Is Microsoft's takeover a good thing?

Well I’ve “guessed” a large fraction of the changes in Overwatch.

Hanzo and Widow need a few changes - #56 by GreyFalcon-11737

I worked on a Tournament grade TRIBES 1 mod

I got about 40 changes into PlanetSide, including the exact layout of the interconnections on the world map.

I basically suggested one of the better features for Darktide.

And I can cite plenty of talks by Tom Cadwell, Sid Meier, Robin Walker, and Mark Rosewater, that disagree with the idea that every multiplayer game must be eSports-first.

But please, by all means, let me know about your extensive background in class based shooter design.

Because it sure sounds like you’ve never worked on a shooter, much less a PVP game.

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