Advanced Vector Extensions Issue Update as of 10.5

Hello everyone -

We wanted to provide an update on the Advanced Vector Extension (AVX) items from the dev team after some further developments from this past weekend. The team believes they have a potential fix, but this goes beyond just AVX specifically. The fix could potentially affect all users, even those outside of not having AVX support, so we are wanting to make sure we do proper testing.

While CPUs without AVX are below our minimum spec, we want to try to ensure as many people as possible can play. Setups without AVX were working in Beta. In optimizing the game, we inadvertently included the need for AVX for launch. QA is going to spend another few days of testing across all of these scenarios and setups in an effort to ensure we are not impacting existing players.

We will update this thread once we have an update from the testing over the next few days.

We apologize for the added delay and appreciate your patience.

For those that may have already purchased but would prefer to purchase post fix, we do recommend reaching out to Customer Service for a refund.


Hi all -

Update for today 10.1 with AVX. The QA team is still collecting performance data on machines with and without fix. The goal is to A/B testing between both and ensure that this is not impacting an existing setups. The testing will continue today and through early next week. Once we have more details on how those went, we will let everyone know.


Monday update here:

Testing should wrap up by EOD today. We should have a clearer picture on everything by mid-week. Only thing that would change this is if QA discovers something with performance on machines here by EOD.


Late Monday update:

Some good news. Testing has come back and it is looking like we will be able to address AVX issues without impacting other users. We expect to have an update on this soon. We will patch notes when that is available and ready.


We have pushed an update to PC clients for the AVX related items.

Patch Notes Here: