Nightborne: Still in Need of Improvement

To start, here’s a great thread by Valquouis discussing the fixes they’d like to see for the Nightborne: Nightborne: The Fixes We Need

Since launch, the community has almost unanimously felt the Nightborne model was lacking in customization options, and visually, fell short of capturing the essence of the Nightborne we grew to love questing through Suramar.

Face options are all variations of a similar gaunt, wrinkled, haggard face. The fruit of the Arcan’dor tree restored the former Nightfallen back into their Nightborne selves. Why should the only options made available to us be of this variety?

The hairstyles in terms of variety and quality are also lacking. The textures look like something that came out of WoW Classic, especially compared to the Void Elves. Hairlines are WAY back there. Again, options read as: old, old, old.

Nightborne have THREE skin colors made available to them. Even slight variations would be welcome, similar to the Void Elves. Note: Void Elves will be receiving even more skin color options in Shadowlands keeping them in line with the Blood Elves, while also allowing for variations in eye colors.

We’re rapidly approaching Shadowlands where the barrier for entry for our current Allied Races will be removed, and options are being expanded across the board for core races. If there was ever a time for Blizzard to correct and improve upon their work, this is it. If left unchanged, I feel Blizzard would have failed to create a baseline level of quality in their customization options for the Nightborne.

What are the changes or customization options you’d like to see be made available to the Nightborne in Shadowlands?


How Nightborne should look vs how they do now:


The disparity between the NPC model and the playable model really is puzzling. Looking at the Nightborne, it just makes me wonder where the time developing them went.

Ew. Why does the NPC model have better looking, more defined hair? It would also be nice to have that arcane hair effect on the end strands.


Huh, I never noticed there were npc’s with their ears turned down. Guess that could be a new customization option :thinking:

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I don’t want to look old anymore, and I’d like my stiff strange idle posture to be changed.


Don’t forget the borked heritage armor clipping. Heritage armor


just let them be druids … all problems solved, confirmed: 2018.


Gods yes, the metal beard looks horrible. Why is it even attached to a piece of armor that goes on the chest?


NPCs have better hair physics than the player models. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Not only do we have a stiff idle position, the idle animation for the females is janky.


For male nightborne i just wanna see more customization options like eye shape, metal chin armor and earring colors. I’d like to see their offensive casting animation and run animation changed to something else that looks a little more natural. As lazy as it sounds i’d like to see them give male nightborne the male blood elf run and casting animation

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I been waiting for something for the Nightborne. I been watching and waiting to see if anything is going to happen on wowhead. But so far nothing.
I have my fingers crossed in hoping something in the works.


The nightborne deserve better than what the players were given. The heritage armor doesn’t even look like something they would wear as it covers far too much. Also can we get heritage weapons?


Can’t be any more lazy than the forsaken run they already gave us.

I do like my casting animation though.


Please please please, add the effect from the nightborne potion underbelly quest (become withered as you lose life) as an option to turn on.

I wills it.


Cool idea, but until the Nightborne’s baseline improvements are met, I don’t see that happening.

Unrelated to your post, but I understand that there are other allied races that would like enhanced options as well, but I don’t think the call for changes is nearly as needed as it is with the Nightborne.


Here is my list from a post I did on how to improve them:

Nightborne only have 3 skin tones. It is a small amount compared to all the other races. Could we have at least two more that are shades in between the existing ones?

Faces. I have really only looked at the male model, but of the 6 face options I only think one looks decent. Could we get 3 more that don’t look so weathered?

Nightborne are magically imbued creatures. Is it possible we could get some magical effects for hair or maybe hands?

My final ask is a stretch and not exactly related to how the model looks, but I would love it if they got unique casting animations and dances!


Night elves, the core race is waiting since WoD to be fixed… and nightborne need a lot of love too.


Now that all Suramar is Horde I don’t think we are only playing Nightfallen Nightborne. Some should have been sustained from the Nightwell right up until they had Arcan’dor fruit.

I like to think Rarumas never experienced any level of withering.

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With all the cool AR stuff they’re doing, getting to choose to add some variation of withered even partially would be amazing, I miss Runas, every day.

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They made a very big deal about how Elisande made the deal on behalf of the people of Suramar. I think it’s 100% probable that many of the nightborne heros running around are from the city, bored and never withered.

Those that remained in the city had a hard choice between painful withdrawal, or keeping their mouth shut.

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