AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

Even in a demand food pension you will listen more hate than this forum…

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Here we are October 1st…

it has been past a week since release,

my game still will not start.


Trying for refund, only way i would buy it again is is Adam Fletcher is fired.


It’s not all about AVX I got the support and It’s activated but still can’t play for more than 15-20min without at leat 5 crashes on the way :frowning:

That’s all we’ve got

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If you came out with modded files that actually got it working like that you would very literally achieve Legendary status and digital immortality instantly.

You have a completely different issue, you should start looking at anything like graphics drivers, any kind of overclocking tools, and third party software. Hell, it could even be an issue with the hard drive if it’s getting glitchy which can happen for a number of reasons.

The first things I would check would be drivers, especially graphics, run a memtest, check all temps, and I would try installing to a different drive. It could just be a compatibility issue on their end, but you’ll want to be sure. Open up a ticket.

After searching and searching and hoping and hoping like everyone else here, I finally got it to work!!! This is what I did, I hope it works for some, if not all of you in here!

-Download Intel Driver & Support Assistant (Intel DSA)
-Update All
-Install All
-Do the optional reboot
-Sign Out of BNet
-Sign back in and launch D2R

I hope I made some of your weekends a little bit better! See you all in there!!!


I got a reply from them to day saying that my cpu is an older generation so it’s not up to reqs. I guess even an older gen i7 shouldn’t be able to play it by their minimum reqs. Why on god’s green earth would you make a 21 yr old game require the newest gen cpu when you reboot it?

And also, why can my dad’s OLDER gen processor play just fine? ONLY because it supports AVX? I GUARANTEE mine would be able to play if it weren’t for the AVX. I don’t regret my refund now. The second i did their tone towards me changed 100%

Grabbed a Razer core off marketplace for 150 and am using my ultrabook from work… Just a thought for those with TB3 laptops looking for cheap ways to play.

I wasn’t trying to come off as sarcastic, I was genuinely asking, that’s a lot of posts to read

Installed DSA and it’s telling me “No supported driver or software updates are available for your system.” Could you tell us what issue you were having and what CPU you have?

they are ret paladins, thinking NO AVX = OLD AND BAD, AVX = NEW AND GOOD

blizzard is so ignorant on their JOB, i cant understand how no one gets fired.

problem after problem after problem after problem after problem after problem

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I think i have a solution for the moment, why don’t you guys (Blizzard) give us access to the game but only with Legacy mode working, so we can compete online with our friends until we get the good graphs?


I think he has a AVX compatible CPU with another issue.

Ya gotta run Intel AVX emulator in between the graphics driver/graphics dlls and the CPU.

They using graphics APIs that rely on AVX underneath I think

What the heck is going on, are you seriously telling us that, while games like Star carft 2, Diablo III, Freaking Crisis 2 are fine. Diablo II says no not good enough. I did not spend $70 on a game that is defective.
@Blizzard; you either fix this mess asap or expect to refund everybody.

Если они действительно решают проблему с AVX, то я за то чтобы патч был хорошо протестирован и закрыл все вопросы связанные со старыми CPU. Я не хочу ещё раз купить игру и снова столкнутся с прежними проблемами.

А вот если они ищут отговорки, откладывают сроки, вводят пользователей в заблуждение, то это очень плохо. Лучше знать как на самом деле обстоят дела.

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Intel SDE can’t run D2R, I don’t know why but if can the fps Will be 1 or 2


I want EVERYONE TO LOOK AT THIS POST. After 1 week of black screens I did this and I AM NOW PLAYING!!!