✅ [Quickplay] Opt-Out of RoleQueue

What if RoleQueue was optional for Quickplay.
But for instance,


That would be fun. I could play tanks forever!!! (I usually have to play healer sometimes)


Why not just only have it in comp?

Because the majority of players are in Quickplay, and 100% of new players are in Quickplay and would quit long before they get to Comp.

And if the game doesn’t hook new players, then the playerbase is going to shrink and wither.

And 4DPS,1Offtank,1Healer (at best) isn’t a good look for the “Game that’s supposed to be more team based than a BattleRoyale game”.


Better idea: Don’t have RoleQueue.


But why not? Solo queue would still be there?

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So… presumably, if you solo queue you can only select from the roles not already taken by people who elected a role. Is that right?

It’s a ‘surprise me’ button.

Those who went to solo queue would,

  1. Complain to Blizzard if they were in the same matchmaking as those who were in role queue. Most teams in solo queue would get rightly stomped if that were the case.

  2. If the queue matchmaking was separate they would complain that all the tank and healer players went to role queue and all they are left with are DPS players. They would want the role queue abolished so they may get more balanced games.

The 4th option would just be like normal Quickplay.
The idea would be that everybody has to intentionally choose not to use RoleQueue.

Which would boost the usage of optional RoleQueue to reasonable levels.
(Unlike say… LFG)

Yes please


But why is role que required to hook new players? It hasn’t for the lifespan of the game. When people first start playing I doubt they are think about forming function comps to win and are more focused and figuring out the characters and having fun.

As long as role queue teams are not matched with non-role queue teams, seems fine to me.

Can tell you now though, solo queue games will be sheer hell. But if that’s what you want…

Just have a standard 2-2-2 roll queue, select what roll you want to play as and click queue. Don’t have to make it any more complicated than that. And have the same rules for competitive as for QP. Then arcade can be the go-to mode to faff around and be 100% egocentric, as it should be.

Role Queue will improve the quality of gameplay in competitive. Don’t tell me you enjoy having 5 dps mains on your team who argue the whole match.

That’s part of Quick Play’s charm, the pure chaos of it.

Just introduce a Competitive ruleset no-stakes mode alongside Comp and QP.

  • Quickplay becomes completely random pub matches… the perfect environment for fast games and various skill levels.

  • Level 10 unlocks Normal mode which is Comp Lite without SR. This uses MMR.

  • And the Competitive unlocks at level 25 which introduces SR.

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Because SR is enough of a motivation for people to try. If they don’t try, SR will take care of it for you.

On the other hand, there is no intrinsic reason to try on quickplay. Forced roles would solve that. I’m in favor of a role queue for quickplay. I am against a role queue for competitive.

The problem with that is that the Competitive RuleSet without strong Leaver penalties wouldn’t be all that great.

Why would that be a problem?

There is no problem here. Comp Lite grabs all of the players that want a quick PUG Comp game, but also know they might want to leave half-way through because they got an IRL appointment in 12 minutes they should leave for.

The only people that leave in Competitive would be the griefers and players who think that losing 50 SR is better than losing some odd 20 SR. This enables the current report system to be laser accurate for Competitive and enforce leaver penalties FASTER.

Because solo queue teams would have compositions available to them, such as goats, which would not be available to role queue teams and may give them an unfair advantage.

There is not a reason to force a team to play specific comps in a casual setting. if the issue is people not trying forcing a playstyle is not going to motivate them if they already were unmotivated.