✅ Competitive 222 vs Competitive Classic

A really simple idea.

Quickplay Classic is reducing Quickplay 222 queue times, by offloading excess DPS in QPC.

Why not do the same for Comp, and offload excess DPS in CompClassic?

Note: The specifics of this, is that CompetitiveClassic would be an Arcade mode, and have a separate SR system. Similar to LucioBall.

P.S. RobotWizard thought of this idea first. I’m kinda jealous.

comp is supposed to have structure.

One will be “who cares? throw comp”

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Comp classic will never get specific balance patches. Sooner or later it will completly break
Comp classic will turn into DM and rank will be meaningless


The structure is still there since you can still go role que, but it would give flex and dps players who dont want to wait an option they might prefer


Is QP Classic actually doing that though?

In QP Classic teams are still rather balanced, I haven’t had a match that didn’t have at least 1 tank and 1 healer on each team. It isn’t the 6v6 DPS clown fest people are making it out to be.

I think adding all these convoluted systems to an already rather convoluted system will only add more problems and won’t actually fix things. Why are people proposing ideas that will only continue to make the game worse? :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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If it’s getting more DPS than standard comp, and the matchmaking is looser and therefore faster (matching more DPS per match, for more matches).

Then yes, it’s soaking up excess DPS.

It is either going to split the tank/support community even more or it will be infested with dps only.
Doesn’t seems like a good idea in neither case.


If it soaks up a bunch of DPS off the Comp222 queue. Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

And Tank/Healer queue is already fast, so it could take a minor hit.

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Some tank/support players may prefer more freedom within the team comps. Also I doubt you want to play comp mode where one team gets a decent team comp and the other one gets stubborn dps that are not willing to switch.

+the whole reason 222 was added was because classic was getting out of hand and therefore the choice was already made.

And now people get to choose if they want that or not.

There’s still a sizable amount of people who do.


If you don’t like it then don’t play it rofl

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I’m just arguing against the idea. Having two separate comps won’t work.

Explain to me right now why it wouldn’t work.

Depending on the competitive mode a player favors, the one they do not care about will be “throw” competitive(knowing overwatch). One will be taken serious the other won’t. Separating the comp modes into 2-2-2 and non-restricted will increase the queue times for one and decrease the quality (if it becomes less popular) for the other. aka getting put against different sr that do not match.

This suggestion wouldn’t even fix things but add more to the current issues we have. I do not think having two comp modes is a good idea; just revert the current system from comp? We don’t need further separation.

Funny, people already didn’t play comp. It is more active now than it was ever before.

So, yeah, people where already doing it. Take your own advice, if you don’t like role lock, then don’t play Comp/QP. That simple.

Not going to happen. Ya’ll already have QP classic.

Obv nothing’s enough for this community it seems.

Way I see it.

With CompClassic,
you’d get more DPS in and fewer Tanks/Healers. You’d also have faster matchmaker for CompClassic. So that’s more DPS per game, for more games.

As for Comp222,
the Tank/Healer queue will go up, but it’s already really low. Where as DPS queue should to go down by a lot.

If Comp222 gets faster DPS queue, and less throwers (because they are in CompClassic). That’s a really good outcome.

Especially when there will be a good amount of people who actually like CompClassic, despite it’s flaws.

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Queue times are already too long. The game is dying. The only way to save it is to give everyone what they want.

Sorry buddy but the 30 minute queue times would like to disagree with you.

I mean, they already made the worst possible change. How much worse could it get?


Que times for YOU are long, and DPS que times aren’t…

30 minutes until you hit diamond - mid diamond as DPS. Tanks/support still get 1-2 minute que times until top 500. Which, top 500 players always could sometimes wait between 10 minutes and 2 hours for a game (have seen this on stream before).

So sorry bud, your hyperbolic lies don’t get you anywhere.