Time Warp in Wild

because there isn’t really any “emotional reason” to accept? That’s just how eternal formats work.

Maybe I’m stupid cause my brain doesn’t work right, but being mad that an eternal format isn’t balanced just seems dumb and like you are causing yourself grief for no reason.

You are probably quite clever and dominant on the logical aspect.
Others can be more dominant on the emotional.

That why we have engineers and artists.

and we probably can never answer why we are slaves to cats.

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Well, this will be my last comment on it and we can let the thread die.
I think Time Warp has warped the mage class in wild around it to a point that nothing else is viable, given the secret nerf.
I would love to see it removed and mage be allowed to have something else.
As nature hates a vacuum surely something else would become available at some point?

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I mean I’ve had my fair share of emotional complaints (on this forum for that matter), complaining about the dominance of sludge (before nerfs were announced) and the huge amount of push Blizz seems to be giving Rainbow DK, so don’t think of me as some cool headed genius. I just don’t understand why this is the thing that Mall is being a stick in the mud about.

I dont see why you cant continue posting if you have more stuffs to add or discuss.
No one are really disagreeing with you on game designs or such.
Some are just explaining why things are the way it is.

I cant answer of his/her behalf.

But If it was me, it probably my emotional release mechanism on my dissatisfaction. e.g. like how I create unrelated topics in forum.


And for the people and obviously the mods who don’t know:

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Well, It’s clear that others want to call me a troll and derail the thread. That leads to flags.
I’ll just let it go.
I still see nothing wrong with wanting the most polarizing card in HS dealt with.

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if it gets flagged it gets flagged.
i see no loss if you can get an answer to your question.

That was why they created WILD and Standard. In standard, you will not see ‘old’ cards unless they bring it back.

In wild,

Ok then. Ill just play in casual, since mage cant have anything but time warp in Wild, and whatever gets inevitably nerfed in Standard a week after release.
Thanks for the encouraging words.

And this is the kind of bullying and harassment that the mods allow here. 100% not ok, and people could just as easily not open a thread.

Yet abuses of the report system are allowed, yet post after post of targeted harassment are left up.


MFW when mage has three different viable decks for climbing in standard including the T1 Shaper Mage

I found another curvestone deck

The illegal frost dk xD

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We should learn and try to use more of it.

There is no limitations on which mode you must play, but understanding the differences between the modes allows you a better informed choice on what to expect.


Mall you could also play arena, mage is always a solid choice there.

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Time Warp need a change. Just like Priest new legendary which only grants only one free turn.

“Once per game” will destroy Time Warp, but I’ll enjoy it fall.

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the waygate should be a one durability location


They just need to unnerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Those who asked for that terrible nerf weren’t thinking of all the consequences.


Lets not and say we did.

I mean, its not like Quest Mage ever abused 2 cost SA, right?!?

Only way SA can go back to 2M is with a “but not less than 1” condition attached.

Totally agree.
Nerf Waygate to Once per game and revert Sorcerer’s Apprentice as to allow more interesting decks to show.

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Wild is impossible to balance. All the good decks are very one-sided and unfair and that’s by design what happens in an evergreen set when you have an increasingly large number of cards. And it’s only going to get worse with time.

If you want fair games with balanced cards play standard.