Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

While I think the decision to remove it is pretty stupid, it’s not like it comes from defeating BFA content that will become trivial in Shadowlands and thus is should be removed to preserve the challenge in earning it. It is just a gold purchased mount and not something that really had any massive game play advantage associated with having one. That said, by the time it is removed it would have been in the game for probably 2 years. If you want one, you have time to still buy one. It was really added as a gold sink to try and drain some of the massive amounts of gold out of the game that WoD and Legion mission tables brought in.


Well I don’t need one, I rarely even use the AH

They are often times in the way, they are way to big.

Maybe there will be less of them in my way

Only delusional people with issues take a sense of pride and accomplishment for just being subscribed to a game during x to x dates.


Issues like an obsession with a pretend faction bias? What kind of issues are we talking about here?

Those are known from the very start that they will be changed.


Cutting Edge mounts are known from the very start that they are limited time deals.

Blizzard is unlikely to ever go back to the WoD/Legion mission table gold faucets, so the Brutosaur won’t become significantly easier to acquire.

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That should be the line on the front door at blizzard HQ. At least the muppets running the show now could never claim they didn’t know.

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this is such a silly argument.

none of the previous vendor mounts or gold sink mounts have been removed.

people have continued to purchase them well after their “relevant” expansion.


I agree. I don’t understand the idea behind this either, other than to create a false and/or exaggerated demand for it. That way people scramble to make gold by purchasing tokens.


Man, you know what I hate most about that? I hate the fact that things that SHOULD be exclusive such as Collectors Edition Items, Buy In Bonuses (Like the Dreadwake), ect you can now just buy, casually, whenever you like. For example, you can STILL buy the Warlords of Draenor AND Legion Digital Deluxe items to this day which entirely devalues items that are suppose to be for collectors. Items that SHOULD be exclusive are no longer exclusive to any sort of Capacity.

Meanwhile, a mount that historically has NEVER been Exclusive (Any of the passenger/vendor mounts) is suddenly breaking the formula and becoming exclusive and they wait until pretty much the last patch of the expansion to tell anyone? Heck, they STILL have yet to make an official announcement, the only response we got was because their Feat of Strength was Datamined and Blizzard was called out. I wonder how long they would have waited to tell people if someone didn’t catch it.

it makes absolutely no sense! Items that SHOULD be exclusive aren’t anymore while something that historically shouldn’t now is?!

Oh, and I know about it being thrown on the BMAH but good luck getting one after that goes though! Not only with it be a crapshoot on if its available or not but you will be competing with others to try and snag it so suddenly that 5 million gold mount is going for gold cap instead.

This entire situation is dumb, even for Blizzard. I really, really, REALLY dislike whoever is making these decisions.


Solution: give Blizzard $300-400, depending on token price, and the mount will be yours.

Problem solved. :sunglasses:

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It is very annoying and I’m not sure how I’m going to make all that gold. Maybe hope for flask procs and hoping they sell on AH. Otherwise it’s grinding old raids.

Most people looked at the price and thought… Eventually. Figured they can casually grind it out.

Meanwhile gold makers were saying, “we’re trying to make money, not spend it.”


EXACTLY! That is why I say this is such an inconsistent change with how these mounts have historically been handled! Only myself and one other among my group of IRL friends managed to get the Yak while MoP was current content and we didn’t get it until near the end of MoP. My other friends who wanted it didn’t get it until later on in WoD, but they had a long term goal to work towards and eventually achieve.

Both the Yak and the Mammoth were long term investments that a lot of people that I know never got while current! Now, suddenly and without warning, this happens? Oh, and before anyone goes “They give you a warning with the Blue Post!” that’s not giving players a warning, that’s getting called out on trying to sneak this in. Again, how long would Blizzard have waited to say anything if they had not been called out on this?

Ever since Legion Blizzard has been really bad about trying to sneak changes into the game and hope no one notices. Started with mob scaling in Legion (which I agree with that tech, I see why they did it, but disagree about how sneaky they were trying to be with it) and this is just the latest in those shady tactics.

Not to mention here we are and still no follow ups. Not to mention all topics on this are being quietly merged and lost in the current mega thread.

I have always supported Mega Threads but the way merging on these forums work is so poorly done. Its based on post time and not topic, so suddenly when you merge two threads the posts get scattered in awkward ways and make the thread seem nonsensical at times.

Honestly, its got me very critical.


Wasn’t there when the Transmog yak was released. Was a big deal then apparently. It’s nothing now.

Was there when the 100k bike came out in WOD. So much hue and cry. Can make that much gold over a weekend now.

How big a deal it was when the spider mount was priced at 2 million!! Wouldn’t be a big deal now.

Inflation is a real thing. Blizzard wants a portable AH to be a reward for people who invest their time in gold making. They don’t want everyone walking around on one. There will be a new gold sink next expansion. For 10 million I guess. Which would be the same as 5 million is right now.

And so is deflation. Gold isn’t nearly easy to make as it was in WoD and Legion with the mission tables essentially being gold faucets once they were set up.

Then there should be other Brutosaur mounts available for the people who want the model.

Edit: And now this thread has been merged into the mega-thread. At least we know the janitors are paying attention.


I think the larger problem now is that the damage is done. I honestly don’t know how many people dropped money to buy it via tokens, but I’d be right pissed if I did that and then they reversed course on its removal.

This is just all around blunder. If they legitimately had second thoughts about the AH on there, this could have been explained in clear detail instead of being forced to acknowledge it post-data mining.


Is this still the case, even after almost 4k posts of people complaining?

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No, Blizzard confirmed it won’t be sold by the vendors anymore in this thread. Will only be on the BMAH.

Yeah because we’re mindless sheep still subscribing to their game despite being laughed at while they randomly implement things while ignoring what we say.

They are ignoring this because they can afford to. Remember when flying was being taken away?

They got scared after the big big drops in sub and tried to make something.


It will be. That happened towards the end of both earlier expansions. There’s enough gold to be made right now too. You’re just looking at a single source which was there earlier and isn’t there currently. There’s plenty of people making a lot of gold right now.

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