Players Who Want 6v6

Like I said, it’s been a hobby for the last 2 decades.

And currently I got one of the HellDivers 2 devs following me, where I proposed stun grenades and more generic ways to deal with Chargers. And I’ve had their CEO and one of the Gameplay Designers give me props for the ideas. I also accurately reported on how to fix the main crashing issue with Arc Throwers last week.

And this is all on top of brow beating a bunch of journalists and console warriors on making sure that Microsoft buys Blizzard on Twitter. Where I correctly identified the weaknesses in their legal argument and posted it to their executives.

I’ve also been trying to help all the notable former Blizzard staff get new jobs. Which incidentally, Overwatch’s former Loremaster got picked up by inXile today. Feels bad, I got him set up with the Respawn narrative team, and the next day Respawn announced layoffs on that project. But inXile looks super awesome, and apparently he worked with that team before when it had a different name.

Also the former Destiny 2 Community Manager thanked me for sending about 8k views to her tweets, and pointing out that she too is looking for work.

But otherwise I’ve had some level of communication with pretty much every Overwatch dev on Twitter. And 2 of the staff are following me back.

Heck, I even went to Disneyland with one of the executives on a different Blizzard project this last thanksgiving.