Maybe to bring back the mount might be unreasonable according to them as they explained it in this post.
But at least fix the current problem of its extremely rare appearance on the BMAH.
It was said to be added to the rotation of the extremely rare mounts like the mimiron’s head within the BMAH.
And I’ve seen the Mimiron’s head show up every 2-3 weeks on some server in the US/EU regions BMAH which still makes it realistic to get.
But the Bruto mount currently is showing up once every 6-7+ months (7+ months on US realms still unseen, 6+ months on the EU realm as it showed up last month on the EU realm of hyjal) and there is no guarantee it will show up on your realm.
So with the current Numbers it will take a few years to a decade for you to get a chance to maybe bid once on your realm and if your too slow on that the Big bois like the BMAH service providers will cap it before you ( I have talked a little bit about the BMAH service providers on this other post -"Blizzards 30 MILLION Gold AH Mount | The BIG Mistake" - Studen Albatroz).
The Mount was showing up once every 2-3 weeks before they added it to the BMAH unclaimed container after which it completely bugged out I don’t know but I’m merely speculating that while adding the mount to the container some line of code got deleted purely by mistake and has yet to be fixed.
If someone from the Devs notices this then hopefully we can get our fix soon.
I also hope that more members from the Community Council can take notice of this and help push the agenda.