Since this reason clearly no longer applies given the Trader’s Brutosaur (which is both superior with the mailbox functionality, and hugely cheaper as far as gold cost [when converting from tokens]), can we just get the Mighty Caravan one put back on the vendor? It seems silly to continue leaving it off at this point.
No because the OG one has a unique skin
Of course not, now that would take away from their sales.
Also, it made $20 million.
… you didn’t get this from Bellular, did you?
Repair Mount: 20k, always available
AH Mount: 1.2m, limited time
I question the presupposition that having AH mounts be as common as repair mounts (which don’t have a rep discount; that 20% adds up FAST over time…) is necessarily a bad thing that should be avoided.
Well of course it was an outright lie. They wanted people’s government covid checks.
too big?
the auction house mount is so useful for my lazy self though
i don’t deserve it lol

I question the presupposition that having AH mounts be as common as repair mounts (which don’t have a rep discount; that 20% adds up FAST over time…) is necessarily a bad thing that should be avoided
I question the presupposition that they would be as common as repair mounts at all. That 5 mil price tag was always a tough barrier to entry.

Well of course it was an outright lie. They wanted people’s government covid checks.
You weren’t lied to. That blue post was made 5 years and 3 expansions ago. It was true when they said it, and remained true for a long time after. Just because the situation later changed doesn’t mean you were intentionally misled.
That said, it still baffles me that they removed the original burotsaur in the first place. It wasn’t just a huge gold sink. It was a huge gold sink that everyone actually wanted. No problem was solved by removing it in SL.
please add long boi to trader center next month for 100 trade coins or force us to watch some random streamer for 4 hours on mute to claim for free