Middle East Servers need to stop

The Middle East Server is the worst thing to happen to overwatch, where people are toxic 24/7 think they’re all top 500 players and just blatantly dumb. i have lost more SR on there than my entire time playing overwatch. which lead me to my final decision to uninstall the game. please bring back normal EU servers with 150 ping that was manageable. not a server where literally a silver player queues with a plat and ruins the game for everyone else.

EDIT: also arcade games take longer to queue than comp :frowning:

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Well Middle East servers were a highly request feature for Overwatch and I wouldn’t really it’s Blizzard’s fault there isn’t really anything they can do about the players but if you really do want to play on EU servers you could either switch the servers but if you can’t then try finding a friend that is from that server but if you can’t then the only other solution is to simply move to Europe but I know that last part isn’t really that good. But at least be thankfully that you do actually have servers in your region.

Are players in the middle east unusually toxic?

I’m from the middle east and I can tell you most of the players are brags who think they know what they’re doing. I’ve always wanted a ME server but I guess it’s true when they say be careful what you wish for :rofl:


Just use VPN, connect through stockholm, EZ Clap.

The irony is so strong…

I remember when people literally begged & cried for m-e servers and well well well…

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From my experience … really, really toxic. Every game I prev played had a lot of middle east people(played CA for like … 7 years :O) … I actually learned how to swear in Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish, and few more languages because of it :smiley:
It could be connected with the number of players(the more younger players, the more unnecessary personal life discussions), but what do I know …


More reason to keep them on their own server, right?

Yes, mostly people sick of being paired with/put against ME players every match when they should be getting matches with UK/EU folk instead.

The ME servers are the most sensible thing they’ve done, and I hope that doesn’t change.


I actually feel bad because I was speculating on ME server locations, then a few weeks later they are teasing ME servers…

Like there’s strong positives here, but some understandable negatives

I was thinking Qatar using GoogleServers, but they went with Bahrain about 100 miles away using AmazonServers.

ME players are some of the most toxic ive come across.

Im sure some of them are nice, but the majority ive played with are very angry, and very toxic

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Oh really? how about being able to choose the servers? that sound like a better option

Maybe they could do:

Europe (EU only)
Europe (ME only)

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I understand where you’re coming from. Every game I’ve had with ME players on EU has been mired with toxicity. Kinda glad it’s not so frequent anymore.

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Or they could, you know, give players the choice which server they want to play on. There will be a lot of casual ME players that like the new server, but other ME players should have the choice to go back to EU.

I’m sure many US players would like the decision to change which coast they play on. I know AU has a lot of problems with their server as well. Just let us choose…

tell me about it… ive always hated my ping but now i wish for the old one

Fun Fact: That’s every region and every server.

Not particularly sad about it if you ask me.

Games have been way less toxic for me in EU servers following ME servers’ introduction. Not to mention less hackers and games are generally fun.

I’m not complaining.

Call me racist or whatever, but it’s probably one of the most requested features players from that region wanted.

True enough from my experience too, I kind of feel sad for them.

Unfortunately, it’s the best option I can see.

Can’t you just queue with someone from EU? that way you will be put into the EU server, or other way around :face_with_hand_over_mouth: can’t figure out this random system.