[FEEDBACK] Season 3 highlights a bigger problem: a flawed, empty base game. Here are some ideas to help fix that

Becoz, i completely understand the game with its Uniques, Aspects, Imprinting, paragons, Grinding activities, defeating Uber Bosses, NM dungeons, Vault, trying different builds, etc. I appreciate the job they made. I like D2 and D3 during their time beating their hardest difficulty. But they are all obsolete to the features of D4.

I comprehend deep parts of the game leading me to defeat NM100 and AoZ with different non-meta builds although i cant beat Uber Lilith becoz i dont have enough time to grind for it. Overall, i like it.

I understand. This game is huge. If you are shallow, you would have shallow experience. And instead, complain… asking for something non-existing to the game. Im not like you who feel so entitled.

Dont ever fall into a puddle. You may drown.

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Drown? I am having a blast.

I pity those who don’t.

If you ever find out about a game called Last Epoch or PoE, your mind will explode if you think this game is deep.

I dont play free games. If those games are good, they would compete their box price with D4. They dont. It just it tells me that they are not confident with their product.

They pretend that there are massive gamers in there. Actually, it’s filled with kids with no access to mommy’s wallet or garage dwellers, with whales supporting the life of their game.

And besides, look at you. Why are you here, not on those free games? Therr must be something on D4.

Ahh there it is. The troll. Thank you for letting me know. I didn’t think someone could be that dense.


Been saying the core game sucks and seasonal model sucks since day1.
This design is for revenue and psychological fomo so don’t ever expect it to be fixed.

They didn’t accidentally forget to make a good core game and rely on seasons to fix it - it was the plan from the start,
Live service is trash. Seasonal games are trash.

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Appreciate all the free bumps, my man.

The game is desperately in need of a tier 5 and even 6. The open world becomes weak after a while. You just crush everything instantly.

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I can see that point, but to me (admittedly a casual gamer) the act of continually having to rebuild characters is annoying. I think we should have the choice to build a new character or bring along one we have spent time building up. With the limited time I have for games, I focus more on the storyline than the challenge of rebuilding characters and gathering gear. I also like to complete every aspect of the game (side quests and dungeons in this case) and that can’t be done with all of them resetting every 3 months.

Or, instead of calling them “seasons”, call them “realms” where your character can grow and develop the bonuses there, but can not go to a new “realm”

  • List item

As a veteran player of online games for over a decade, I fully agree with these issues. I also have some suggestions

  1. Perhaps it is possible to increase game check-in, where players can receive 70-120 platinum coins, equipment illusions, rare materials, etc. when they check in for 7 or 15 days, or full attendance throughout the month. Of course, those who have not logged in for a long time can have a 3-day or one week upgrade buff to increase experience acquisition or material drop rate when logging in again. This can help players increase their online rate and those who have nothing to do in the later stage have the goal of going online to play

  2. Decomposing dark gold can obtain special materials that can be used to exchange for dark gold or special dark gold equipment. Perhaps 50 can be exchanged for one dark gold, and 80 can be exchanged for one special dark gold? This can solve the problem of building BD for gamers

  3. Add more equipment to the equipment column, perhaps by equipping belts, more rings or earrings, laying the groundwork for increasing the difficulty of later content, and optimizing more entries, perhaps making the poor equipment system better and more diverse.

Clan content has increased, and players can collect materials to build their clan. These can be obtained from PVP, limited time dungeons, and random content to exchange for specialized clan titles, equipment illusions, purchase clan flags, icons, animated expressions, tickets, pets, and more

  1. The season content is more themed, similar to the Four Knights of Apocalypse, with four themed content appearing in dungeons, maps, bosses, and special dungeons in rotation. It is updated once a week and opens up a limited season level. During the season, players can freely unlock branches to fight to the final boss, and eventually become one of the four factions to resist random invasion of dungeon players. There is a level limit, and there is a faction progress bar every week, Priority faction members can receive more exchange materials, obtain titles, cards, character themes, horses, and better weapon illusions
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Bump for the Monday crew.

Also add a hours played timer like D3 so I know how many hours my fav toon is up to.

Well said, Crescendo. Thank you for sharing. - JJ -

PS- A Rebirth Feature would be great, considering D3 has it and it would make sense considering there are seasons in this game.

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Its a good post, I don´t like some of your suggestions but it´s all personal taste.

One thing I don´t understand is why the hell you and everybody else keep comparing D4 which is online for seven months with D2, D3 or POE… Those are games with at least 10 years of continuous development, one or more expansions and so on. Its obvious why these games have much more features. And why bring to D4 features that exists in other games ? If so, why create a new game from the scratch ? New game, new contents so forget about other games features… its owned by other games.

Regarding the skills tree. Its never been a problem because it give you freedom to choose anything from the tree which is good. The bad thing is that some skills are too overpowered and other are too underpowered so everybody falls in the same choices. This unbalanced skill tree is the root cause of the problem. Same happens to paragons glyphs. Some of them are just memes and don´t make any difference. Believe or not I´ve tested every single glyph on every class and raised then to max.

One thing I really love is test all possibilities and combinations to see what works or not.
People are lazy to find it out by themselves and just copy and paste streamers builds. They are loosing some fun here. Copy and paste is boring.

Your post is good because you are not complaining but giving some suggestions.
The game is pretty new and they will be adding features along the time.
I think this current dev team (mainly manages and game designers) lacks of creativity and this have a huge impact in the final result.

They have 2 entire teams working in seasons. so each team have 6 months to develop an entire season and its way too few time to make a feature rich season so they should create a third team to develop non seasonal features (fixed independent of seasons) to enrich the game. This is the cost for release an unfinished game. There are so many basic mistakes and flaws in the game design that I wonder how much experience the actual team have in this role. By far the worst Blizzard group. Put off the list the programmers and graphics designers because they do what was planned.

They should have a PTR server where people can play, test, report bugs while the season is in development. This should lower down a lot the number of bugs.

I’m not saying it couldn’t use improvements, especially on spending more pts on certain skills. But general playerbase of the game can’t handle a system where you could be rewarded for clever path planning, without overwhelming them. That’s the point of the paragon tree.

I think they are working on the codex to store aspects which would be great. The thing that is good about aspects is it keeps rares relevant like in d2 pre lod. D3 loot 2.0 did away with rares. How do you keep rares relevant in some other system?

Just wasn’t designed with much. It was designed for players to take 160 hrs to lvl 100 and nmd to be ultra hard. Both those been heavily nerfed on account of my above stated on the general playerbase. So what are you left with? Not much except cheap easy dev stuff like Duriel. You might not want to hear it but yea it’s gonna take an expansion to improve the base game content. That’s how they are staffed.

Good feedback, everyone. Gonna think on some of this stuff.

ITs not like I / we havent been trying.

Table of Contents
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs 👁
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occultist = Improved Occultist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖
x25. Sage Vendor = The NEW Sage Vendor turns your duds into thuds! 😱
x26. DPS dummies = We Need some Mmmm Crash Test Dummies 🪆
x27. Blessing Vendor = Bless me Vendor for I want to sin. 🙅‍♂️
x28. Hero Variants = By the Power of Greyskull here are Powerful Hero Variants! 💀
x29. Pets = Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! 🐇
x30. Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
x31. Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval
x32. Affinity = 3 NEW Affinity Types give players more choices in powering up. 🤔
x33. NEW Gear Affixes = 20 NEW Affixes. PLEASE comment even if you no like. 🤔 - #23 by Urza-1177
x34. NEW Goblins = Goblins Two.oh! 👺

Some of these others are joke posts but I dont want to edit fix the actual content.

Mount Racing = Mount Racing. Get your hoof on! 🏇
Unique Enchanting = IDEA - Unique Enchanting! 🦄
Region Economic Buffs = IDEA - Region Economic Buffs. 🦾
Top 20 Helltide Improvements = TOP 20 Helltide Improvements 🎩
10 New Affixes = Bonus 5th Affixes (10 total) make you go wut in the wut wut!? 😕
50 Omega Tips = The 50 Omega Tips Thread (Many for new players) 💁‍♂️
AoZ fixes and ideas = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 🩸
Season 2 Review = The Season 2 Comprehensive Review 👨‍🏫
S2 To eternal or not to eternal = S2 To Eternal or not to Eternal. That is the question. ❔
Owner of a Malignant Heart = Owner of a Malignant Heart! 🖤
The Bone Thrall Ballista Thread = The Bone Thrall Ballista 3 Emoji Thread 🏹
Top 10 Joke Patch Notes Dec 2023 = Top 10 D4 Joke Patch Notes Dec 2023 😜
Top 10 Joke Patch Notes JAN 2023 = TOP 10 Joke Patch Notes for JAN 2024 🤪
Potion Thread = The Toil Trouble Cauldron Bubble Potion Thread 🧴
S3 Reloaded = Season 3 reloaded. Vaults redesigned. 🔃
10 Elephants = Addressing the 10 Elephants in the Room 🐘
BIG BLUE = https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/with-big-blue/137442
Steel chest solution = https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/steel-chest-solution-and-qol-for-helltides/138893

Total Blue posts in these → 0 :sob:


You’re right, when a car company makes a new car they start from the first car ever made.

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Yeah, I never understood the argument that D2/D3 are de facto more fleshed out because they have been out longer. I get that argument for other ARPG comparisons, but D4 is a continuation of the franchise. It should already incorporate and build on the lessons of the previous games, not relearn and reinvent solutions for them.