[A] <Purveyors of Darkness> Sunday AOTC all DF raids Looking for More for TWW Season 2

< Purveyors of Darkness > is a weekend heroic raiding guild with a friendly and competent environment reformed from another long-standing guild on Whisperwind. We are currently looking for more members to expand our community, especially for our AOTC raid team in The War Within season two.

  • Main Raid Progression: AotC all raids in Dragonflight. We hope to add more players that want to improve both individually and with the whole team while having fun throughout the tier. We raid one night each week to balance between enjoying the content and fullfilling real-life duties.
  • Main Raid Schedule: Sunday 6-9 PM Server Time (Central). We know real-life obligations and expansion burnout are real. So one night per week would be a better schedule for the War Within.
  • Current Need: Any player with decent game knowledge and skill level that plays dps and/or can off-heal/tank is welcome. We will expand our raid team roster as much as we can in preparation for the first season of The War Within.

Outside of raiding, we have members actively running mythic plus dungeons together at various levels, as well as doing pvp content (arenas and BG’s) either casually or competitively.

If you find any of the above a potential fit for you, please contact me here, through btag: Yueh#11357 or via discord: Yueh#8552. Alternatively you can find us through the in-game guild finder. Looking forward to hearing from you!


i would like to join up just got back in to wow and looking for a good guild to join that’s active one I’m in now doesn’t really do any

Sure. Add me on btag so we can talk.

Okay got it

Would you be available to talk sometime this week?

Sure. I’m pretty much always around in discord. You can add me on btag too.

you guys still looking for an offtank? dont think im geared enough for main tanking

Yes. We do. Add me whenever so we can talk in more detail.

Hello there I’m a returning player new to this realm and I’m looking for a guild to call home and enjoy the new patch with. Your raid times and guild atmosphere are exactly what I have been searching for. Feel free to reach out to me in game on this toon. My battle net is Chakah #1972. Thanks and have a good one!

Err sorry I meant this toon :man_facepalming:

No worries. I’d be glad to get in touch with you.

Added you to my Btag, and the request will be coming from Saltsprey. I chatted with you about the possibility of joining the guild and setting up a trial run.

Thank you,

We finished raiding progression and are looking to form a guild RBG group as a fill-in activity before Shadowlands. Players interested in doing M+ or farm raids are also welcome to join us. Hope to hear from you soon!

Y’all still looking?

Yes, we are. Feel free to reach me through discord or btag if you’re interested to talk.

Patch 9.1 is less than two weeks away. We’re actively looking for more raiders to join us to work on achieving AotC once again in Sanctum of Domination.

Hi there - I might be a fit for your guild if you are still looking for a healer. Your raid times and guild atmosphere are exactly what I’ve been looking for in a new home. I am a Druid Healer with 9/10 Normal experience. I also enjoy running M+ and helping others out when I’m online and available. Cheers! - Shee (#1391)

Thanks for your interest! We’re currently full on healers but might need an extra one going into heroic since some of the fights this tier are quite healing intensive. I sent you a btag request. We can talk about more in detail if you would like to.

Our core raid team has decided to move to a new guild to continue raiding as of Aug 1. If you would like to reach the officers in the new guild I can still be a contact. Thanks for your understanding.

We’re at 7/10 HC after a relatively smooth transition to the new guild. Still looking for a few more decent dps to finish the tier strong and experience the content moving forward. Feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested.