The goal is to get CE every tier.
Current Prog:
12/12 M Nyalotha
7/8M EP (Ashvane pre-nerf) - P3 Azshara
7/9M BoD
5/8M Uldir
Legion Prog: 10/11M - Guild formed in Antorus
Raid Schedule:
Tues/Wed/Thurs 6:30pm-9:30pm PST (9:30pm-12:30am EST)
Loot Council:
Loot awarded based on performance, attendance, and who will benefit the most. We use RCLootCouncil for loot trading.
Goals: CE every tier on a 3 day schedule
What we offer:
-Guild provides feasts, cauldrons, and vantus for raids.
-Mythic Plus focused players (several Keystone Masters)
-Competitive raid environment with experienced high level players
What we expect:
-Be willing to take criticism, but not being toxic
-Players that prioritize mechanics
-Not looking for people that only log on for raid
-Come prepared to raid with pots, runes, and having done your M+ for the week
-Players who understand that composition matters, and sometimes people will be asked to sit either for comp or gearing reasons
Optional: Alt/Friends and Family raid on the weekend with a focus on AoTC
Recruiting: Talented applicants always encouraged to contact us
Can apply for our mythic team here:
The link is available on raiderio and wowprogress, since Blizzard won’t let me post links. If you’re smart you can figure it out from this.
https: // apply wowaudit com / us / proudmoore / blameroll / main
Even if your class or spec is not listed, we encourage you apply anyway. More detailed list of needs on wowprogress.
Add me if you want to chat:
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord.
or Zander#1312 for our Recruitment Officer on Bnet.