Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

i dont see why not, its practically copy paste pandas. Just when you do give me a really good story behind it


I’m working on several concepts for how and why they’d join.

Honestly though its not much story needed depending on the way you try to do it.

Some updates to the Stillpine tribes storyline and you could have the main basis covered.

Rope in a few other tribes to fill out some more stories, numbers and write a little bit of new stuff and I could make a very good and diverse setup for the furbolg as a playable race.

:honey_pot: :bear:


Victory or death!


The DotFather likes this. Indeed, he does.


I’m all for this and would definitely roll one it also seems like an alliance race. Since we are speaking playable races, I would love for the horde to get the Taunka as either a race or customization option. I don’t hear them mentioned much, at least not in a good while but I’d instantly play one.


I agree.

I’m a big fan of more ARs, and I very much think the furbolg would be a boon to the Alliance.

Taunka should be a Horde AR I think.

If you’re looking for more on them here’s their thread.


Been trying to think up druid forms for the furbolg and so far what I have is kinda boring.

Bear: a bear.
Cat: a bearcat. Honestly though I think this could look cool. Use the cat model and add some bear looks to it.
Moonkin: use the moonkin form but give it a bit of bear qualities. Kinda like how the Kul’tirans use that model but it isn’t exactly a moonkin.
Tree form: pine tree design to match Grizzly Hills.
Travel: Elk to match their mount.
Travel Flying: an owl fits them really well.
Travel sea: seal mixed with a bear.

Anyone else have thoughts?

:honey_pot: :bear:


Furbolg Druid flying form:

In all seriousness, those Druid forms sound like they’d fit very well. Not too sure what else would be possibilities, though it is something I’d have to think on.

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Seems fair enough.

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I think if their druid bear form references their culture or faith in some way (I’m assuming they believe in something), perhaps as some sort of manifestation, that could help the “bear form” stand out from their regular form.

I really like the pine tree idea for tree form.


They follow Ursoc and Ursol most.

As it happens both already have druid forms to represent them as of Legion.


Hmmm…perhaps a different approach then


I imagine they’d just make a less impressive bear form with slight differences to the Night Elven ones.

There isn’t any reason that the simple nature loving furbolg need something with pizzaz.

Perhaps adorned with feathers and pearl necklaces like the furbolg are now?


Yeah, I was thinking of the beaded look as well. Perhaps their bear form makes them more hulk-ish? Not sure if that’ll look cool or stupid, but I do like the idea of enhancing the look they have with the beads and feathers.


Blizzard could have some fun with it.

They’d never do it but a unique form of the werebear form would be really nice. Imagine many folk would flip their lids though. Lol

Hmm… I’m also trying to think of a good name for the furbolg faction.

Thinking the Furbolg Conclave. The scenario leading up to their becoming a single faction for the Alliance has them integrate several tribes together, but they retain their individual tribes under a council setup.


Thanks to Lancelot we have another class mockup: the hunter!

By Lancelot

Very nice!

Furbolg hunters are a important part of furbolg society often serving Ursoc both protecting their kin as well as providing food and leathers for the tribe.

:honey_pot: :bear:


And another one by Lancelot!

The furbolg Rogue!

By Lancelot

Now we don’t see Rogues much if at all among the furbolg (there are a few that stealth but they’re labeled hunters) but I’ve a concept I’ll discuss later about how they could be added along with warlocks in the lore.

That said I very much think that Rogue should be a class for all races regardless of that races ideology.

Thanks Lance!

:honey_pot: :bear:


Wow. You really took the time to write this all out. Beautiful job.

I wish they looked more grizzly bear and had a different look than the mage tower bear. Otherwise, ye :100:


Thank you!

I really like the furbolg and have wanted them playable for a long time. It feels great to work towards that.

When blizzard does add them I’m sure they won’t just plaster the Mt bear form onto Pandaren, so I’d imagine we’ll get something a little different.

The mockups are to show the potential for the race compared to what we have in game now and are not expected to be the in game playable model exactly.

I do imagine blizzard would work off of the furbolg we see in game to design an appropriate head.

:honey_pot: :bear:


Okay I was out all day so I couldn’t update actively but…

Lancelot has finished up all the class mockups through the Very Possible section!

Thank you Lance! Truly, this thread would not be what it is without you.

By Lancelot

The Monk!

While not seen among the furbolg I doubt it would be a hard sell. Their shamanistic nature would lend them well to this class and Ursol’s compassion and focus on balance beyond the physical would lend itself well to this class.

By Lancelot

The Death Knight!

I cannot imagine this class not being available given its just been given to all other races. Further furbolg have existed for a long time in both Northrend and Kalimdor. They’ve been around the Scourge and could easily have been raised in Arthas’ time. It also wouldn’t be hard for Bolvar to get his hands on plenty of them. So… for sure.

By Lancelot

and the Warlock!

Similar to the rogue I have a concept for this that I would like to talk about later but I think warlocks could fit for the furbolg given the proper lore lead up.

My general thought would have some furbolg that were attempted to be corrupted by the Saytr instead resist and learn how to use the magic themselves. Turning it on their corruptors and learning to pull the fel from other corrupted furbolg.

Again more on that later.

Amazing work and thank you again Lance!

:honey_pot: :bear: