Let's go new forums!

Heyoo what does everyone think about the new forums?


Yussssss everyone get in here


Are downvotes gone?
Btw the ‘at least 20 characters’ thing is quite annoying…

WyomingMyst, Overwatch Forum MVP here. I have a guide to the new forums that I will be posting soon. It will have everything explaining in just a bit.

Update! Here is the thread:


These forums are awful.


Why? So far I am loving the new forums! I even started replying to you…paused to go look at WyomingMist’s guide and came back to finish the reply! Pretty fun so far!

Nice fonts.

Support for HTML, you say?

very nice

If you like to see the full extent of what HTML can do on the new forum platform, take a quick peek at my Overwatch League match discussion threads on the Overwatch forums. (Not to promote Overwatch here directly, just want to show off the fancy HTML formatting.)

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I feel it using the same one as EVE Online use.

Which is good.

Anyway. Welcome to new forum everyone.

Functionality is good like telling you what posts are new and whatnots but they just dont look right. Its not clean and easy to read like other ones. Plus missing categories.

I really love new forum format, awesome :ok_hand:t2:

I don’t like it. Hard to maneuver. Took me quite a while to find out how to do a search. Older format was easier to read. Newer posts were foremost; older posts were in the back. And how come when I am typing a reply another window to the right is typing the exact same message? What’s with that??? Takes up more bandwidth on my computer to do that. Albeit not much but every little bit adds up. Would be nice if Blizzard left things the way they were. Like removing cardbacks. There were cardbacks that I used that are no longer available. Why did they do that???

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I am not a fan. Greatly dislike the endless scroll. Pages gave a certain pace (like Google, ever go to page 3?). Also, they killed the Tavern Brawl section which was it’s own interesting niche.

Actually having an awful experience using my phone (galaxy s9), not sure how it looks on pc, but I dont like it sorry