Hope everyone remembers Blizzard's "reason" for removing the Caravan Brutosaur

Remember this when the Brutosaur was removed?
“The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is something that fundamentally alters players’ flow around the world…”
By current appearances, it was simply so players could be gauged for real world money. Congrats Blizz on giving yourself yet another PR issue.


It stands to reason that they should release an AH/mail mount that’s obtainable in-game, again.
As it is, it’s now a feature entirely locked behind a real-life paywall. You cannot have a mobile AH/mailbox without either paying real money, or someone else paying more real money for you to exchange for gold via Tokens.

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You can buy this with gold using wow tokens. They upped the price for this reason.


Can you buy a token right now?

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I don’t think it’s that bad. Although it does beg the question, when can we expect the original bruto back on the vendor?

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The saddest part of this is re-reading about the removal of the best feature this game ever had, reforging, which allowed players to have a hand in what Blizzard is bad at: making good spec-based itemization and balancing the game.


WoW tokens are a finite currency. There aren’t any on a lot of servers, now.

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That was kind of a quirky situation, because people cheered when it was announced and then many of the same people cheered when it was removed.

Being able to “fix” gear stats was well loved… but it also robbed some of the joy of getting an upgrade drop, because you could not use them immediately. You had to interrupt a raid if you wanted to use your new gear quickly.

Blizzard always flip-flops on themselves.

Remember “Bring the player, not the class?”

And then they made Augmentation Evokers.

And now they’re kneecapping Shamans’ Poison Cleaning Totem because it was “too good” for M+.

So yeah, they can’t really ever be taken for their word. It’ll change down the line. Always does.


Remember that quote…

“Don’t believe their/his lies?”


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their original reasoning was dumb and I’m glad they have walked that back.


This is the real question.

Clearly we’ve been lied to since AH mounts are pretty much as common as repair mounts are now, so I see no reason why the Gold Bruto shouldn’t come back.

Snickers in Northrend engineering “Not only can I, for 5 gold a performance I’ll allow ya to watch me raise the dead.”

It’s pretty bad IMO.

If it was just a reskin of the OG bruto, then you’d be right. No one would really care. BUT. The fact that the new mount has a mailbox on it completely changes things. Now it’s just a straight up superior version of the OG bruto and that’s just bad. The “flow” of players around the game world has already basically been destroyed by the pre-existing mounts. But with this mount, it’s yet another paving stone they’ve laid in the road to rendering cities pretty much obsolete. At some point we’re gonna get a banking mount. You know it’ll happen.

And you’re right. With the release of this objectively superior bruto, there really is not much point in keeping the OG bruto off its original BfA vendor.

Sounds like game tunning too, one week a class gets nerfed and next week or two the same class gets some buffs lol

never ending story.

Years from now we plan on dropping a 90$ reskin and THEN we’ll be good with seeing AH mounts everywhere.

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I don’t mind it as long as there is an equivalent available in-game that does not cost $$$. Right now there is no equivalent with Auctioneer/mailbox so it does feel pay to win.

The world runs on $$$ and corpos will do whatever they can (usually within the bounds of the law but no always) to make more money.

MS and Blizzard do not care about you. They only see you as a wallet and want as much of what’s in it for themselves.

WoW was created at a time before mobile and P2W was really a thing. The game was made with passion and love. Everyone involved is gone or has been converted.

Over the last couple of expansions Blizzard has flipped their business model from “Build an amazing game and the revenue will follow” to “Build the revenue into the game and the players will pay”.

Everything is monetized. Designed now on manipulation to keep you playing and paying. Fomo, creating roadblocks then selling you the solution, sunk cost fallacy, they use every trick in the book. While doing the absolute bare minimum in terms of story/gameplay to keep you subbed.

Worst of all, since this product is digital, you don’t actually own anything. That 90 dollar mount you bought? You didn’t buy it, you paid to use it in a game you pay for the right to use. When WoW goes away, all your “purchases” go away as well.

Welcome to the new age of gaming where P2W and cash for convenience reign.

Considering that the upgrade system we currently have requires going to a city/capital/outpost to do the very same thing in a far more laborious way, that argument from Blizz doesn’t hold a drop of water anymore.

Given the myriad of interactions (or lackthereof) that secondary stats have for each class and spec (which only gets more complicated with the introduction of Hero talents), the lack of reforging results in some gear going entirely unused, even if it’s an iLvl upgrade, because the secondary stats aren’t useful.

Given that some loot tables are limited in what they offer (Delves), and some people go long stretches without loot due to GL being the norm, I’m sure people in those situations would feel a hell of a lot better if they got loot that was reforgeable rather than loot with bad secondary stats, or no loot at all.

It’s significantly more inconvenient and miserable to get a piece of loot that you simply won’t use due to the secondary stats. I’m sure most people would rather deal with going to a reforger (just as they go to an item upgrader) than be stuck with a gear drop that is going to be vendored due to poor secondary stats.

The big thing, for me at least, that a return of reforging would alleviate is people targeting specific bosses/dungeons for pieces of gear that are BiS solely because of secondary stats. As an example, as a destro lock, I want Crit/Haste, yet the BiS necklace with those secondaries comes from Nerub’Ar Palace. That’s fine, I run it anyways, but what it means is that almost all Mythic+ dungeons are worthless because the most comparable necklace from any of them is Haste/Mastery from The Stonevault. The only other alternative with that distribution is to craft one, which you’re looking at a 2-week wait minimum in addition to materials and a tip.

What that means is that instead of looking at other methods and engaging in them (such as running other dungeons or doing more delves), I’m locked into running the raid if I want that necklace, or not engaging in any actual gameplay and waiting to craft it. Reforging would alleviate that because if I got a necklace with the worst possible secondary stats, I could reforge it and use it in the interim and still have it be an upgrade to what’s currently available until I get the ideal drop.

Blizzard’s been incredibly inconsistent on their word in recent years. I suspect there are multiple different perspectives in management positions who have differing opinions on various things, and without a director with a clear, cohesive vision for the game – and the authority to have the final call on such decisions – I only see things getting worse.