Easy fix for leavers in the first minute of Comp:
(Or optionally the first 30 seconds)
Backfill a player from queue, reset the clock to 0:00, and put everyone in spawn.
30 seconds of skirmish, instead of kicking 11 players back to menu screen.
So enemy team gets to erase that quick 1 CP capture and all it costs them is one leaver? This is a terrible idea.
You’d prefer kicking 11 players back into queue?
4 of which could be DPS with lengthy queue times?
All for spite?
You see it happen already. You take first point quickly, and someone on the other team leaves immediately afterwards to try and save the enemy team the loss. It’s not a DC, they were fighting. It’s cheating.
All this does is enable those people more.
So short answer: yes.
And it’s not for spite.
Even if they effectively get a do-over.
It’s not like the enemy team is gonna fall for the same surprise tactics twice.
Kind of proving my point. Your team makes a good play and you take 1rst point quickly. Someone on enemy team leaves to queue dodge, match gets reset, and now the enemy team knows your strategy and can counter it for free.
They’ve got to figure something out. At this point punishments aren’t even a deterrent with how many alt accounts are floating around. I myself have 4 accounts I can just switch between if I really wanted to. I don’t, but I could ruin games all day and not even feel a punishment.
I’m not sure how effective increasing queue bans and making punishments “stick” longer would be. I’m also not sure if this would be a good solution, but at least it’s a starting point for discussion.
Personally I think the solution is to make people start caring again. Increase the quality of matches, give players more individual impact to reduce the feeling of “GG lost because of team”, make offmeta picks less “countered” by the meta picks to reduce the feeling of “GG lost because this idiot picked ___”, etc… but that’s a lot of different things to touch on.
Hopefully they address all of that before OW2.
I think a “ready” button everyone must click before loading in would solve a lot of problems too. A lot of people DC because they’re just afk. Dota 2 solved this issue by making every player “ready up” once a game is found so noone accidentally AFK’s out. If someone refuses to ready up, they receive a penalty and the match doesn’t start.
Would you have any complaints if it only applied to disconnects in the first 30seconds?
I’ve taken point 1 in 30 seconds. Look, it sucks, but this is a problem to which there are no good solutions.
He would likely be ok with your idea if it was his team that lost the person and point allowing him and his team to redo it. That’s how most people in this community are. They only like ideal if it helps them.
Wow, ok, eff you too. I would never queue dodge. I’d take the loss.
I’ve taken point 1 in 30 seconds. Look, it sucks, but this is a problem to which there are no good solutions.
How often in a month did that even happen though?
I’d be willing to bet that’s so infrequent that canceling out the problem off AFKers would far outweigh the few times you’d cheese out a capture on the first point in nothing-flat.
The point is that it’s something that is easily abused.
Look, stuff happens, people DC, it sucks. But if someone busts a stick right at the beginning of a Hockey game, they don’t restart the game. You just have to deal.
The match being cancelled is more than generous enough.
You’d prefer kicking 11 players back into queue?
how about yes, and tip it with priority q after ?
yeah this is a pretty idea. a do over would just mean everyone has to change up their strategy or else it’ll be a repeat.
also what if this happens multiple times? where its just a constant stream of leavers?
or even if its a whole stack
The point is that it’s something that is easily abused.
First off, you can’t even usually leave the spawn room unless 30 seconds have passed, so I don’t see how this is easily abused.
also what if this happens multiple times?
Just do it once.
If it happens a second time, it’s almost definitely not going to be because of an AFKer.
Heck, could even have it intentionally pick people who are in the “while you wait” queue. So you know they aren’t afk.
i never said it had to be an AFKer, what if its someone who has to go because of an emergency.
think of all the outcomes first
Yeah all disconnects or AFKs. Regardless of the reason
Heck, could even have it intentionally pick people who are in the “while you wait” queue. So you know they aren’t afk.
But would it be fair for the player getting thrown into a already running competetive game?
It should be handled like moba’s do it.
You play comp. You leave, the only option in the main menue would be to rejoin.
The game continues as normal. (you get a harsh penalty for doing so, restricting you from playing competetive for a while after this match is over.)
(maybe after the round or 1-2min the team with 1 player down is free to leave the game or whatever, surrender (only if its 5 votes (from 5 players))
Its a competetiv match between 2 teams.
Ppl in que are not part of the teams.