and returning, and that many pros in OWL are happy to play dps again.

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Exactly - that’s the reality of it.

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Imagine queuing for Support and picking DPS… Yeah. The system how it is now is better.


Amazing how you think is feels dead after playing one comp game after your long break…


I made a survey about it, asking different questions. So far with 70+ replies, around 3/4 like it and 1/4 doesn’t.