Blizz action needed - Trust Levels on these forums need a COMPLETE overhaul

Where did you get a number for the amount of people who have TL3?

And is it really only 7 for this forum?

I had TL3 at one point, but I got myself a couple 24-hour suspensions (or bans?) and so I no longer do. Although I might have lost TL3 before that, since I was a lot less active during DoD than RoS/SoU or now.


same haha. oh well… i dont post much pic anw.

Same here. My Im so sick top 10 post, which I dint mean as offensive but got uber flagged, lost me trust 3 too and so Im meh like null too.

The thing is, I only had the one 24hr silence and that’s it. Sent in a ticket, after multiple replies said “it was possible to re-earn TL3”


infinitymin was saying that he lost TL3 at one point and he’s been put back on that list, recently, so it does appear to be possible to regain tl3.

Any response?

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Indeed. The absence of response almost a month later indicates, to me, that Blizzard dont want to foster a harmonious forum community, instead they prefer to foster a toxic one. Their actions fully support my claim, and I am no longer surprised. Not. Even. Remotely.

:yellow_square: for YOU!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

If it gives any of you hope, I got back TL3 today. Dunno whether the ticket I sent yesterday did anything, or I had just hit the read 20k posts from the last 100 days threshold, only now.

All the GMs could tell me (paraphrasing) was they cannot “confirm” the requirements for Trust Levels, and they couldn’t get in touch with anyone who actually moderates the HS forums.

Just do your best, be on good behaviour and make positive contributions to the forums :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue:

And read a lot of posts. That 20k requirement looks to be the hardest to maintain.

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??? More details ???

did you get your trust lv back? it shouldve been over 100 days ago knowing you couldnt post pics during the card reveal

No, but I’ve been actioned between then and now as well.

they are too severe with the punishment even minor offenses can take it away

Yeah - the trust system here is opaque and arbitrary. BOOO!

I’ve only ever posted one link and it was a link to another thread in the forums. I did not use it out of context nor do I believe I broke any of the rules at the time… For some reason I can no longer post links and I’ve been dropped to member.

Meh… guess people gotta do what they do

You only need the basic trust level to post links to trusted websites such as YouTube, Twitch, Twitter and these forums.

I also found out the other day you don’t need TL3 to post card images from

TL3 means you can post links and images from other sites such as Vicious Syndicate, Imgur, eg: your own screenshots from Hearthstone.


Probably it. I think it was a reddit post.

I want screenshots, you luddites.

Not holding you to any responsibilities, but as seen, the effectiveness of current system cast much doubt to players/posters.

Even as a MVP, I believe you also face similar dilemma during your posts.
As such, a very understandable situation where how this forum culture comes to be.

Good Luck have Fun, Stay Safe.