Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

And of course the first time they reply in 15 days, it’s “OH NO!!! Don’t worry! If you buy it now it’ll still have the auction house on it! Don’t worry! Buy buy buy!”


Wow, what a cowardly excuse to remove this mount. So you just don’t want players having it.

And here I thought it was healthy for the game to have things that are desirable that you can work towards. Today I learned that something being interesting and desirable in an MMO is actually a bad thing.

Shame on Blizzard for this decision. If you just wanted it to be rare, you would have said from the get-go that this mount was limited time.

Can I just ask you one question: Why is it bad that more people have the Tundra Mammoth? Why is it a bad thing that it’s something people can get if they so want it?

Perhaps maybe you should consider WHY mounts are used the way they are used, and why people enjoy them. Maybe you should try and make mounts engaging and unique more often, like in Guild Wars where various types of mounts have different abilities.

But no, that would be too much effort. To say that I am disappointed is a tremendous understatement.



I will say, that was a decent response but the fact it was over 2 weeks later instead of in the first blue post does not help this issue at all.

Actually, it will be worse now, lol.


Until there is a 100% guarantee, it gives them too much wiggle room to get rid of it at some point. When the took away Birdhat and removed reforging, the mount is utterly nothing. They did it before, they will do it again unless their jobs are on the line and they are willing to back it up with a full inflated gold refund.

They should have left reforging in the game or refunded all the gold for the Yak!


Would’ve been better to get a warning that “The Brutosaur is going extinct after BfA” at the start of the expansion, not halfway through the expansion. Just saying.

Not just a forum post about it, but an in-game warning, like the vendor in an obvious, well-traveled location attempting to hawk the mount to nearby players.

I have several guildmates that can attest otherwise, as they extensively used his new transmog services to correct their fashion travesties out in the field. :stuck_out_tongue: (…I do miss reforging, though.)


And why does it matter if it’s common place?

Why not try to keep inflation at a pretty stable rate?

Why punish people intent on slowly grinding towards this mount just for the sake of artificial scarcity?


I wouldnt have been mad. I get that they dont want everyone to have a mobile AH. But like i’ve said so many times I wasted so much gold this xpac assuming it’d stay


So you think just give an exclusivily AH mount to those who could afford back on time is a great idea? I mean, who have this mount gonna break AH alone, and who doesn’t is just lost.

I have about 80-90% of the mounts ingame (just stopped to play like 6 months ago to do some thing IRL), about 90% of the achievements, about 90% of the toys and i guess 80% of the pets (IDK, six months might added some pets ingame), but with that so many gold gimmicks i just couldn’t afford my real life and the so many things in game. I intended to play again in 2020 or something, but things like this, half million mounts on Island Expedition, another half million on dungeons, 6.5 million on gold sink mounts (just in this exp) kind makes me sad to return.

WoW unfortunately don’t worth my time anymore, it’s impossible to give a break and recap if Blizzard just remove a million things from the players. Guess my 700 days main won’t have another single day on Azeroth like this.


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have converted so much gold to WoW tokens if I knew. Would’ve been at 4.3 million gold toward the mount when I resubbed instead of 3.3 million.


I just wish this would have been announced at the start of the xpack, like mage towers were(or at least when announced), because I would have planned my time very differently. I get the logic but the execution of the decision was poor. This type of execution decreases predictability and skews my expectations. It makes me feel compelled to acquire other types of items in an expansion which might be considered expansion specific because they could potentially be removed if the devs decide they want to keep them rare.

The types of thoughts which go through my head go like this. Are warfront sets going to become exclusive? What about island expedition mounts? What about unique armor/wep drops from bosses which will later be trivialized in farming? Should I start farming all of them because they could be removed?

Ultimately, I wonder what the defining line used to determine what types of items are expansion specific and will be removed compared to items which will stay and be farmable. Transmog mount = stay. AH mount = go. Hellscream shoulders = stay. AOTC mount = go. Its not very clear to me how the logic works and that is frustrating.


This sounds like perfectly logical and sound reasoning, I am happy to hear it. It looks silly when you’re somewhere in the world and see 10 players sitting around on mammoths, I can’t imagine how horrible it would look to see a dozen or more giant mounts standing on top of everything.

I look forward to the possibility of more prestigious, exclusive, and limited mounts and cosmetics in the future, even if that may be a very unpopular opinion.


And they shouldn’t care, they should do what is best for the game and not a small crowd of players that are upset about something. Blizzard does listen and care about feedback, whether you want to believe it or not. Just because they don’t make changes or do something that you want doesn’t mean they don’t care or listen. I couldn’t imagine what this game would become if they made changes based on mob feedback from the forum.

They are looking out for the game as a whole and we should be appreciative that they do that.


lol this aint it bro :rofl:


Than it should never have been released, or that should have been thought of before it was released, and announced as such.


There is such a low percentage of players that have the mount that it will still be uncommon, not many players are going to be able to come up with the gold needed before the end of the expansion. This type of mount isn’t intended for the average player.

So what is your reasoning on why it should have never been released?


It’s now intended for any player that can pay blizzard $500+ before the end of BFA.


Which still won’t be many since most players aren’t going to fork over the cash for it. So here we are again.


The amount of people doing it is irrelevant. The fact that it’s even a thing is the problem.


Pay to Win for the win!

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it’s not irrelevant since part of their reasoning seems to be that they want to keep it uncommon.

I’m fairly certain you don’t know what pay to win means, this isn’t pay to win. lol