Wow highlander priest had Zephrys twice. Still lost


20 ChArActErSssss

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The whole HS community right now:

Wait, i can actually post link? POG

So, buff Zephrys is what I’m hearing here.

Accounts with trust level 2 (which are basically any mildly active account) can post links from “approved” sites (any Blizzard domain, and also YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, and possibly some others I’m missing). Still can’t link to HSReplay or Vicious Syndicate though :frowning:


the downgrade to lv 2 must be permament
werent you the one who posted about losing lv 3 like 6 months ago or was someone else

Bliz I can haz me some POGGERS posting yet? My trust got gud yet? Guess not. :cry: :cry: :cry:

No never buff Zephrys.

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I did lose trust level 3, but I also got a few suspensions since then. You can’t ever reach trust level 3 if your account has been suspended.

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Idk what you mean by account levels and all that. All i know is people constantly complain about priest here and decided to share my experiences and let you all know that it’s not hopeless!

So the good thing about losing to that is that when you play against a highlander priest next time, you’ll know that could possible happen again and you’ll be better prepared.

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That was in reference to DLMdD’s post. New users of the forum start at trust level 1, which means they can’t post any links to other sites. Once you’ve been active for a bit, you hit trust level 2, which allows links from certain specific websites. People active enough to hit trust level 3 (no small feat) can post links to any website whatsoever.

You can find more info on trust levels and other forum tools in the New Forum Guide.

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