Stuff grey is thinking about

TIL theres a greyfalcon topic codex

The big one everyone has been asking for.
For about 2 years to be exact.

Criticisms of Hammond king guy:

I think the issue is that could buff Hammond, but then that would make 3-3 comps even more dominant.

They could entirely fix that by limiting healers to 2 though.

Next part, seems like stuff that would be solved with Role Queue. I.e. People playing decent comps, and more seriously.

Some Orisa buffs needed. Agreed.

Doomfist needs to be fixed back up to par.

“Throw to Bronze” players are a problem.

Tanks that aren’t Rein/Zarya/Dva could be better. Better carry potential. Better vs Armor.

Way easier to climb with DPS than Tank.

If your DPS are bad, your tanks and healers are kinda forced to lose.

Make all heroes and all metas be viable. Not just one meta at a time.

Dva is a bit stacked with value.

A lot of heroes get neglected on buffs.

Brig is still an issue. Really hard to kill. Can basically just walk into your team with how strong her shield is.

There’s no variation in comps, is a key point.

Even top 500 Hammonds can’t play Hammond against GOATs.

He actually really loves Blizzard games, but hates how Balance can turn even the most positive supporters of a game to be toxic.

Fix balance, Fix matchmaker
Underpowered/Overpowered heroes/metas are key to what causes toxicity.

I want him to outright ignore armor and attack health directly.
Reaper has nothing going for him. This would at least give him a niche.

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Yes but also a rework on top of that.

but this can happen after bastion gets his rework after torb.

I can wait for it especially if it means they’ll do it right this time around.

Maybe increase the range for rez during valk. You can literally hold backwards and it’ll cancel it. As well as when you do her bunny hop during valk, you just fly right past them during the charging animation.

Great idea they could also just add a big dmg fallout on it so its only usable at close range.

Agreed would help also increase her base movement speed to 6m/s to match that of Tracer/Genji [MEGA-THREAD] Sombra's Base Movement Speed Changes 💜 - #393 by Somvra-1200

I really don’t like the idea of heroes being able to ignore armor, one-shot or to buff his CC I would like seeing it being more consistand I do see that Roadhog needs a buff tho I would like to buff his Tankiness but I do not know how exactly.

Same as Roadhog I really don’t think that ignoring armor is a good idea. I would just make his spread smaller.
For shadow-step I would make it so that he can only be body shot for the duration of it. This makes it so it isn’t an escape but you can still move to spots where normally you would just get instandkilled.

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Mei- Make it so she can’t get cancelled out of cryo, and have cryo reload her ammo

Mccree- Fix flashbang’s radius so it can’t get stopped by stairs, etc.

I’d file that under bugs.

Thank you so much for this!

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No worries, my goal is that all heroes be viable on ladder (for at least Platinum, if not Diamond and above).

More viable heroes also tends to mean more viable metas.

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Yes, we need more viable heroes. I just wish there are many viable heroes to run different team comps and be just as successful as the next one. To me, that is the true and clear meaning of success.

I know everyone doesn’t want to hear this, but his ability to tank bust really isn’t the problem. He shreds tanks. The problems are that he can’t close distance, his spread is too RNG, he has no range, and he is too easily countered.

He needs a rework of Shadow step to make it more useful during combat (or another ability all together), the doomfist spread treatment, and a little bit better range (and if all of that isn’t enough, then tighten his spread later on).

I know I’ll get a lot of “but he isn’t even played against heavy tank line-ups”, but that isn’t because he can’t kill tanks. It’s because of the other reasons I mentioned.

Please don’t reduce ttk tanks even further. It’s hard enough playing main tank as it is. He needs other parts of his kit buffed. Not just pure damage. Help him close distance, help him be more consistent, help him fight better at a 5-10 meter range. Not just pure “let’s **** the tanks even more”!

Edit: and before you say it, I actually used to be a Reaper main and I do have a lot of hours on him (100+ hours).

If anything the armor piercing is mostly a response to Brig and non-F-tier Torb making extra armor common-place.
Currently, you might as well not pick Reaper at all of they have a Brig.

But still, it is kinda sad that Junkrat and Hanzo are picked as “Tank Shredders” over Reaper.

And I also wonder if giving Reaper almost no vulnerabilities during his engage-attack-retreat loop would balance well at all ranks.

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I was actually going to suggest that. I think it would be fine. Even he were to disappear into a cloud of smoke instantly, and then re-appear in wraith form, but standing still, I still think it would be fine. He would still be locked in place, and people would be well aware of his presence because “REPOSITIONING!”.

I mean, Sombra can translocate out, Tracer can recall out, what’s so wrong about Reaper having a decent escape/engage tool? Especially if the engage gives people more than enough time/warning to react to his presence.

Mostly because it would make him nearly unkillable unless you hard CCed him the whole time.

Also Tracer has low HP, and Sombra has a peashooter.

Meh, a lot of heroes are like that already. Most notably Sombra. You usually don’t kill a good one unless you CC them. Tracer is also kind of that way (not as much as Sombra, but yeah)

And that’s why Sombra firepower is extremely lackluster and difficult. Because she’s nearly unkillable.

Yes, but Tracer is not that way. She isn’t quite as unkillable as Sombra, but she is the next closest, and has some of the best damage potential in the game. Besides, Reaper would still be very easily countered, even with these changes. McCree would still absolutely roll him and smoke him, and there would be nothing he can do against a Pharah.

I think it’s worth a try on the PTR.

This is really similar to titanium’s overwrite post.
Now that I think about it you and titanium are really similar…
But on opposite sides…