Who else will be tested on PTR?

After hearing from Jeff that Pharah is next on the PTR, I wonder if they will test anyone else.

Normally, Blizz doesn’t test only 1 hero when making adjustments, so I think they’ll test more.

Maybe Torb will be part of the next PTR, or even Bastion.

Yes they do. They’re notorious for not testing/releasing tweaks for a bunch of Heroes and only tweaking like one or two every 3 months.

That’s what I said. I wonder who else will be on the PTR.

Dunno, but probably one of these.

Stuff grey is thinking about

torb most likely. tbh most of the changes they been trying have been too safe lately. i remember the good old days of bastion changes (which actually went live lmao) and mercy 50% damage boost, insane fun.