Updated post, reduced it to only 1 rule change.
Was discussing it in another thread, that timing for fitting in a critical patch to stop OWL season 2 from just being an “eSports Shooter without much Shooters” in about a month and a half is probably too narrow.
But rather than the devs making massive fundamental changes to gameplay balance, without much time to really think it out, there is a much easier way. And it’s not hero bans.
Just rewrite some of the code in the hero select screen, and put in Role Limits:
- 2 Healers maximum per team.
Team Fortress 2 is perhaps the closest game there is to Overwatch. And they have limits in their 6v6 tournaments.
I.e. 2 max Scouts, 2 max Soldier, 1 max Demoman, 1 max Medic etc.
Seems like this would be a much safer and easier way to solve the GOATs eSports issue, without some rushed extremely volatile balance patches.
Postscript about Hero Bans
I think Role Limits is preferable to Bans.
That said, a ban system could work with the current hero roster. As long as Winston/Rein and maybe Orisa are unbannable. Those are the key heroes for Dive/Deathball/Bunker.
Otherwise we technically have enough offtanks,offhealers,mainhealers,damage, that you could ban any 2 of them and still have a decent functioning version of all the main composition types.
But I think a lot of pro teams would hate practicing on certain comps and heroes, only to have a key part of it get banned.