Wow can we just admire how much failure from Devs there has been in the last month

Just so many things went wrong, so many things, seriously I lost count after midway through the Gamescon interviews. After they said Torb’s rework not coming out this patch.

I mean you actually have to try to have this many failures… just glad no Devs were physically injured.


Cmon man, you’re so close to 3k posts…this isn’t worth the risk of a silence!


But they’re just a small indie dev company with limited resources you have to give them some leeway.


I have been rather disappointed with a lot of the stuff they’ve been doing lately. Unless they can announce some big news at Blizzcon, I’m probably going to move on to other games for a few months at least. Forsaken comes out in a couple of weeks, so that’ll be cool (rather humorous that I’m going for Destiny over Overwatch, but I think that tells you about how happy I am with Overwatch right now)

Actually, I’m really enjoying the game as it right now. It’s in a good state, and the new map is so cool, and the short was awesome, and Hammond is fun.

Yeah, honestly if I didn’t browse these forums I would be unaware of the “failures” people get hung up on.


What do you mean by failure?

A new hero, a new map, big nice things. The event was mediocre, so was the short, but i don’t see the big amount of failure you are talking about.

To be honest, the patch they put out recently is one of the best in Overwatch history for the sheer amount of heroes that are viable.

And the next patch is going to have Reinhardt Earth shatter fixes.

New map coming up.

Past that, they just need to do these changes and a slew of bug fixes, and maybe “Somewhat balanced Mystery Heroes”.

Stuff grey is thinking about

And they could bring this game into a new golden age.

Are you talking about hammond or was there a teaser I missed ?

Well they are sure to put one out at BlizCon

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Ye Hammond. He is talking about a month, that’s why i mentioned him.

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I’m stuck in Silver League because I keep getting teammates that are so bad that can’t even do useful stuff like:

Look around. Probably a useful thing to on occasion.

Clicking on the red things. I have seen numerous team fights where at a minimum, 4 other players appear to be incapable of placing their reticle on a target, let alone actually clicking on said target after the reticle it placed. I have literally seen players fail at the wall and jump around. I’m pretty sure they were trying as hard as they could.

Securing picks. “Guys, ‘X’ is low HP, focus!” team proceeds to fail to eliminate an Orisa on point with 4 bars of health left. She gets ult, and enemy team trickles and takes point.

People hot-picking WidowMaker on attack maps. Sigh.


Gold OBJ time @ 7 seconds in OverTime point B

“I need rez!!” After dying to a 1v1 in a hallway/sidepath after a failed solo ult, using up the health pack and staggering the team.

Enemy Junkrat smurfs

DIVA’s that get the card for # of Mechs called down

Getting gold damage as Winston, despite there being 3 DPS active.

Getting Gold heals as Ana despite there being a Mercy on your team

Myself playing as healer, and enemy Phara enters. Entire team refuses to switch while whining on Mic about said Phara. So, I was forced to switch to DPS. Now we don’t have a healer, and they are whiny about that. Fine. Alt-F4 [That crap, right there, is one reason why people leave matches IMO]

Getting the only card on your team, 4 Golds and All the Upvotes. Still a loss.

Players who can’t decide which hero to play. This problem is rampant. I figure there is atleast one person on my team, in any given match, who does not possess enough game sense to choose the 6th hero slot, after a full 60 seconds has elapsed.

Reinhardt got the damage blocked card on your team. It was 1.2K

I could go on and on and on

Problem is any one of these issues popping up in match results in a loss.