Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to Vendor

What about putting it on the future BFA timewalking vendor for gold cap?

Yes, I know I know “it should just be up all year in that case”, but it at least maintains some weird shred of “limited time” that surrounded the mount initially, and could make some people happy


You had your chance, now it’s all mine.

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You’re not being penalized. You’re not going to get it even if it shows up on the BMAH. They’re highly unlikely to increase the frequency with which it appears on the BMAH. And it’s never coming back to a regular vendor.

I also want the spectral tiger. And the Moose Aotc mount from WOD.
I completely agree everyone should have AH access. Would love a toy on a one hour cd everyone can have. But no need to bring back everything.

There is no indication that it is currently available on the BMAH. And in any case, even if it did come up in rotation monthly, that’s 12 people a year who could buy it. In the entire game.

That wouldn’t count as “available”.

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This is the official response regarding the mount. Given their reasoning, I doubt they will change their minds. Of course, nothing is certain in this game but I can sort of understand what they are saying. Its a big thing, the biggest mount in pure height of any in the game, and if they were permanently put back in, and considering how much gold people can raise, the game could become incredibly littered with them. Imagine a hundred of them sitting next to a mail box or some other popular location…

I think a better idea would be to create some form of toy that provided access to an auction Blingtron for a limited amount of time. If you could call it up and have it stick around for say, 10 minutes every hour, that would provide auction assessibility to everyone and not create a visual issue.


They should sell it in the shop $400usd. Just to enrage all the typical GD boo hooers

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I’d second it being back at gold cap.

To be fair I have seen it once on BMAH but I didn’t have the gold to bid yet > :frowning: sadgeness

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Unless you were on the BMAH at 530AM EST, you wouldn’t have had a chance to bid on it anyways :slight_smile:

Goes back to the BMAH itself being problematic.


5 mil like it originally was is fine.

It was removed essentially with only a few months notice. We all kind of assumed it would just remain there like the mog yak, so a lot of people didn’t buy it before thst because they assumed they could grab it later.

Blizzard should just put it back on the vendor, it was a scummy act of artificial scarcity.


This is assuming people only wanted the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur for the AH on it. I personally just wanted a brutosaur mount. If there had been a plain bruto mount available as well as the MCB, I wouldn’t have given the MCB a second glance. Though your idea of an AH toy isn’t a bad solution for those who want a portable AH, I still advocate for bringing a plain (no AH vendor) brutosaur mount back to the game for those of us who want a bruto mount.

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I’ve said this before in other threads and I’ll say it here again as well:

People who are serious about the AH use a separate banking toon at an AH. Sure, they could use a bruto, or just park a banking toon in Org with access to all the other amenities.

Me personally: I dualbox. One client is always running my bank/trade/AH toon, the other client is for crafting or playing the game.

An AH mount would do me absolutely no good. I just want the bruto because I’m a collector.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard decides to offer a “solution” to this problem by removing the AH from the bruto and making the AH a separate piece of mount equipment.


Gotta say nah to the bruto proposal. Getting to a mailbox is a pain enough already.


No, they would never do that. People paid 5 million gold for that AH mount. And they actually said they wouldn’t remove the AH:


“we do not intend to remove” is lawyer speak for “we don’t plan on removing it, but we’re not saying we won’t ever do that if we choose.”

Note that I said I wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t expect them to, but after what they did to the strider, I simply wouldn’t be surprised. It’d be a dirtbag move if they did.


I’m still ticked about that one.

Yeah, I hear you. They can do some really low stuff while telling us it’s the best thing for the game. But I would be less surprised if they brought the MCB back complete with the AH vendor (think mage tower) than if they removed the AH from the ones in game. Totally agree that removing the AH would be a dirtbag move.


I get where you are going with this but unfortunately in the end it will only cater to Blizz greed.

Thats the point sherlock. Its supposed to be unobtainable for most people as they stated it being a mistake of even having it in the game.


I mean, anyone who was a dedicated player has the bruto mount. That’s the entire point of this game is to collect rare stuff nobody else has.

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Or who had the cash to buy the tokens to convert to gold.

I don’t like that word, “dedicated.” I think people who play regularly, but maybe not for hours a day, can still be considered dedicated players.

I admit I wasn’t as “dedicated” as those who worked to buy their brutosaurs. I did not have the time to raise the gold in the time-frame Blizz gave us. If it had been announced at the very beginning of BFA that the MCB was time-limited, I would have been fine with that. I would have known from the start that I couldn’t get that mount and I wouldn’t have wasted time trying to get it. Changing the rules in the middle of the expansion was a nasty move on Blizzard’s part, as far as I’m concerned. They should have put an alternative brutosaur on the vendor in place of the MCB (one without an AH) to make up for their lack of planning.