There is no official nightborne custimization thread.
What are you guys intrested in getting when they add new option for allied races.
My list.
-Darker skin options. Deep black. Dark Brown. Maroon. purple.
-Shiny tatoos with more options.
-more less balding long hair options for the men.
-Squinty eyes.
-A CUTE male face option. seriously why does this game make every male character hideous.
-THe arcane glow around the hands would be lit!
-hair glow!!!
-glowy arcane beards.
-culrly hair styles.
-new ears
-withered boy type.
More hair styles, especially some simple ones (eg. ponytail).
Flip jump.
Darker/more noticeable tattoos. The arcane style is nice and fits them but the only time I can even tell I have tattoos on my NB is when I stop and look for them specifically.
night elves need a happy man face for sure.
and honestly i’d love if they gave both body options to both races.
cuz i’d be playing a night elf druid as a main and i would finally be happy with my character in world of warcraft.
and not being happy with my character has made it really hard for me to enjoy. the game.