[BRAINSTORMING] - We need to fix hero pools, suggestions?

Have each team ban 2 heroes with one having to be a dps, making it so that only a max of 2 healers/tanks could get banned while always ensuring that at least 2 dps get banned.

Solution: Hit the “Delete” button

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You could do that but probably people would choose characters that are annoying to play against (Sombra, mei, symmetra). And not characters that are just overpowered atm.

Have we forgotten why Hero pools were implemented? It was to stop metas that you all swear matters at every rank from dominating.

It was to stop the Devs from dang near deleting heroes just because upper ranks got mad at who was meta.

Y’all get hero pools removed and you will regret it. The system needs tweaking sure, but removed is only ensuring DPS queue times will get worse and worse.

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Then allow them to waste their ban slots on heroes who aren’t actually OP. Eventually they will realize that it isn’t worth it. In the mean time you could play with friends to ensure that your team is using bans effectively.

It was implemented because the OW devs love shortcuts. They’d rather straight up remove heroes from play then brainstorm and work hard on ways to fix oppressive kits.


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Remove Doomfist

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I second this.

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“We need to fix hero pools, suggestions?”

We do? Speak for yourself.

I enjoy this game being more than Rein/Zarya/Mccree/Mei/Ana/Moira mirror matches. God forbid some poor soul…gasp picks BASTION! or…WINSTON! or BOTH TOGETHER! OH the humanity!

Hero pools forces people to get off the same stagnant 6 man comps and I enjoy it. The amount of baby rage I get when I play D.VA with Rein rather than just locking onto that Zarya teet…it’s unreal.

The playerbase and the forums are the same thing? They are not 2 different entities, it’s all the same game.

This would be the most beneficial solution. Removing it entirely will cause metas that stagnate, and having the rotation be different based on rank would cause more problems than it would fix. Given that the meta doesn’t exist below Masters, there’s absolutely no point in having hero pools for those ranks.

Absolutely not. This would create an even bigger problem. Players are inclined to bias, regardless of whether or not they’re pros. I can already see players banning heroes they don’t want to play against which would do absolutely nothing to change the meta. Would it be a waste of a ban slot? Probably, but it’s not like they’d care. They’d just push for more ban slots.

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Thats the point, you move away from banning heroes that the devs see fit and move to banning heroes who are strong/annoying in your rank and games. Why try to shake the meta the only 3% of players actually have to play it? If you want certain heroes to be guaranteed banned in your rank then play with friends so you can coordinate bans.

do you mean hero bans? hero pool is like all heroes we have, they are a hero pool for overwatch…what am i missing here

Hero pools is overwatch’s version of hero bans.

It’s a really easy fix

  1. Base hero pools on OWL pickrates
  2. Limit hero pools to Masters/GM/Pro games. (I.e. Both teams on ladder need above 3500SR average)
  3. Possibly announce bans an additional 1 week in advance of them going into effect, so that you reduce burnout on the OWL teams and staff.
    (Such that you end up knowing the current weeks bans and the next week bans at the same time)
    There’s a full 2 weeks before the ban goes into effect for a week
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Four heroes in particular would see bans almost constantly if it were left up to the players to decide. Brig, Doom, Moira and Sombra. The player base considers these four to be the most annoying heroes to play against. I don’t see how your idea would work well without creating an issue where people who enjoy those heroes can never play them in competitive because other players find them annoying.

Than you play with a group of friends you know won’t ban your hero or you learn other heroes.

And again, players can waste their bans on heroes they find annoying but eventually they will realize having annoying heroes in the game is better than having near overpowered ones.

The only two on this list who would actually get banned often are Moira and Doomfist. Above Diamond Sombra way get banned but it will mostly be Widow, McCree and Mei and below diamond Junkrat, Ashe and Reaper will get banned much more often than Sombra. Brig is rarely an issue for most people, she would be banned very infrequently at bronze to mid-plat, Moira would be banned much more often until diamond where Ana would be banned more often.

The heroes who would be most banned would be:

Doomfist, Junkrat, Mei, McCree, Moira, Mercy, Ana, Zarya, Rein and Hog.

Both forced 222 and hero bans are a godsend… for OWL and Contenders. For ladder, the only real way to fix that is deleting them from existence.

Because OWL matches were becoming repetitive, and it was boring the audience off from it?

Chuck it in the bin