AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

See you all in november

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More developers doesn’t mean things get fixed faster, you can only put so many people on the same codebase without them being in each others way.

I can also understand that removing this avx requirement can have other unwanted side effects, so they want to test as good as possible as not to get the rest of the community upset again. It looks to be quite a balancing act to me.

one more week? ok … still waiting… hopefully U got it before Ladder starts!

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Sign this petition, please and thank you. https ://www.change. org/p/ activision-blizzard-inc-fire-adam-fletcher [no spaces]



Adam is too busy advertising for streamers and posting gym selfies to actually communicate or update the community properly. Sadly leaving all the hard stuff to mods like Drak.


Update as of today 10.1.

Firing the messenger is really low IQ. It’s not his fault AVX requirement was added, not his fault that it has not been fixed yet. The worst thing he did was give people some hope it might get fixed sooner rather than maybe in a few weeks.

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Full set of D2 is like 12.99 if you buy the CD keys online. I have done it several times. Good luck. I am also frustrated

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This is the first and last time preordering a game!


Pour les lecteurs français, en résumé : si vous n’arrivez pas à démarrer le jeu car votre processeur, bien que satisfaisant à la config minimum requise, ne parvient pas à lancer le jeu car il n’a pas la fonctionnalité AVX (ie en résumé s’il est d’une génération antérieure à 2011) : demandez un remboursement, car Blizzard en a absolument rien à cirer, si ce n’est de jouer la montre en répondant sporadiquement qu’ils travaillent sur le sujet … c’est bien regrettable pour un titre mythique de voir que la compagnie en est arrivée là …
A bon entendeur


i already called it… they aint fixing anything… same answer as last week… lol i already refunded many days ago but this is a fun show to watch.


Oh ya. I just ordered a brand-new Dell G5 desktop i7 processor to play this game. I’ll let u guys know how it turns out in the meantime.


imagine getting promoted and doing that poor of a job, he dosnt even post here anymore because no one likes him, saying “this is not a priority issue”, “ur pc is too old” how long is too old? avx should not be in there, its “not working as intended” then shifting the blame into our pc’s who ran the game in beta without any issues,
he’s just a clown

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So how much have you paid at the end for a game?

Don’t forget your bear and balalaik:-)

already signed, i hope we get a lot of signs, he’s a joke out of a community manager

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You missunderstand how it works for this kind of companies… they don’t promote because they make us happy, but because of the profit… we are not people, we are numbers…

Edit, And right now we are a pain in their butt making noise, some refunding, etc… that’s why I believe they will, at the end, fix this.


L@L, are u kidding? A/B test and then u will choose - should we fix it for thousands customers?


Still!?! and have they even acknowledged there is an issue?

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How do you compensate patient players for YOUR mistake?