New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

Greetings Heroes of the Tavern!

WyomingMyst here. I am one of the forum MVPs but I often post in Overwatch forum community. The Overwatch forums got upgraded to the Discourse forum platform a year ago and I spend a lot of time posting on the Overwatch forums (with over 20,000 posts between both platforms). The new forum platform is great and has many wonderful features which have been hinted at already. I am here to give a handy guide to key forum syntax and features you can expect on the new forum platform.

Expanded Forum Syntax

There is an expanded selection of forum syntax you can use on the new forums. Much of it is available to any user of any trust level (more on trust levels below). In addition to the BBCode syntax we had on the older forums, we can now use a good selection of markdown syntax and HTML tags. I have the entire guide to most commonly used syntax in this section here:

Post in Italics

_Post in Italics_

[i]Post in Italics[/i]

<i>Post in Italics</i>

Post in Bold

**Post in Bold**

[b]Post in Bold[/b]

<b>Post in Bold</b>

Post in Italics Bold

_**Post in Italics Bold**_

[i][b]Post in Italics Bold[/b][/i]

<i><b>Post in Italics Bold</b></i>

Post underlined text. This only works with the BBCode tag.

[u]Post underlined text. This only works with the BBCode tag.[/u]

Post in Strikethrough

~~Post in Strikethrough~~

<strike>Post in Strikethrough</strike>

Header 1

# Header 1 (note the space between H and the # sign)

<h1>Header 1</h1>

Header 2

## Header 2 (note the space between H and the # sign)

<h2>Header 2</h2>

Header 3

### Header 3 (note the space between H and the # sign)

<h3>Header 3</h3>

Tables Are Cool
col 1 is Left Aligned
col 2 is Center Aligned
col 3 is Right Aligned
| Tables  | Are | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 1  | is | Left Aligned |
| col 2  | is | Center Aligned |
| col 3  | is | Right Aligned |

HMTL Table formating also works here too! 
(<table>, <tr>, <td>, etc)

Posting a Quote block

When quoting a post in the new forum platform, use your mouse to highlight the text you wish to quote and click the pop-up Quote button. There is no full post Quote button in the post control panel.

Posting a Code Block. Use a code block when typing out large 
amounts of code information.
Posting a Code Block. Use a code block when typing out large amounts of code information.

Posting a Code Block. Use a code block when typing out large amounts of code information.

Posting a Code Line

`Posting a Code Line`

Use a code line to post a URL as most users will be at “Trust Level 1” or less. Note that Overwatch forum trust levels do not pass over into the BlizzCon forums. Attempting to post a URL without wrapping it will result in an error.

Trust Levels

Trust levels are a participation system on the forums. The more you post, like, reply, read, and visit the forums, the more you work your way to a higher trust level. Increased Trust levels grant additional privileges. Everyone who is new starts off at Trust Level 0 but will quickly climb by reading and visiting the forums within their first few days.


Trust level 0 users cannot:

  • Flag posts
  • Post more than 3 topics
  • Post more than 10 replies


Get to trust level 1 by…

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Users at trust level 1 can…

  • Post unlimited topics and replies
  • Edit wiki posts (more on Wiki Posts Below)
  • Flag posts
  • Create links and video embeds to trusted websites like Blizzard websites, YouTube, or Twitch


Get to trust level 2 by…

  • Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially
  • Casting at least 1 like
  • Receiving at least 1 like
  • Replying to at least 3 different topics
  • Entering at least 20 topics
  • Reading at least 100 posts
  • Spend a total of 60 minutes reading posts

Users at trust level 2 can…

  • Have an increased “like” count.


Get to trust level 3 by…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of last 100 days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 500 topics
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 20,000 posts (both starting posts and replies)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)

Trust Level 3 users can

  • Create Wiki Posts (more on that below)
  • Post animated gifs, images, compatible video embeds, and links to any website

For regular users, even if you are Trust Level 3 on the Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, or BlizzCon forums, your forum stats and trust level will be different here.

Other Forum Features

Dev and Blizz Tracker Feeds

Developers will have their own special color now when they post, other Blizzard representatives will still display in Blue. With the launch of the Hearthstone forums, Forum MVPs will be in their jade green text as from before. Now the cool thing about Developer and Blizzard posts is that you can now track for recent posts by clicking on the Dev Tracker or Blizz Tracker feeds. This allows you to see only the developer posts in the threads they post in in a streamlined feed. Simply click on the title of the post to navigate to that thread.

Dislike Button Removed

The old forums had the dislike button which did not exactly do what was intended. The old dislike button was originally intended for posts that were primarily troll posts (eventually hiding them). However, the dislike button was often used to mark a post that the person simply disliked for whatever reason.

Flag a post to alert a moderator

The forum post report form is now gone since you simply flag a post that you believe violates the forum Code-of-Conduct. Simply click the flag icon then choose from one of the four options provided as needed. The post is then flagged for review by a moderator. You have a few minutes to undo the flag if you wish. Note that threads may be automatically locked for 24 hours if they receive enough flags among all posts in that thread.

DO NOT USE THIS FEATURE TO SIMPLY DISLIKE THE CONTENT OF THE POST. To help control unwanted flag spam for the moderators to sift through, all users have a very limited number of flags per day they can issue. So only flag posts that are in violation.

Post Images and Embedded Content

As mentioned before, Trust Level 1 and 2 users can post select links and embedded content from trustworthy sources such as YouTube or Twitch. At Trust Level 3, you have access to posting links and content from any domain of the world wide web. To post an image or a video embed of a YouTube Video or a Twitch Clip, Video or Stream. Simply copy the shareable URL of that content in its own line of text. Note that image content that is too large in file size may be prevented from displaying in the page (it used to be 3 MB but I know they have increased it from that).

If you are not authorized to post a link, you will not be able to complete the post with that link in there, however if you need to post a link if it is urgent, there is a little workaround. Simply wrap the link between two tick marks (`) to bypass the restriction and a code text line of the URL will display (but is not clickable). Here is the syntax for these advanced features:

Example of sharing card images:

This hyperlink will take you to the Hearthstone official website’s home page.

[This hyperlink will take you to the Hearthstone official website's home page.](

<a href="">This hyperlink will take you to the Hearthstone official website's home page.</a>

[url=""]This hyperlink will take you to the Hearthstone official website's home page.[/url]

Posting an image or animated gif to display in-line with other text.



FOR THE <img src="" alt="FOR THE HORDE!"> HORDE!

FOR THE [img="FOR THE HORDE!"][/img]  HORDE!

If you post a link, image, animated gif, video, or streaming video, in its own line on your post, the post will try to embed or preview that content directly. Here are a few examples:

Wiki Posts

Trust level 3 users can change their post to become a Wiki Post. This means once activated as a Wiki anyone can edit it. This can be helpful in making community strategy guides. Simply click the wrench icon on your own post and select the link to turn on the Wiki Post.


The new forums are extremely mobile friendly and if you have an Android device, you may be prompted when signing in offering to install a shortcut icon to your Android Home Screen. This will allow you to access the forums outside of your native web browser on your Android device. (This is not a full app by definition and still uses Google Chrome as the underlying browser platform.)


Heh heh heh … that’s adorable.

I’d really love to see it happen, but come on.


Thank you for the information! I like the new forum and love the trust system. :slight_smile:


I don’t trust you. You look at me funny…

1 Like

Looks like some rather standard markdown options.

No downvoting? Wow, you guys have gone full special snowflakes. Guess it’s too hard to have someone disagreeing with you.

Developers will have their own special color now when they post,

Ahahahahaha. We shall see.


It’s completely possible to disagree with someone without relying on a passive-aggressive button and anonymous score system. See? I’m doing it right now.


As if you could tell the difference in large thread.

Nice try protecting nonexistent egos.

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Nice that there’s now a quick way to view replies to a post, then.

Not sure what you think you’re saying but hey, at least you got to say it. Under the old system I could have just downvoted your comment and moved on, or you could have done the same to mine. Now we have to actually respond. I think it takes a pretty fragile ego to need an anonymous “disagree” button to hide behind.


It’s not fragile egos.

It’s called wasting everyone’s dang time when a stupid post can just be downvoted into oblivion.

Now, any idiot can use alts to make their posts look legit. And, you actually have to read the entire thread for context.

Nobody has time for that bs.

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As if that’s a good solution. Plenty of stupid posts get upvoted just because they support the popular opinion. The majority doesn’t decide what’s right; the majority is an emotional mob that picks the facts they like to hear based on the conclusion, and is easily swayed by the bandwagon effect. Letting them decide who gets the spotlight just means any counterarguments to the popular views, valid or even objectively correct, have to fight an uphill battle to be included in the discussion.

That was always true. But now if they want to legitimize a post through likes, it’ll be more obvious because the likes are now visible. And if they’re trying to do so through supportive comments, they’ll actually have to put more effort in than clicking a button.

It’s weird seeing this spun as a bad thing.


The majority is what makes them most money.

How nice of Blizzard to sacrifice some of their bottom line to ensure better diversity of opinions and therefore healthier discussions.

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It doesn’t cost much to host a place where Reddit is still the main platform being used.

Sacrifice lmao.

It makes next to no difference to us either way, so I’m really not sure why you mentioned it to begin with. The point I made was that “good for the majority ≠ good for the community as a whole”, and you answered with “good for the majority = good for Blizzard.”

So either you’re implying that “good for Blizzard = good for the community as a whole”, or you’re making a completely irrelevant claim.


Not my point. But sure.

And thus we see having conversations with likes of you don’t go anywhere. In fact, it’s just more bloat in the database.

Downvote and move on would have been much simpler than engaging in a pointless conversation.

Is there really some other takeaway from this:

Some other interpretation of “them”? Some conclusion you expected me to jump to? If you have a point, you should just say it. It’s not surprising a conversation goes nowhere if one person does so little to advance it.

Though I can see how a style of conversing like that might benefit from an environment where ideas just have to be popular, not necessarily well-argued.

I’d rather have my reasoning out on the table for all to see, than be conflated into a single number on someone else’s comment. If someone else wants to argue in favor of downvoting, I think we’ve both given them plenty of reason to speak up.

Keep up the pseudo-intellectual discussion that you are conjuring up. I never intended to have a discussion. Not with you.

Go back to answering and re-answering the same bug reports over and over again.

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If the goal was to make your case by presenting the kind of posts that downvoting was designed for, then well played. While I’m sure your too-cool-to-think attitude means you don’t care, I’d suggest quitting before you poison the well for anyone who wants to argue your point better than you did.


I made a comment. Not a case.

You came along and decided to argue, which is something nobody asked for. Go somewhere else to make you feel helpful.