Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

But it’s not nearly as passive as it was during WoD and Legion. That “single source” was a massive gold faucet and you’d be insane to say that removing it had no impact on the amount of gold people can make.


That’s not a good way to judge something. 738 of those responses are from 4 individuals, 196 of them are from me and I am in favor of the removal of the mount from the vendor.

The forum is a bad way to judge anything, actually. It’s a small percentage of the player-base and we can switch characters to post/report/like. Although, do keep in mind that abusing the systems can get you actioned.

This is a bit extreme, don’t you think? For all anyone knows there is a great reason that they are moving this mount to the BMAH, and no, they don’t have to tell you their reasons for anything.

They don’t stay in business by ignoring anything. Just because they don’t do what one group of players want doesn’t mean they are ignoring anything.

points to the Tokens


I don’t care about the AH ffs.

I wanted a brutosaur mount and the one with the AH is the only option. Does it make you feel big to come into a thread like this and belittle the players who were working toward a goal and who are now unhappy that said goal has been snatched away for no reason?


I just want to say that I love your entire post. You eloquently said everything I’ve been very poorly saying. Thank you.



Welcome, friends, to my daily post expressing my absolute dissatisfaction with Blizzard’s handling of a self-created problem.

You done goofed, Blizzard. Fix it.

Later, folks! :wave: :smiley:


If the mount stayed in the game, would that affect you negatively in any way?
Why read this thread if the content of it bothers you so much? Just move on to another one ffs.


The most interesting thing about this is the fact that they gain nothing if they keep selling it, unless, they are thinking people will pay the $500 for the mount. Oh to be a fly on the wall at Blizzard.


Everybody I know making the amount required are either multi-boxers, or they sell boosts. There’s one who pretty much only spends their time in game farming gold - and honestly, it’s getting draining knowing I have a time limit, and I’ve stopped and given up, and will not be buying tokens to make up the amount I’d be missing.

There are sever economies that are screwed beyond belief right now due to professions being garbage.

5 million isn’t just something you pull your pants up and do unless you’re doing something “unintended.”.


So those of us who dropped a million plus on WoW tokens because we thought it’d exist and we could get the gold back when the economy is better don’t exist.



Things in any game shouldn’t be removed, taken away or become unobtainable in my opinion. It would be funny if this sort of thing happened at a restaurant though. 'Enjoying your steak sir? -Yes thank you- ‘Great, glad to hear it.’ [Throws steak dinner into the trash] -…Wha , Why’d you do that?- ‘We are removing steak from the menu, so…Yeah…Don’t worry though, you still have to pay the full price.’ ~ Angry chef in the background watching his work be thrown out -But that guy is leaving with his steak.- ‘Well obviously you should know how to read minds, or atleast datamine.Hahaha, okay safe drive.’~ I get that the mount isn’t really “Going away.” Feeling good about reaching a personal goal is nice, it’s just bad form to exclude others. (Not just talkin’ about this mount btw) [:


I’m going to reiterate…

This move feels bad on a number of fronts:

  1. It was only “officially” shared after someone data mined and posted the topic. The communication from Blizzard has been extremely disappointing. Weren’t you guys working on this or did the “corporate restructuring” toss those plans in the bin?
  2. Removing YET more things from the game sucks.
  3. The timing of this removal FEELS like a slimy move to “encourage” token sales and push free-to-play (F2P) metrics like time played, active subscribers, tokens purchased, etc.

Creating scarcity for the sake of pushing sales is NOT the Blizzard that we all enjoyed back in the glory days of WoW. If you folks want to increase subscriptions please stop pulling these antics. Reversal of this decision about the long boi would be a nice gesture to show you’re listening to players. Do the right thing Blizz.


Nonsense. Just because you don’t know how to make gold without doing “unintended” things doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to do so.


It’s highly disappointing that we still don’t have an official explanation as to why this is happening.

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We want to be perfectly clear on this – we do not intend to remove the AH vendor from this mount, especially when some players put in a great deal of effort to acquire this mount specifically for that functionality. Of course, we remember that we removed the Mystic Birdhat’s Reforging from the Grand Expedition Yak, but that was because we removed Reforging from the game.

The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is something that fundamentally alters players’ flow around the world, and it’s a unique convenience, but it’s certainly not essential. We’ve seen how luxury mounts like the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth started out as something special and rare: a repair vendor wherever you are! They were originally ultra-exclusive and mostly purchased by guild banks for convenient raid use, but then became increasingly commonplace due to gold inflation over time.

We think that a moderate amount of gold inflation is healthy. It ensures that new or returning players can catch up and participate in server economies without having to put in a herculean effort to avoid being priced out of essential goods. In this case, we want to ensure that in the long run, years from now, we don’t find ourselves looking around and seeing AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts are today.


Did you know from the start you wanted to remove it or was it a last min type thing? Just curious


Wow if only you had some way that you could change the numbers in the game and change the price of it in the next expansion instead of removing it.

Or if only you could have announced it was going to be removed at the beginning of the expansion…

Sadly, these are impossible tasks.


What about the Brutosaur mount model itself? Why are there no other options besides the AH version? You’d save a lot of grief if we had other ways to get the model.


I mean it’s pretty obvious from the ridiculous post we are replying to that they don’t care how much pushback they get, because $$$


This seems problematic to me, since we have two examples (the mammoth and the yak) that were limited in the past because of the price tag but became “common” with inflation. If this was an honest concern, and you didn’t want an AH mount to eventually become commonplace, why not label it as limited from the start? Or, why make an AH mount to start with?

If there was not the realization early that they may eventually become commonplace with inflation in the future, that’s not necessarily a good look, either.