AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

if they didnt fix it by now they are not gonna fix it at all…

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Ancora niente??? Fate schifo!!!

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Day 12, No AVX fix for diablo 2 resurrect yet.




I have another dell Inspiron computer I7-3770 3.4 Ghz, 16mb, GTX 1050GTI

Diablo had not problem starting up with this older computer.

But it doesn’t work on my i7-8700; 12mb 3.2 Ghz; GTX 1060.

Very strange. I would point out that I was able to delete the other built in video driver on the i7-3770, but I am only able to disable the built in video driver on the i7-8700. I am not sure if this is one of the problems.

#NOAVXPATCHWHEN :copyright: ?

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someday this week!! they say testing early week so let say friday

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Come on @support, its already start of new week, so you can tell us WHEN we should expect patch EXACTLY. 10 days of not able even to launch a game, really annoys! i belive testers made their job on weekend, now its time to announce a results!

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Wasn’t this update last week’s?

There is no update because they can’t say they fixed it, and they aren’t yet ready to say they won’t. But they will eventually. Of course they won’t fix this. Customers not in game for like 2 weeks from launch, and updates coming like they are working on a silly cosmetic glitch? Yeah whatever.

Sooner you refund your purchase the sooner you can move on with your life and activities.


Holy moly…The level of toxicity here. So refreshing. People are such emotional trolls nowadays. I have to always steel myself before coming here to read your comments dear people.

Sure, it’s not nice to have this AVX-issue and feels bad man. But for me most of you are even a bigger disappointment :joy:

Try to chill and have a nice day!


lets say next monday

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I am so surprised they have been silent about this. What a garbage company. I am so lost as to how they managed to screw up a game THAT WAS ALREADY MADE 20 YEARS AGO!


I still believe in #6kcomments


Don’t be that conservative. We’ll be looking 10k.


depends when they fixe this lol probable 10k

G4560 same problem and still waiting

Approaching 6k lads! WOO!

buenas … consulta donde se pide el reembolso? pero t eliminan el juego o lo dejan como compensacion?

Diablo 2 Refunded it’s a true name.

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